Thirty third dragon scale (III)

Zhu Wan tried to reason with the children. Before she went crazy, she was a good mother. She was gentle, beautiful and dexterous. Although she didn't earn much money, she taught and took good care of the children. But Zhu Wan herself also knows that her ability alone is to ensure that the children have no worries about food and clothing, and nothing else can be done. She is used to living frugally and saving money. She is afraid of her child's illness and unhappiness. She can't afford anything her child likes.

They live in such a small rental house. Zhu Wan feels very sorry for the children.

"Don't you like dad anymore? Dad will be sad if he knows you won't go home with him. " Zhu Wan held the two children in her arms with a soft voice, "and grandparents, they will be sad. The babies will come to their mother when they are free, okay? Mother loves you so much, how can she be willing to drive you away? "

Mo Mo said with red eyes, "I want my mother to be with me! Why can't mom be with dad? "

Zhu Wan has a headache. She has never experienced such a situation. She doesn't know how to explain the rules of the complex adult world to the children. She thought about the language and said, "Dad and mom won't be together, but no matter where mom and dad are, we all love you the same, which will never change. Mo Mo is good. Listen to your father, okay? "

She can only buy her daughter some cheap skirts, but if she lives with her father, she is a little princess. She can have her favorite pink bedroom filled with her favorite Barbie dolls. She can dress up beautifully and never envy other people's children to wear beautiful skirts.

Mo Mo bites her mouth wrongfully. She doesn't want to leave her mother. She likes her father, but she likes her mother more.

Although Mo Mo likes to be coquettish, she is very sensible. Toto didn't say anything in the whole process. He nodded quietly: "I know, mom, I will be obedient."

Zhu Wan smiled and kissed his little face. Mo Mo also crowded over to kiss. Zhu Wan hugged them tightly in her arms. As children of any family, they wouldn't be cute. Adults listen to what they say. Even if they don't want to and feel wronged, they will be obedient.

"Mom loves you." Zhu Wan murmured, "I love you forever."

Even if it rots into ashes and falls into mud, even if the flesh and soul are completely eliminated, I love you.

She packed the children's things, packed the freshly baked cream cookies in beautiful small cartons and sent them to the first floor. Because the children were too young, Zhu Wan held them. It was very difficult, but when she put them down, she didn't give up in every way. Being stared at by the children's clear and innocent eyes, Zhu Wan almost wanted to hold them tightly and even take them out of here - but she couldn't.

She's dead.

Toto took her sister's hand and told Mo Mo: "can't you look back and know? Mother will cry when she looks back. "

Mo Mo held back her tears and obediently followed her brother, but she couldn't help it when she saw her father. She knew she couldn't cry, but where did children know so much? Wronged and sad, big tears fell down.

Xue Hechi loved his children very much, so he took them all to his legs and sat down one side. He asked in a warm voice, "why is Mo Mo crying?" Did Zhu Wan scare them again?

Mo Mo shook her head and tightly grasped the small carton in her hand. She found that her tears fell on the small pocket of her neck. She immediately widened her eyes and refused to cry again for fear of being dirty.

Xue Hechi couldn't ask anything from his daughter's mouth. He just wanted to ask toto, but he saw his precocious son with bright eyes full of tears. He stubbornly refused to fall down and asked him, "Dad, can you be with mom?"

Xue Hechi was silent. After a long time, he hugged the children and tried to clarify the relationship between him and Zhu Wan in simple words: "father and mother... Are adults and have their own lives..."

"Does Dad still like mom?" Asked Mo Mo, her eyes wet“ Mo Mo likes her father and her mother. Mo Mo wants her father and mother to be with Mo Mo and her brother. Can we be together if we like it? If dad doesn't like his mother, will he like her again? "

Toto held his little fist: "I don't want to call aunt fan mother."

Xue Hechi touched his son's head: "Dad is not going to let you call aunt fan mom. Dad won't marry her."

"But grandma said Aunt fan was our new mother. Let's forget our old mother." Mo Mo's little face is at a loss“ Mom, do you have any new and old ones? But Mo Mo likes her old mother. "

Xue Hechi gave a hand and frowned. In order not to let the children continue to talk, he chose to change the topic: "Mo Mo's small pocket is really beautiful. Did his mother buy it?"

