Come below, there is a very luxurious car waiting at the door, Piero and a few fully armed men in black standing in front of the car, a cautious face.

No way, the virgin's identity has been acquiesced by the razor of the king. She is the only woman who has been recognized after the princess. The mercenary regiment of more than 200 people is not so much used to make a name as to protect her.

More than 200 fully armed mercenaries were all sent out. No one knew it was for the king's razor. Like mercury, Piero is a brother of life and death who knows Yin Ziyu's temper very well. Although he knows that there are countless beauties around Wang, there is no one to replace the princess.

However, the mercenary industry has suddenly added a razor Glory Hotel, which has gradually become the most reassuring gathering point for the blades. It has even become a distribution center for news and a talisman for some wandering mercenaries to ensure their own safety.

All this comes from the majesty of the king's razor, and the person behind the scenes is Miss Song, who looks charming and cool.

The driver sent by the God of darkness is very respectful to Song Yi. He comes out and bows, respectfully letting her get on the bus.

Piero took the initiative to sit on the co pilot, accompanied by a female blade sitting in the back seat. The remaining two blades drove a car behind, and the two cars drove along the road to the Central Avenue of the city.


The speedboat has been floating on the sea for more than an hour. Nick set the automatic navigation, this just looked back to lie in the cabin of Mu Zhiyan.

Because of hypnosis, Mu Zhiyan will be in a state of chaos for about a whole day. In Luo Xiaolin's words, it is at your disposal. And when he wakes up, he will never remember what happened. In this short period of time, Nick can do whatever he wants.

Looking at that beautiful face and two attractive legs, Nick couldn't help feeling hot in his heart.

Reach forward two steps, the desire and impulse in the heart is restrained by reason. Mila is a girl with a stubborn temper. After six months of observation, he knows that if he forcibly does something to her, I'm afraid he won't be forgiven in his life.

I don't know what happened. Since the first sight of Mira, Nick, who has been living in a dark corner, has sprouted something that shouldn't appear in his heart - love.

In the past, he never believed in love at first sight, but from that day on, he was completely occupied. Knowing that I can't see my identity, I simply patronize the bookstore as an ordinary person and chat with Miss Mila under the pretext of reading.

Miss Mila's voice was clear and sweet, and every word flowed into his heart like a spring, which made the whole person feel much purer. This makes Nick more unable to extricate himself, sleep and dream are the figure of that slim and lovely person, and even since then all the women around him are driven away, want to start from the actual action, do one and the end.

But when he couldn't help turning his secret love into a confession, the girl in his heart suddenly turned into a frightened bird. She not only avoided herself on various occasions, but even stopped talking to him.

Nick used all kinds of means, including flowers, luxury cars, money, famous bags and jewelry. Miss Mila didn't even look at them. The pearls and gems that could make women scream were no different from rubbish in her eyes. On the contrary, the more he showed off his power and financial resources, the more disgusted Miss Mila was. She seemed to associate her with a man she used to dislike most. In the end, she didn't even have to be a friend.

Nick doesn't understand. Don't women like this? Why doesn't the universal approach work for this woman?

The more you can't get, the more you can't forget. Nick himself is in a daze. What I miss all the time is Mila's charming face and unparalleled figure. Since then, I can't put other women in my eyes any more. When I'm free, I'll have a wild imagination.

So in Nick's heart, he had imagined that he would enter the marriage palace with Miss Mila more than once. He thought it was true love, and he disdained to use all kinds of dirty means to get miss Mila's body.

What he wants is heart!

I'm going to spend my life with him and love his woman from inside!

Biting his teeth, Nick didn't make Luo Xiaolin's dirty behavior. Instead, he took a basin of sea water from outside, wetted the towel with water, and poured some high spirits on the towel. And put it on Miss Mila's nose.

After about ten seconds, Mu Zhiyan coughed violently and sat up, her eyes restored the light before, and she became nervous instantly.

Pushing away Nick, Mu Zhiyan stands up fiercely, but almost falls down because of the shaking of the speedboat. She grabs the door of the cabin and shows her panic in her eyes.Although he has just recovered, he has already seen the vast sea around him. He and Nick are the only two people on the speedboat. How can he not know that he has been hijacked?

"Don't be afraid, Miss Mila. I mean you no harm Nick stepped back two steps in a hurry and made his attitude that he would not infringe on him. He put his hands behind him and said, "I'm just helpless. You know my identity, there are all people who worship the moon court, so I can only take you away."

"What does it matter to me that you leave? Are you sick? " Mu Zhiyan yelled angrily, "there's everything for me. I have nothing to do with you. Please don't pester me again. It's absolutely impossible for me and you!"

Nixon's face darkened with urgency: "why? Because of that little white face called king? "

"It's none of your business!" Mu Zhiyan stepped back two steps. She looked at the distant coastline with strong regret. She murmured, "Yin Ziyu, I'll give you another chance. Last time you broke your appointment, when I was most lonely and helpless, if you could step on the seven color auspicious clouds to meet me, I would not care about anything about you and follow you willingly!"

After that, he slowly closed his eyes, two lines of tears rolled down from his cheek, twisted his body and jumped into the rolling water without hesitation.


Nixon's face was ferocious and he jumped into the sea crazily. This woman would rather die than be with herself, which makes Nick's pride turn into cold hatred.

Well, since you are so heartless, I will get you first, and then torture that man to death in front of you, to see who is the man you should choose most!

Just at the moment when Mu Zhiyan decided to jump into the sea, a huge ferry was rushing through the water with all her strength. The female giant stood in the bow with a sword and spear in her hand, and her huge cloak was hunting in the wind