The 84th dragon scale (I)

What does it feel like to be called an incomplete evolutionary species?

The original owner of the bride's school is full of inferiority complex. Linglong, who came instead of her, just feels very boring. She walks on the campus, pointing and looking at her everywhere, as if she were a strange kind, but if you look carefully, it's just that she completely retains the appearance of human women, and most of the other girls in the school have a little sign of animal.

According to the memory, it was orcs that perished, survived and evolved 20000 years ago. They combined the brain of human wisdom with the vigorous skills of animals, and evolved various supernatural forces in survival crises again and again. Today, this force is called "awakening".

It is as like as two peas, who are awakened only by male orcs. After awakening, they will gain the ability to become animals, and the female orcs will lose their awakening ability thousands of years ago. They are very degraded. Most of the female orcs are just like humans twenty thousand years ago. Are known as the most suitable women to be wives.

Female orcs are very weak. They are born without claws and sharp teeth, and have no ability to awaken and turn into beasts. The only value they have is to become the wives of male orcs and have children for them. Due to this weakness, the mortality of female orcs has increased sharply during evolution. Therefore, the male to female ratio in the country is 100:1, And there is a rising trend, so the bride school is open to ordinary women who have lost their ability to evolve for the first time. Linglong is also one of this group of new students.

Male orcs are naturally more willing to marry women with signs of animalization, because the children born in this way will be more powerful. Now admiral muzzo, who is sought after by countless people, has a half animalized woman. Therefore, he was born with inherent strength. He woke up almost from the moment of birth and got the ability of animalization.

However, over time, the female Orc species degenerated more and more. There were few women like admiral Muzo's mother, and more degenerated women who were completely human from birth. Therefore, the whole empire was very confused about the future of the country. If they can't evolve strong awakening ability and beast ability, how can they fight the Zerg? Zerg mucus can easily corrode human like Orc skin, but it can't penetrate hard animal fur.

Recently, there have been many demonstrations advocating the polygamy system. It is suggested that women who still maintain the animal state can be assigned more than ten husbands, so that she can have more offspring. Otherwise, when they completely lose the animal sign, the Empire will be doomed. This is also for the sake of the future of the Empire and the future of its subjects.

As for those women who have completely lost the signs of animalization, they are still very popular. After all, the proportion of men and women is too unbalanced. Their children are not completely useless, but they will be naturally weaker. If boys are still able to awaken and be animalized, girls will completely inherit the signs of their mothers, which is exactly what humans were like 20000 years ago.

Among women, there is also a chain of discrimination.

The animalization is obvious, the discrimination against the animalization is not obvious, the animalization is not obvious, and the discrimination against the non animalization is not at all. However, one thing is absolutely certain, that is, everyone regards admiral muzzo as the lover of their dreams - what a supreme honor it would be if the strongest man of the Empire could combine with him and give birth to his offspring!

For example, the purpose of Linglong's bride school, which has just been admitted, is to train and export bridal candidates for excellent men. Naturally, female students with high animal signs are more favored. For example, if Linglong is completely human, four people need to live in one bedroom, while those with animal characteristics are all single bedrooms, and there is still a chain of contempt in the school.

Each of the best students eventually married the most first-class and best men in the Empire. General muzzo is about to reach the stage of love this year, and is likely to choose brides from the students. Therefore, the people who apply for the bride school this year have reached the highest peak in history!

Although there are bridal schools all over the country, it is obviously Linglong's school. This school hosted by the royal family is the most famous and demanding. Today, her royal highness and several royal concubines are outstanding talents who graduated from the bridal school. They have made corresponding excellent contributions to the inheritance of the descendants of the Imperial royal family.

Here, women have to enter school at the end of their infancy. They are uniformly arranged to enter the bride's school at the age of 15. For example, the royal bride's school has to undergo several examinations. Regardless of their wisdom, beauty and personality, they are required to be the best. Every year, the best students in major cities are selected, and they have to graduate before their hair period.