Mo Mo immediately became interested and forgot to ask further questions“ no, it isn't! Mother made it herself! Mom said! I want to knit a sweater for Mo Mo and her brother! Mom also made pie! Eat well. Mo Mo wants to save some for her father, but it's so delicious. Mo Mo forgot... "

Said very sad, very guilty, quickly looked up at Xue Hechi, "Dad, don't be angry with Mo mo." The little daughter is so sweet and lovely. How Can Xue Hechi be angry with her? Mo Mo and Toto are his children. He wants to give them the best things in the world. So he kissed Mo Mo's little face: "Dad is not angry. Mo Mo can eat it by herself. Is the small box in Mo Mo's hand also given by her mother?" He mentioned Zhu Wan in front of his children and never mentioned her bad. Xue Hechi and Zhu Wan reached a strange consensus. Anyway, they all hope that when the children grow up, the memory of their mother is not hysterical, but gentle and beautiful. Mo Mo immediately hugged the small carton: "it's the biscuit baked by her mother for Mo Mo and her brother!" Seeing the child's face protecting food, Xue Hechi teased her: "can't you give dad a bite? Dad will be sad. Won't Mo share it with dad? " In this way, Mo Mo shows a very tangled expression. She likes the cookies baked by her mother and doesn't want to share it with her father because she doesn't know when to see her mother again. But if you don't give it to Dad, dad will be very sad. She thought for a long time. Xue Hechi waited patiently for her to finish thinking, and saw her little daughter timidly say, "shall I give dad one? I want to take one bite every day so that when I finish eating, I can see my mother again. " The role of mother cannot be replaced by anyone. Xue Hechi is deeply aware of this fact again. He kissed his daughter's hair and said in a hoarse voice, "OK, when Mo Mo finishes the biscuit, my father will take Mo Mo to see my mother." Mo Mo was pleasantly surprised. Even toto, who had been quiet all the time, looked at it. The eyes of the two children were bright and asked: really? Xue Hechi nodded: "dad doesn't lie to you." As a result, as soon as they got home, the two children rushed back to the room. Mrs. Xue looked at it and smiled: "what's the matter? What baby is in her hand!" Xue Hechi glanced at his mother: "Mom, I have something to tell you." Mrs. Xue looked puzzled“ Next time, don't say anything about the new mother in front of the children, and don't say that Zhu Wan is not good. " Mrs. Xue immediately sneered: "yes, I knew you were full of Zhu Wan, but what was wrong with me? Isn't she crazy? She wants to sue us and threaten you with suicide. She's crazy all day. She doesn't think about it. Can she raise a good child with her salary of thousands of yuan? I can tell you that Momoto is a child of our family, but she can't be a mother like that! " Xue Hechi tightened his eyebrows even more: "Zhu Wan is much better now -" that's also a fake! Did you forget the last time toto called crying to say that mom was ill? The children were so frightened by her madness that they burned for several days without seeing her ask! " Mrs. Xue hated Zhu wan to the bone“ What's wrong with Tiantian? You two grew up together and fell in love with each other. Why can't you continue the front edge? In my opinion, Tian Tian can take care of children better than Zhu Wan! " She didn't quarrel with Xue Hechi, so she turned and left. Xue Hechi stood in the living room with cold eyebrows and eyes. Zhu Wan didn't go crazy at the beginning. When he fell in love with Zhu Wan, she was always gentle and had few words, but she was dexterous. It seemed that she could do well as long as she learned a little. Xue Hechi didn't want to grow old together with Zhu Wan, but Zhu Wan suddenly left without saying goodbye five years ago. Five years later, Xue Hechi unexpectedly met again and knew that she had given birth to a pair of dragon and Phoenix twins. Xue Hechi didn't want to ask her why she left in the past. They obviously could have a better future, but Zhu Wan refused him. Then it was like suffering from the delusion of being killed. She always thought that he would rob her of her children and make the world fall apart. Xue Hechi was completely disappointed with her. He even thought that it would be better. He took care of the child and took her to medical treatment - but Zhu Wan refused. She bit him and caught him like an enemy and didn't allow him to go any closer. No matter how he explained or asked, she didn't say a word. She seized the children morbidly and refused to let go. She even threatened that if he dared to get close to her again, he would jump out of the building with his two children. The most serious one frightened the children. Toto called Xue Hechi in the middle of the night with a cry. Xue Hechi had never heard that his precocious and sensible son was so flustered and scared. He was so angry that he took the children away from Zhu Wan and didn't want to take care of her anymore. Zhu Wan cried and begged him. He didn't look back and wanted to cure her bad temper that didn't know where it came from. The next two children were frightened and had a high fever. Xue Hechi was busy with the company and had to accompany the children. He was almost in a mess. He thought the children were frightened by their mother, but no matter how unreasonable Zhu Wan was, the children still wanted to return to their mother. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.