Xiao Qiang's eyes were fixed on the small iron ring under the floor. After hesitation, he said in a voice, "Jingyi, this small iron ring is likely to be the trigger device of some mechanism. If you can leave here, it depends on whether it is an escape device... You stand away, be careful of the danger."

"Xiao Qiang, you should also be careful and pay more attention." Zhang Jingyi stepped back two steps, not because she was greedy for life and afraid of death, but because she was afraid that being close to Xiao Qiang would become a burden to him, for fear of adding trouble to him.

Xiao Qiang reaches for the small iron ring, breathes deeply, turns his head to smile at Zhang Jingyi, and suddenly pulls the iron ring to the front of his body!

"Boom..." after a slight earthquake, not far from Xiao Qiang's side, the shape of Narita's characters all loosened. With the sound of the mechanism, these stones fell down one after another, forming a square opening!

When Xiao Qiang and Zhang Jingyi looked down at the entrance, they found that it was dark inside, and they couldn't see the bottom at all! He didn't give up and took a flashlight to shine, but the light was limited after all, so he couldn't shine what was going on below.

They looked up at each other, their eyes full of helplessness. No one thought that this mechanism would be such a result after it was started. What's this?

Xiao Qiang's face is dignified. This mechanism is their last hope, but no one dare to jump down without knowing what's going on in the passage? What if there's a trap? Isn't that nothing to die for?

After hesitating about the meeting, Xiao Qiang used the aura of heaven and earth to turn on the functions of the clairvoyant eye, the ear and even the nose. He just wanted to see what the terminal point of the bottomless downward passage was. Unfortunately, although the perspective eye can perspective, but there is also a distance limit, even if you see the limit distance, it is still dark.

"Wait! I seem to have heard something... "Just when Xiao Qiang was depressed and wanted to give up, the function of shunfenger made him hear a sound from the bottom of the passage! After listening carefully for a long time, he said in a joyful voice, "I can hear it. It's the sound of water! There should be an underground channel under this passage! "

"The sound of water?" Zhang Jingyi listened strangely, but found that she couldn't hear any sound at all. She frowned and said, "Xiao Qiang, you won't hallucinate, will you? Why can't I hear anything? "

Of course, Xiao Qiang can understand why Zhang Jingyi can't hear anything. After all, he has the ability to follow the wind and hear distant sounds. But of course, he would not say it. He said with a smile, "it's not that I have hallucinations, but that I have developed my hearing since I was a child, which is more powerful than normal people, so I can hear voices that ordinary people can't hear."

"So it is... If there is an underground channel under this passage, is this the escape passage of the underground palace?" Zhang Jingyi said that, and some worried, "maybe we can't find the exit when we jump down, and we will be rushed to an unknown corner by the current. After all... It's been a long time here, and no one can guarantee that the underground waterway will not change its course... "

When Xiao Qiang heard this cold sweat, he fell down. It's true what Zhang Jingyi said. It's been hundreds of years. Who knows if the underground waterway has changed? If it changes, there will be deviation. If it really jumps down, it will be washed into the underground world, and there is no possibility of survival.

Now we are faced with the dilemma of whether to jump or not? But this is also a false proposition. In the current situation of the two people, is it up to them to choose? If you don't jump, you will die of hunger and thirst in this underground palace. Jump, maybe there's still a chance to survive!

Almost soon, Xiao Qiang made a choice. He held Zhang Jingyi's hand tightly and said, "Jingyi, now we have no choice. We have to jump down. Even if there is any danger, we have to gamble! Stay will only be a dead end, jump down may have the possibility of survival! Will you... Live and die with me again? "

Looking at Xiao Qiang's sincere eyes, Zhang Jingyi felt that her whole heart was melted in an instant. She shed excited tears, bit her pink lips, showed a frank smile, and nodded her head forcefully!

"Well, let's break through the gate together! Let's see if God wants us to die or live! " Xiao Qiang tightly hugged Zhang Jingyi's delicate body and said in a soft voice, "hold me tight, baby!"

Zhang Jingyi trembled all over, her hands tightly around Xiao Qiang's body, and closed her eyes as bright as black pearls! To die together, to live together, this pleasant and exciting experience, let the original quiet life in the city for a lifetime of her experience of unprecedented spiritual impact. It is also this kind of life and death test, let her whether it is willpower or resistance are strengthened a lot, can live and die together with the man she appreciates, she is willing!

Xiao Qiang takes a deep breath, hugs Zhang Jingyi's delicate body tightly, and kicks his legs without distractions!

Their figures instantly fell into the straight channel and disappeared into the unknown dark abyss in the channel


"Oh, Xiao Qiang is a real boy. You can't be too wild with a girl. It's almost afternoon. There's no shadow. People don't know where to go. Isn't it dangerous?" Zhang Cuihua anxiously sat in the hall, with a worried face.

Zhang Tianzheng, the grandfather next to him, was smoking and frowning. After the meeting, he said, "Cuihua, don't worry. Xiao Qiang is a steady boy. He won't do anything serious. Dongtou mountain is too big. It's not so easy for them to hide in any forest. Maybe I lost my way for a while and didn't find it. Your brother Zhang Sheng and I found a piece on the mountain. Considering that there are too few people and the scope is too large, why don't I go down the mountain first and ask the villagers to go up the mountain together? Don't worry. There are no wild animals in this area. Xiao Qiang is good at it. It's impossible that something will happen. "

"Well, Dad, I'm really troubling you..." Zhang Cuihua felt relieved when she heard this, and took the initiative to get up and said, "I, I'll go with my mother to prepare dinner. Xiao Qiang and they can eat when they go down the mountain."

"Well, you go ahead." Zhang Tianzheng nodded. After seeing Zhang Cuihua go to the kitchen, he said to Rong xuanhai, who was sitting in the hall, and other relatives surnamed Zhang who were going to search the mountain, "Xiao Qiang, his mother has gone. I have to tell you something. In fact, there is something hidden in Xiao Qiang's disappearance. It's not convenient for me to say just now. "

"What's the secret?" Rong xuanhai said nervously, "Lao zhangtou, do you mean... Your grandson is not lost?"

"I don't know, but when I was working in the mountain, I heard a place on the mountain that seemed to explode, and the ground shook a few times. However, due to the distance, I only know the general location. I don't know if Xiao Qiang disappeared because of the explosion. " Zhang Tianzheng said of this, worried, "I suspect... They may have met bad people."

Rong xuanhai a listen, in the heart suddenly nervous! Zhang Tianzheng's words immediately reminded him of the killer of ghosts. Is there still a ghostly eye liner under the mountain? They have laid hands on Xiao Qiang. Thinking of this, he quickly denied it. Indeed, if there is a killer, it should be aimed at him. How can we find Xiao Qiang's trouble?

"In any case, we must find Xiao Qiang!" Zhang Tianzheng sighed deeply and said, "let's go. Let's go up the mountain to find someone right now!"