The ninth dragon scale (10)

Qi pan recovered slowly from an uncontrollable tremor. Although her lips were broken, they didn't bleed. The blood in her body wouldn't flow. Others couldn't hurt her. Only she could. But even so, the wound heals much faster than ordinary people.

But this does not prevent Tang Shenbai from pitying her. He closed the door with his back hand, kissed her little face and whispered, "did you go out to find me?"

He knew how afraid she was of strangers“ I'm fine. I'm sorry to worry you. "

Qi pan shook his head, put his arms around his waist and didn't speak. Tang Shenbai picked her up and put her on his thigh, which was close to her forehead“ Someone will invite us to dinner in the evening. Do you want to go? "


"The girl I saved is also from country Z. if you don't want to go, we won't go."

Qi pan shook his head again, "go."

It's really not a happy thing to be with her. He wants to stay away from his relatives and friends, fly away with her, and even stay away from all friendly strangers, just for fear that others will find out her secret. It's really unfair, Qi pan thought.

Because it's a long lost contact with people, Qi pan dressed up carefully before going out. She was already very beautiful, and her body radiated her beauty incisively and vividly. Her delicate and young skin looks bulletproof without any maintenance products, making her whole person as lovely as a porcelain doll. It is precisely because of this too beautiful appearance that whenever she appears in front of people, she always attracts people's attention, which is why Qi pan doesn't like to go out more and more. In the past two days on the cruise ship alone, several foreign men with lofty noses and deep eyes accosted her. If Tang Shenbai didn't feel it in time, she didn't know how to deal with it.

She didn't dare to say a few more words, for fear of being seen that she didn't breathe at all.

"Do I look good?"

Tang Shen's eyes were full of appreciation. He took her little hand and touched her cool ears. "It's nice."

Then he added, "I like it very much."

Qi pan blushed. She hugged him and couldn't let go. "Can you ask me to dance later?"

Her eyes are bright, because it has always been her dream, but she has never had such a chance or qualification in her previous two lives.

"Of course." Tang Shenbai thought for a moment and said, "but I'm not good enough. You can't have an opinion."

She nodded with a smile. How could he not jump well? He knows everything, learns everything quickly, is honest, gentle and gentleman. She has lived so long that she has never seen anyone better than him.

But the dance didn't succeed in the end.

They made an appointment to have dinner in a very famous restaurant. The beef chops in this restaurant are particularly famous. The environment is quiet and elegant. The restaurant is filled with melodious and moving piano sound. Tang Shenbai led Qi pan to their table under the guidance of the waiter. Qi pan finally met the "very polite compatriots" that Tang Shenbai said.

That face is so familiar.

Qi pan whitewashed her face at the moment she saw it. The overwhelming shame and shame drowned her like the tide. She felt like a thief stripped naked and opened to the sun for people to visit. All the meanness and unbearable were mercilessly uncovered, leaving only scars.

She sat down like a string puppet and listened rigidly to Tang Shenbai talking to each other. In fact, she didn't listen carefully, because her remaining strength was trembling, and her teeth trembled with cold, which was ridiculous.

"Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom." Finally, Qi pan couldn't stand it. She left the table with her last courage and composure. Tang Shenbai wanted to send her, but she refused. She hid in the toilet compartment alone, biting her wrist hard, her teeth through the skin and flesh, and almost touched her bones. If only she could feel the pain, then she wouldn't be so sad.

She has completely spent her makeup to go out, but she can't stay here too long to avoid Tang Shenbai's worry. Fortunately, Qi pan brought her mobile phone. She hurriedly washed her face with cold water and quietly left. On the way, she sent Tang Shen a message that she was a little uncomfortable and went back to the hotel first.

She cried like a stupid fool on the foreign street where people came and went.

Long, long ago, when she first left him, she cried like this in a place where no one knew her. Then she went to the bakery on the corner to buy a doughnut and ate it with tears.

Qi pan often thinks, why is there no one in the world to love her? My mother had no one in her heart. My father rebuilt the family. When my mother died, she clung to her stepfather's hand. Everyone connected with her blood didn't want her. There was no her in every heart. It seemed that she was redundant everywhere. She tried hard to make herself cheerful, but no matter how many places she had been and how many people she had helped, she didn't feel it.

