Xu Yi openly named her name on her microblog. It was an instant uproar. In addition, Wen Yi won the award before she was announced to participate in the new film directed by Steven‘ God, Wen Yiren is so disgusting that he destroys the three outlooks. "‘ Shit, it's terrible. Even if it's an ex girlfriend, people's president he has married Yi. "‘ Our family's fate is bumpy. First Xu Yuan and then Wen Yiren. Yiyi doesn't cry. You have us. "‘ Is it true or not? Wen Yi is not well. He has publicly said many times that he has no feelings for president he, and we Nanche male gods have no chance to get back together. President he, I don't think there is a handsome male god, okay? "‘ It's too hasty to conclude from a few photos that Wen Yiren is a junior three. It may be that President he is still in love. Who calls Wen Yiren so beautiful? " Wen Yiren couldn't help praising several netizens who helped her speak. When she landed at home, Hugh was the best. Don't go to hook up with he Ziqin? She's not funny anymore. Be positive, right? Well, who's afraid of who. Wen Yiyi replied. Wen Meimei V: Miss Xu is really good at acting. You've been behind me. Don't think I don't know, but I'm too lazy to argue with you. Now you want to continue, don't blame me. You're welcome. By the way, if you do a lot of things, you're most likely to be entangled by ghosts. Miss Xu must be careful. Wen Yiren and Xu Yi argued on the microblog. Of course, Xu Yi's ability to sell miserably is first-class. With photos, most fans still choose to believe Xu Yi. Lu Shixiu came out after taking a bath and saw Wen Yi sitting on the sofa“ What's the matter? "“ Xu Yi is a demon again. It's all right. I can handle it. " Taking advantage of the situation, he picked up his mobile phone and logged in to the microblog. Lu Shixiu frowned suddenly“ I can handle it. Don't interfere! " Wen Yiren couldn't help telling him“ OK. " Decisively called Fu Qing and sent her the recording of Xu Yi's loving conversation with he Ziqin in the lounge of orange entertainment. In less than half an hour, Huaiyu guanbo announced the recording. Huai entertainment media V: we have officially handed over Xu Yi's slander of our female artist Wen Yiren to a lawyer. Wen Yiren is not the third party involved in the feelings of the president and his wife of he's enterprise. On the contrary, the real third party is Xu Yi. As Wen Yiren's best friend, Xu Yi uses Wen Yiren to approach president he and lives in the company openly. The following is the recording evidence. The one-sided public opinion was broken in an instant, and many netizens said that the melon was becoming more and more wonderful. Of course, Xu Yi's brain powder came out to wash white and said that the recording was computer-generated and false. Xu Yiyou personally sent a microblog to clarify and asked Wen Yiren to apologize. Xu Yi is an invincible woman.. Wen Yiren couldn't help but drill through the network cable and beat Xu Yi. I'm so angry. It can still be washed like this. Her brain powder is also wonderful. Now, public opinion accounts for half. Some people support Xu Yi and others support Wen Yiren. Xu Yi began to divert her attention and use her abortion to win sympathy. Xu YIV: I'm devastated by the loss of children. I don't know what I've done wrong. I love Ziqin, so I choose to calm down everything in the past. It's pleasant and beautiful. I can understand it when I'm liked. It's just that he Ziqin is married. Why hold on to the past? This novel has been translated by www.novelhall.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.