19th dragon scale (V)

After the fifth day, you can move. Linglong starts school on the tenth day. Wen Yi plans to move home on the fifth day, clean up and see if there is anything to buy. They moved very easily, because the house they lived in before was rented, and most of the furniture was brought by the landlord. Among other things, Wen Yi slept in a noisy bed.

The new home has been decorated according to Linglong's favorite style, and all the furniture has been renewed. She likes Linglong's bed very much, and Wen Yi moved it to her again. With a new home, Wen Yi's mood is much better. You can see from his expression that it's as warm as spring.

The arrival of the new semester means nothing to Linglong. She gets up early every day, and school life is as boring as ever. She can't play with those young students, and she's too lazy to listen to whether they love or envy. Girls are willing to start isolating her together. Ordinary girls can't stand it long ago. In fact, they don't use very clever means, However, in one's teenage years, when one encounters such malice, a little makes a lot, which is easy to cause mental collapse.

But dragon lady... Even if she pretends to be cowardly and timid, she will never suffer a loss. If anyone dares to scold her and tell her to know, she may swallow it face to face, but she will definitely retaliate thousands of times afterwards.

Yes, it's just that you have such a small mind and you must repay for your kindness.

Linglong is still alone in school, not with others, what goes to the bathroom together, whispers together, goes to the canteen and so on. She has never had anything that will happen to girls. She sat in the classroom and was still calm, as if the girls were isolated and excluded from her. She didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

True or false!

The most interesting thing is that before Linglong transferred to school, there was a girl from the countryside in her class, probably because she seldom spoke Mandarin. She usually spoke with a heavy accent. When she arrived at our school, she knew what it was like to have someone outside. Her grades were not enough. She could only get the top 100 in the whole grade. In addition, her family was poor and her clothes were rustic, When other girls wear famous brand lipstick and make-up, her school uniform is white.

Out of tune, of course, not into the circle of girls. I sit in the corner of the classroom all day and study quietly. However, compared with other top students, their learning ability is not strong enough. They have been hovering in the middle and are despised by others.

But recently she found a way to integrate with other girls, that is, Linglong's bad words. Originally, when Linglong turned around, she was still very happy, because it was rare to have a poor classmate in the class. When she met Linglong, she was disappointed again. She was so beautiful that she was completely different from herself. After the exam, the joy dissipated even more. Even if the full score of the whole grade was isolated and excluded by the students, it was also the favorite of the teachers.

And unlike herself, Linglong doesn't care whether she is isolated or not. The teachers looked at her, and the boys loved her. This semester, they were even richer. Their clothes were all good brands. They were already beautiful. It was more and more wonderful to dress up well.

It's different from yourself.

As a result, she said Linglong a few words inadvertently. She heard that the female classmate was like a treasure. She didn't feel that the rural girl was out of soil. It seemed that she had found a friend and pulled her over for a chat. Chatting around, the girl found that Linglong was isolated instead of herself!

She was very happy and worked hard to slander Linglong and spread Linglong's bad words. Sure enough, her "fetters" with others were getting deeper and deeper. Now after class, some people took the initiative to invite her to the toilet. At noon, she didn't have to find a seat alone in the canteen.

But what does all this have to do with Linglong? She doesn't live on campus. She doesn't care. People drive to pick her up every day and treat her as a little public. She doesn't need friends at all.

Only human beings are afraid of loneliness and loneliness and long for emotion and company.

On the contrary, a handsome and gentle psychological teacher came to the school. He heard that he came back after further study abroad. He opened a private clinic himself. The school spent a lot of money to hire people. Let's put it this way. After the psychology teacher came, the number of girls suspected of depression in our school increased by more than ten times. Because the school does not stipulate that you must be sick to see a psychologist, the threshold of the psychological counseling room has almost been broken, including some married and unmarried female teachers, which shows the popularity of the other party.

For young girls, the boys who didn't grow green beards in the school can't compare with teacher Ni, who is mature, handsome and elegant!

It's only a week since the new semester. All kinds of love letters and small gifts teacher Ni received can take a week around the city. Because he has to be busy with the clinic, he only stays at school for eight hours a day, three hours in the morning and afternoon and two hours in the evening. He spends the rest of his time doing his own things.

