67th dragon scale (4)

At the weekend, Rao Xuan and Tang Jing came to Linglong's house. They brought a lot of delicious food, all of which were sent by Rao's mother and asked her daughter to give them to Linglong. Rao Xuan bought vegetables and worked in the kitchen with her cooking aunt. Tang Jing peeled garlic outside and Linglong squatted next to him. When they talked, he casually mentioned Dai Youyi, the eldest lady who had just returned home.

Tang Jing obviously heard the name. He said, "the girl you said, does her family run a jewelry company?"

Linglong thought: "... It seems so."

He remembered what Wang manmanchu had been like, but it seemed that Dai Youyi had opened a jewelry company abroad. Although the scale was not very large, it was definitely a rich family, and its development was good. It was said that it had co operated with the famous jewelry brand, and did not know why she would make complaints about the good environment abroad.

Of course, this is not to say that returning home is bad, but that it is certainly not convenient abroad for her growth habits at home, but Dai Youyi is used to it.

"Their family is very strange. It seems that they have the intention to move their assets to China recently, and..." Tang Jing didn't know what to think of and showed an indescribable expression. "Our company had cooperation with them before, and then stopped for some reason. I heard that their family seems to be developing towards agriculture... Can afford to buy land to grow food!"

Rao Xuan also listened to the outside in the kitchen and said, "really or not? Who started a jewelry company changed to farming? "

"Yes, it's not only farming, but also buying food everywhere. It's like the end of the world." Tang Jing joked, "it's higher than the market price. Their family also accepts it. Does it want to monopolize the domestic market by purchasing grain?"

It's also fantastic. Their country has a vast territory and abundant resources. It doesn't mean that buying grain is lower than other low, but Dai's company has always advertised high-end, royal and luxury. Suddenly, it's so grounded that people feel very out of tune.

"Maybe the end of the world is really coming." Linglong said.

"Ha ha ha."

The boyfriend and girlfriend laughed at the same time. One said you've seen too many disaster films, and the other said it's impossible. Linglong glanced at them and asked, "what would you do if there was the end of the world?"

"What else can I do? How many years ago, it was said that December 12 last year was the end of the world. What was the result? Everyone is not alive yet. " Tang Jing put the peeled garlic on the plate. "As for ordinary people, we don't have great skills like you. We just have to live well every day without regret. Even at the end of the world, we have to live as usual. Besides, it's the end of the world. Why do you want so much? Then I may only regret that I didn't propose to Xuanxuan earlier. "

Unexpectedly, she suddenly began to sprinkle dog food, but her cooking aunt laughed. Rao Xuan's face turned red. She almost threw out the kitchen knife in her hand and was ashamed and annoyed: "nonsense! Come in and cut vegetables! "

Tang Jing said, "ah! Come! "

Linglong lies on the table in the living room. No matter what Dai's company buys land and food for, it has nothing to do with him. Anyway, if he is there, he is not allowed to have any problems with this land.

He just woke up. He didn't want anyone to make trouble. Otherwise, he would be angry.

Very angry.

When I met Dai Youyi at school, Linglong directly asked, "I heard that your company is buying land to grow food. What's the matter? Has the jewelry industry entered the cold winter?"

Dai Youyi originally wanted to talk to Linglong more, but the other party asked her about her heart. It was also a major event that she was always worried about after her rebirth. After careful calculation, there were only about half a year left from the end of the day. She was hungry at that time. She knew how precious food was. As for jewelry, who still wore jewelry at the end of the day? It becomes more beautiful than the rubble on the ground! A biscuit is worth more than it!

She spent a lot of time persuading her parents to believe in herself and told them many major events that would happen. These events were fulfilled one by one, and her parents believed that what she said was true. After that, their family began to buy land wantonly, grow fast-growing food, and buy underground warehouses to consolidate it. However, food alone is not enough, they still have to have the ability to keep it, People in the end have no morality and law. They can do anything in order to live.

Dai Youyi died early and didn't know what happened later, but there was nothing wrong with hoarding food. She was still looking for channels to try to buy a batch of military fire, otherwise she would only become fish on the chopping board.

Therefore, after living a new life, she is more free and unrestrained. What is fame? When the end begins, these people who love fame are afraid not to kneel down and lick her feet!

However, in her last life, she didn't return home, but died directly abroad. She only heard that the domestic environment was much better than that abroad. In this life, she suggested that her parents return home early. She didn't want to lose her present day of living in dignity, and she didn't want to be controlled by others. However, in order to protect herself, she couldn't tell the government what she knew. Who knows if they will believe her, Do you think she's crazy?

