The handwriting looks a little fuzzy. It looks like it was written by Lin Jingxue when she was a child. This is the little girl's grave“ Pleasant, you brought me to such a place in the evening to find this? "“ Um. "“ What are you looking for? " Wen Yiren magically took out a knife from his backpack and "planed the grave."“ "Are you serious?"“ You don't think I'm human, really? " At night, did you bring her to dig the grave, or to dig the grave at random? Are the beauties so... Weird now? A knife into Jiang Yurun's hand, he stood next to the command, "start digging from here."“ Why don't you dig? " Wen Yiren chuckled and threw a wink, "because I'm an actor, I can't hurt my hand!" "..." So she had already made up her mind, which was for her to do hard work“ If I dig someone else's grave, will the master come to trouble me? "“ No. "“ Why? "“ Because you're ugly. " How angry! I want to wave the knife in her face. Seeing Jiang Yurun's gloomy eyes, Wen Yiren smiled, "I'm kidding. You help me get rid of the grass on the grave. I promised others to help." Jiang Yurun breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought you really wanted me to dig the grave. At this time, I'm afraid it's just us." In fact, she really simply felt bored and wanted to find someone to accompany her. If Xu Xu had the goods, she wouldn't find Jiang. Jiang Yurun was weeding very seriously. Wen Yiren hung his chest with one hand and dragged his cheeks with the other hand. He swayed around the grave very seriously. She was absolutely sure that the grave was empty. Even, there is no breath of Lin Jingyu here, so Lin Jingyu hasn't been here from beginning to end. The random burial mound looks terrible, but it is also the most harmonious place. Different from those wandering ghosts, the ghosts here gather together and start to imitate human life. For example, the ghosts on bus 444 actually think they are still alive. That point is exactly the point where they left work before they died. The really terrible ghost is Lin Jingyu“ Ginger, we can go. "“ So soon? " Pick eyebrows, take time to look at Jiang Yurun, "don't you want to leave and want to spend the night here?"“ How can it be? I just haven't finished weeding. "“ No, it's OK. I heard that there will be a parade of ghosts at midnight. Once you're found, you'll be trapped here forever. You still have more than an hour at twelve. Are you sure you don't go? " Jiang Yurun hurriedly threw his knife on the ground, got up and patted the dust on his clothes. "Go, go now. I'd rather believe it or not."“ Eh, there's a grave in the back. " Jiang Yurun got up with a flashlight and was suddenly surprised. Wen Yiren looks at it. Behind Lin Jingyu's grave is a huge tree with overgrown weeds. A small grave bag is hidden inside. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it. The familiar breath rushed to her face in an instant. There was a corpse in the grave. She had touched the owner of the corpse! Without thinking about it, he pushed aside the weeds and walked over. On the small grave lay a stone tablet engraved with the words "he Zixin"“ This can't be he Ziqin's sister! " Jiang Yurun exclaimed and suddenly shook his head, "no, the he family is so rich that it is impossible to bury their daughter in such a place." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.