Girls who have been to the psychological counseling room should feel the decoration of the psychological counseling room when they come back. The most memorable thing is the gentle and handsome teacher Ni. He almost satisfied all the girls' fantasies about the prince! He's perfect!

Whether you are really sick or sick, he maintains a gentleman's demeanor. When you talk to him, you feel that every sentence is on the point, which makes people feel like a spring breeze and addictive.

On this day, Linglong knocked on the door of the psychological counseling room. This office is specially assigned to Ni Lang by the school. It has been renovated according to Ni Lang's preferences during the winter vacation. The style is simple and elegant without any sense of oppression. Flowers are still placed on the desk. When Linglong came in, Ni Lang was reading a book. When he heard the knock on the door, he raised his head and let him know. He was also amazed at such a beautiful girl. It's the beauty that can't be covered by the broad blue and white school uniforms that can't see the curve. Linglong smiled timidly at Ni Lang: "teacher... Hello, I, I am a sophomore in senior high school, i..." I can see that she is very nervous. Ni Lang smiled. He smiled very gently. In order not to oppress Linglong, he stood up, "it's all right. Isn't Thursday afternoon your extracurricular activity time? Why didn't you play with your classmates? " Linglong bit her lip and didn't answer. She lowered her head. Ni Lang saw a tear drop on the carpet and quickly wet a small piece. When the little beauty was crying, the pear blossoms were rainy and made people pity. He didn't feel his mind swing, and his smile became more and more gentle. "Come here and say, you can tell me anything in the teacher." As an adult man and well versed in psychology, Ni Lang knows what girls at this age are eager for. The smile on his face has not changed at all. People feel that, ah, what a good and trustworthy person he is Linglong didn't leave until she rang the school bell. When she left, her eyes were red and she was reluctant to give up. Her attitude towards Ni Lang was also soft“ Teacher, I'll go home first. " Ni Lang smiled, bent slightly to keep himself at the same height as Linglong, and stared at her watery beautiful eyes. "If you still encounter difficulties, you must remember to come to me. I'll always be here waiting for you." To say such ambiguous words between adults to young girls in love is because they are easy to be seduced and moved. Linglong looked at Ni Lang with a shy look and walked away reluctantly. The moment I turned around, the smile disappeared, leaving only a big white eye Wen Yi feels that her sister is a little strange these days. Specifically, she often giggles unconsciously and refuses to put down her mobile phone every day. As soon as there is a message, she jumps up and looks at it - the other person seems to be a very important person to her. I have to say that Ni Lang is a dignified flirt with superb means. As long as he wants, no woman can escape his love, not to mention a teenage "little girl" like Linglong. With Linglong, Ni Lang can't see anyone else. Where can I find a more beautiful and lovely girl than her? He looked forward to the fruits of victory. Patience before victory was so important. It was the dawn before dawn. If Linglong is really a young girl, she will definitely be deeply in love. She is confused. She doesn't know who she is. Unfortunately, she is not. Even so. Linglong has to admit that Ni Lang is very good at controlling others. He seduces you into his trap with gentle language and affectionate attitude, and then completely controls you to meet his despicable desire - he just likes delicate flower like girls, not big or small. Girls at this age are the best for picking, It's also best for playing. Of course, for girls, a tense and rebellious teacher-student love is really exciting, not to mention teacher Ni, who doesn't like him? The girls secretly fought with jealousy for his smile, and many good friends who went to the bathroom turned against each other. Ni Langfang should have been the kind of disaster that would have been burned to death in ancient times. Without showing any aggression, he has brought the prey into his own control, making the other party unable to extricate himself. Linglong studied. Who plays between her and Ni Lang is not sure. One pretends to be gentle and tolerant, the other pretends to be timid and shy. Linglong firmly believes that she is the one who laughs last If only Wen Yi's vigilance could be lower. For some men, the ultimate goal of pursuing women is to go to bed. Of course, Ni Lang is no exception. He wants to taste exquisite taste too much. Only when girls are willing to devote themselves to him can he believe that they are really in love with him. This novel has been translated by www.novelhall.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.