Lu Zhi left in a hurry. Wen Yiren wanted to say that she had a suitable candidate“ Well, pleasant, then your reward this time is to judge Lu! "“ Yes, boss. " The king of hell looked at Xu Xu again, "Xu Xu, do you really want to experience the feeling of being a person?" Xu Xu replied without expression, "No."“ Why? "“ Just don't want to. "“ You have to give me a reason! "“ There is no reason, simply do not want to. " The king of hell took a puff from the corner of his mouth, "forget it, it's up to you. OK, let's continue. Next, let's talk about the situation of various departments..." the king of hell talked for a long time, and the sleepers listening to Wen Yiren came. That's why she's not happy to come back to this recognition conference. She has been bored for hundreds of years. She really doesn't want to be bored this year. When the commendation meeting was over, almost all the ghosts and ghosts present fell asleep. Wen Yiren is dreaming. In her dream, she saw the woman again. She was lying in the hospital, surrounded by her doctors, with cold instruments in their hands. She looked helpless, with tears in her eyes and her hands clutching the sheets. Wen Yiren can only watch and give the woman an injection. She wants to stop it, but she finds there is nothing she can do. Breathing seems to be difficult at this moment. The needle seems to hit yourself. She tried to suppress the tears that would burst into her eyes until she gradually lost consciousness... "Pleasant?" Xu Xu noticed that the warm and pleasant breath was unstable. She got nervous and hurriedly shook her, "pleasant, wake up." Wen Yiren didn't seem to hear it and didn't respond at all“ Boss, she seems to be in a nightmare. " The king of hell quickly got up and walked over, opened Wen Yiren's eyelids and looked, "she's dreaming. Yiren is now a human body. Even if the wheel soul goes out of the body, she can't fully adapt to the smell of hell. In addition, she has drunk the wine of the dream weaver." Xu Xu recalled it carefully. It seemed pleasant. He began to dream often, just after meeting Lance“ I don't know whether lance helped her or hurt her. "“ It depends on Yiren's choice. That person is too obsessed. The marriage between Yiren and him has not been cut short. "“ Boss, it's not good to let Yiren go on like this. Why do you have to remember the unpleasant memory? " The king of hell looked at Xu Xu meaningfully, "did you drink Mengpo soup?" Xu Xu was stunned and smiled gently, "what does it matter whether you drink or not? I am Meng Po. In the future, unless I am destroyed, I will always survive as Meng Po."“ Stubbornness, you send pleasant back. It's not a good thing that her soul has left her body for too long. " When Wen Yiren woke up, he found himself in the room. Subconsciously reached out and touched his cheek. His hand was cold. She's trapped in a dream again. Is lance the ghost? But isn't lance solved by Xu Xu? Forget it, if lance tampers with the ghost, it can also be explained that it is always the same dream. He got up and was ready to pour a glass of water. Suddenly, he found an exquisite porcelain vase on the bedside table, under which a note was pressed. On the note, there is a beautiful font‘ The boss asked me to give it to you. After eating it, the soul can come to hell without leaving the body. " From the boss? Open the cork and put a pill the size of a nail cap in it. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.