There were frequent wars in the field, and the volunteers with her were concerned by their families. Every time a war broke out, they would immediately call home to report safety. When they were hijacked, others were scared to cry, and only Qi pan was very calm.

Because even if she died here, she wouldn't hurt anyone's heart.

She has nothing.

Maybe even now, she still is.

When Tang Shenbai received Qi Pan's message, he said sorry and came back. When he saw her staying in the room, he was relieved. He just couldn't help nagging. Qi pan listened to him nagging himself and opened his godless eyes: "I'm sorry."

I'm really sorry.

Who said that sorry as like as two peas, or with the wife of Tang and Shen Bai?

If she didn't come out of that forest, they would still meet and fall in love in this life, right? Get married and have children. Now all this has been destroyed by her, and Qi pan has become such a despicable sinner. Why should she rob? Why should she stay with Tang Shenbai? If he was not her in the first two lives, there should be no accident in the third life.

"Why apologize?" Tang Shenbai was softened by her. He was just worried that she would leave without saying a word. It always reminded him of the five years haunted by dreams. He didn't want to lose her again“ Tell me what's on your mind, okay? "

Qi pan sat on his lap, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for you." Tang Shenbai sighed, "pan pan, why are you unhappy?"

"Will you like her?"


"That person, will you like her?"

It took Tang Shen more than ten seconds to realize that she was talking about the woman of country Z who had dinner together at night. He narrowed his eyes and was rarely unhappy with her: "am I such a person in your heart?"

Qi pan bit his lower lip, but Tang Shenbai broke his chin, and then put his fingers in: "even if it won't hurt, don't bite."

He seemed to understand what she was upset about“ Pan pan, I want you to look into my eyes and listen to me carefully. "

At his request, Qi Pan had to raise his head and look at him. His eyes were very gentle and mixed with some other things. What was that? Qi pan can't understand. She has never seen her little uncle show such eyes. He is always gentle and tolerant, and is kind to everyone.

In fact, Qi pan didn't know that he seldom smiled after her death.

He always drove to the bridge and looked at the river that had swallowed her. Her love remained in the world and turned into steaming water vapor. Even if he lost consciousness, he was still attracted by him and gathered around him faintly.

"I am an adult who can think independently and be responsible for my actions."

Qi pan looked at him without knowing why.

"I know who I'm interested in, who I like, who I'm willing to pay for, and I know every decision I make."

His kiss fell on her trembling eyes, soft and warm“ Didn't you say that? I only love you. At least in my life, I only love you and won't be moved to anyone. You are the only one I want to spend the rest of my life together. I am willing to do anything for you. I think we are very happy together. I feel satisfied and happy every way I walk with you. Only you can bring me this feeling, and no one else can. "

Yes, except Qi pan, no one else can.

Later, Qi pan really spent the rest of his life with him. Even if she can't fulfill her wife's obligations, when Tang Shenbai is old, Qi pan is still as beautiful as ever. Many times strangers feel incredible to see them snuggle together, but in Qi Pan's eyes, he is still her beloved little uncle.

"Pan pan, you said, will people have the next life?"

Qi pan answered softly, "there will be."

"Then I want to be with you in my next life." He held her hand. Compared with his delicate and greasy hands, his hands were like dead wood and full of twigs.

"... well, if I have the next life, I will find you and stay with you again. You have to wait for me."

He nestled in her arms, slowly closed his eyes, looked at the boundless sea in front of him, and his tears fell a little.

Qi pan picked up Tang Shenbai. The ship was drifting around without direction. She looked at the unfathomable sea, smiled and jumped down with him.

Sorry, little uncle, I have no next life. I've been very happy in this stolen life. In the future, there will never be Qipan, nor will anyone harm you all your life, let you be so worried, let you leave your hometown, and let you sleep with me in the sea.

It took me three lifetimes to finally dissipate from the world. I won't entangle you anymore and set you free.

But she didn't hear Tang Shenbai murmuring before closing his eyes.

He said.

Pan pan, I don't want to forget you.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.