It's strange that a person wakes up and has a long memory. No one will believe it, and she doesn't want to put herself in danger.

Being asked by Linglong, Dai Youyi was stunned and then said with a smile: "sorry, I don't know much about business. Even if you ask me, I can't give you an answer. Let's leave a contact information and let me ask my parents before I tell you. "

She wanted to sleep. His meaning was almost not written on her face. Before Linglong refused, Wang Manman jumped out: "what are you doing!"

She followed a group of women's army behind her, eyeing Linglong and Dai Youyi, for fear that the only sheep left would be taken away by the wolf.

Dai Youyi thought they were childish and dead. She didn't bother to answer. She turned her eyes and said, "what are we doing? What does it have to do with you? I want you to mind your own business?"

Wang Manman can play with everyone and has a good temper, but that's why she doesn't like Dai Youyi! The woman's eyes at them are clearly "you fool"! Why on earth do you despise them? Does she have two or two more meat than them?!

Seeing the girls quarrel again, Linglong smeared oil on the soles of her feet and quickly left the battlefield. Anyway, girls don't start.

He wanted to ask Zhu Shengnan how she was doing these days. Zuo Wei continued to pester her. As a result, no one answered the call, so he had to call min Chu. Min Chu told him that Zhu Shengnan asked for leave to go back to his hometown. He said that her father had an accident and had been away for several days. Up to now, there was no news. Min Chu was going to send someone to have a look.

Linglong said he would follow. Min Chu said OK and sent someone to pick him up.

Coincidentally, it was no one else who was sent to Zhu Shengnan's hometown. It was the young man when Linglong skinned the nail ghost. In addition, he also took the young man who killed Matt. Linglong learned that his name was Cheng Qing and the young man who killed Matt was called stone. Compared with Zhu Shengnan who quickly became regular after entering the special Mediation Office and completed several tasks, stone is undoubtedly a vegetable chicken, It is said that he has been an intern for nearly two years. So far, he is still an intern.

The girl with him became a regular last month, but he still had to follow his senior brother.

Cheng Qing has a very good temper. Basically, as long as he brings in new people, he brings Zhu Shengnan out. He knows Zhu Shengnan very well. He has been back for so long, but the holidays have passed, but he hasn't come back yet. Something must have hindered her. But Zhu Shengnan is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything. She is smart and bold. She will find a way to survive. Cheng Qing doesn't plan to bring stone with her this time. He can't kill Matt boy. He won't be the first. But stone has to follow. He blushes at the mention of Zhu Shengnan.

Elder martial brother said he was very helpless.

Zhu Shengnan's home is in a very remote mountain village. There is no country bus even to this mountain village. After arriving in the town, he has to climb several mountains on foot to walk from dawn to dusk. Because it is difficult to get in touch with the outside world, the village is very closed and excludes outsiders. Linglong heard Zhu Shengnan say that it took a long time for support teachers to come to their village. Even if they didn't receive money, few villagers were willing to send their children to school.

As for girls like Zhu Shengnan, let alone what books girls read!

She was very lucky to be able to pass the exam.

However, as soon as she got close to the village, Linglong stopped. Cheng Qing had a keen sense. He noticed that he had goose bumps and trembled slightly. Only the boy who killed Matt looked left and right: "what's the matter? Why don't you go? "

Linglong glanced at him, and there was something unspeakable in it. The boy who killed Matt was immediately angry: "what's your look!"

Along the way, he was very hostile to Linglong, and he didn't know why. However, killing Matt young man was very self-conscious and dared to stare at Linglong behind his back, otherwise Linglong would have kicked him back to Huicheng.

Cheng Qing whispered, "stone! Don't be rude! "

Then he said to Linglong, "what a strong resentment."

Linglong put her hands in her pockets and said carelessly, "yes, it smells very uncomfortable."

It's bitter.

He doesn't like it.

Was Zhu Shengnan born in such a place?

This village... Is very dilapidated. It's almost all mud huts and thatched houses. It's ok if it doesn't rain. When it rains, the ground path is wet and muddy, which may be due to the overturning of resentment. The whole village is shrouded in a light gray smell and looks very dead. When I think of Min Chu's saying that Zhu Shengnan's father had an accident, Linglong estimates that the other party is in danger.

He took the lead in walking in front, and Cheng Qing followed behind with the stone, because the stone is the most delicious, let the stone walk in the middle. The boy who killed Matt was very dissatisfied with this special arrangement, but he knew how many kilograms he had. He honestly followed Linglong, but he still couldn't help asking, "do you know where Shengnan's family is?"

Every family in this village has no doorplate. How can we find someone?