The rise of the five poisons school is due to the fact that under the leadership of Hua Yuexian, they abandoned the past tradition of playing with poisonous insects, based on solid cultivation, awed the masses with shocking moves, awed the rivers and lakes with their top lightness skills, combined with a beautiful face and unparalleled master demeanor, which led the five poisons school to turn mediocrity into magic and ascend to the top ten schools.

A future successor, who was highly expected by Hua Yuexian and wanted to be saved even if he killed himself, did not follow her orthodoxy. Instead, he regained the past of the five poisons school and played a tricky trick. It has to be said to be a great irony.

Bai Wushuang, of course, also felt the change of attitude towards her. She bit her lips and said seriously, "this is the purified snake venom. It's colorless and tasteless. It's called" three steps to capture the soul "in our five poison sect's click."

Even if they couldn't move, the assassins could hear clearly and looked desperate.

Mercury immediately went to break the Assassins' teeth, checked them one by one, and looked back with a strange look: "no..."

Yi Zi came up and covered one of them's mouths. He slapped the man's chest with his internal force. The man's face turned red when the air flow in his abdominal cavity suddenly stimulated him, A black shadow about the size of a bean shot out of his nose, which was quickly caught by Yi Zi.

Yi Zi repeated as like as two peas, and got seven identical things. He held it in his hands and said, "this is something that monk family used to train when he used to knit the sky knife, and he stuck it in the nasal cavity, and the ordinary means couldn't find it. If you are caught or need to keep a secret, just suck hard, and the outer membrane will break quickly, causing death in three seconds. "

Finish saying this facial expression is dim, Yi son walks to Yin Zi fish behind, no longer make a sound.

Others look shocked, some heavy, the same silence, let the air in the room become extremely heavy.

Yin Ziyu lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth. He cocked up his legs and said faintly, "I think there's something wrong with it."

When others looked at it, Shi gongxuan frowned and said, "what's the problem? Instead of guessing, it's better to try the dead first. "

"Their words are useless. They are just walking corpses who have not been brainwashed. You can't ask them clearly." Yin Ziyu casually explained the reason why he didn't go to the trial. He tossed his legs and spat out a smoke ring. Instead, he became lazy. "Don't you think it's strange that even if these guys are from Shuangdao Meng family, why do they attack us? No injustice, no revenge, right? What's more, the reason why the Shuangdao Meng family and the single Dao Meng family draw a clear line is that their ideas are totally different. It's impossible to covet the abnormal killer training method of the single Dao Meng family. And as far as I know, the training materials of the whole single sword Meng family have been destroyed. "

"So these people just took two swords. There was only a little bit of sabre skill on the skill, but the internal power skill was totally different." Yu Qinghuai added.

At this time, they understood what Yin Ziyu meant. The assassin came and ran away. The purpose was not to kill them, but to cause conflicts between them and the Shuangdao Meng family, so as to drive away the wolves and swallow the tigers and achieve their own goal.


Mercury took a long breath of cold, curled his mouth and scolded: "mad, this chess game is not small, I have a big appetite. The Mayi sect, Sihai escort agency, Huashan sect and Skywalker group are all in trouble at once. The Shuangdao Meng family can't stand even if they are in the same boat with the other four sects. Hey, I don't know who is so cruel. I want to send Shuangdao Meng family into the abyss all at once. "

Mercury, this is no doubt the fundamental to say, people frown, do not know who is going to do this kind of thing. It seems that his mind is deep, but his technique is still immature. At least the other side didn't consider who the opponent was when designing the plot, and didn't expect that several assassins were totally taken away.

Shi gongxuan took an old function machine out of his pocket, pressed it on the top left corner of the mechanical keyboard, and then on the new number keyboard below. The phone immediately unlocked.

There is neither fingerprint identification nor password verification. This extremely popular unlocking method in the last century reminds Yin Ziyu of the old master.

Mercury, on the other side, looks at him jokingly. At the beginning, someone set up a great ambition and said that he would not use a smartphone, but now he is playing better than anyone else.

Shi gongxuan's mobile phone address book is just a few people. Yin Ziyu glances at it. The notes on it are very personal: cloud sea bald ass, Tianyun old ghost, Qianyu old lady

Although none of them had a good comment in his address book, all of them were bull people without exception. At least, he's a vice-president or something.

Yin Ziyu and others didn't feel much when they saw it. On the contrary, Bai Wushuang, who was sitting a little far away, showed his fiery eyes. This kind of social network is what she lacks most now. When can she make a free phone call with these sect leaders, she can achieve the most basic goal.It's just that it's not the time for her to think wildly. Shi gongxuan quickly finds the phone of Meng Changfeng, the master of Shuangdao's family, and dials it.

The phone beeped for a long time and no one answered. Shi gongxuan played several times in a row, but the result was the same. He put his mobile phone in his trouser pocket with a black face: "that old ghost usually answers the phone very quickly, and my phone never refuses. I guess either he's busy or something's wrong with him

Yu Qinghuai stood up and threw out two car keys: "it's better to have a look than to guess. Anyway, if we all want to meet, we'd better make full preparations. "

The car broke the silent night sky in the middle of the night and drove quickly towards the southwest.

Shuangdao Mencius is a hermit sect. They closed the mountain decades ago. They only send a few disciples out occasionally. It is said that there are also industries in reality, but they are very deep hidden. Unlike dadaomen, they want to put themselves on the table.

This is also normal. If every sect wants to survive, the minimum material and financial resources must be guaranteed. No matter what their industry is, as long as they do well, this is already the common default rule of the Wulin today, and no one will say anything.

The car stopped in the middle of the mountain. There was no road ahead. The rugged path was full of shrubs and towering ancient trees. We had to walk up.

Shi gongxuan, like a wise old horse, took all the people over the mountains. After several mountains, he never saw the shadow of Shuangdao Meng's residence. If we don't all have martial arts skills, we may be too tired to fall on the ground