Yes, even women who are incomplete or have no animal characteristics will still have an erotic period. After the body reaches maturity, the estrus period is an annual period lasting for three months. In these three months, the attraction of male hormones to them is very terrible. In the past, poor male orcs attracted and matched precious female orcs by distributing hormones. Later, the male ORC was sentenced to exile.

Releasing male hormones will have a great aphrodisiac effect on weak and unawakened female orcs, which is expressly prohibited by imperial laws. Similarly, female hormones of female orcs will also have a great impact on male orcs. If it is rough and straightforward, the Empire will be a chaotic paradise without constraints.

This is very terrible, so people are very eager for further evolution, that is, to completely control the ownership of the body. Human nature is no longer controlled by the beast. The more beast oriented women are, the more vulnerable they are to male hormones. So far, the last woman who can awaken and be completely beast oriented was thousands of years ago.

People no longer place hope on women, but only hope that they can better complete the duty of a wife and have children for men. However, with the increase and strength of male orcs' awakening ability, the probability of giving birth to strong offspring after they interact with female orcs becomes lower and lower. In other words, the stronger the male is, the more difficult it is for the offspring. In contrast, the Zerg who have been eyeing the Empire have evolved more and more ferocious and complete. It seems that God is doomed that the orc empire will fall and the world will belong to the Zerg.

For example, Linglong, a woman who has no animal characteristics at all, even in the bride school, belongs to the one at the bottom. She is not even qualified to enter the eyes of the royal family. Naturally, she will not be the candidate for general muzzo's future wife. Her information and noble husbands who select wives and children for her son will not be interested, because such female orcs are too weak!

Weak people doubt whether they can get pregnant and give birth to strong offspring.

Linglong was assigned to the bedroom. Except for her, the three people are also girls without animal characteristics. Obviously, they all have very low self-esteem. Although being admitted to the bride college has proved their excellence, if they have animal characteristics, they are far from having to pay more and more difficult efforts than now.

The result they desperately strive for is that female students with obvious animal characteristics can get it easily without effort.

The high proportion of women in the royal bride school is naturally women with obvious animal characteristics. Therefore, this group of freshmen quickly divided into two camps, animal women and human women. Although they are all women in essence, animal women are only a little more characteristic than human women, such as furry ears, vertical pupils, claws, tails, etc. they can't be completely animal, but they can still be proud of animal.

In the restaurant, Linglong had dinner with three new roommates and found a seat by the window. Her three new roommates are Gina, Susie and Jacqueline. They are all typical tall noses, deep eyes, blonde hair and blue eyes. Black hair and black eyes like Linglong are rare, but they get along well with female students without animal characteristics.

The food of the bride's school is also quite good. Linglong eats with relish. Compared with the food of the other three people, she is still wondering why they don't eat.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Susie looked sad: "I heard that our course will be with female students with animal characteristics at that time."

"Isn't that good?" Linglong swallowed a mouthful of meat, "at least this shows that the school does not favor one over the other in teaching."

"But our congenital conditions can't compare with them. We have classes together. We can't win the assessment results, so it's difficult to get good grades."

Before that, which of the selected students was not superior and ranked in the wallet in the bride school in their respective regions? However, when you arrive at the royal bride school, you will see what it means that there are people outside the world. You are proud that you are nothing here because you have no animal characteristics. From this point, you have been completely excluded.

"If general muzzo really wants to choose a bride this year, we can't even get the qualification." Jacqueline was very disappointed. Her desperate wish to enter the royal bride school was to marry general muzzo. She thought she was good enough. After all, her former teacher said: Jacqueline, if you can have the characteristics of animal, then I can guarantee that you will be the most perfect bride in the Empire!

Now it seems that the teacher obviously hasn't seen her three roommates.

Gina Susie is on a par with her. She has black hair and black eyes. Just by virtue of her beauty, she can become the most beautiful bride school!

No matter what kind of orcs, everyone appreciates beauty in the same way. Blonde hair and blue eyes, black hair and black eyes, the real beauty can always amaze the world. Da Linglong has become a thorn in the eye of many people since she entered the school. After all, today's great prince and concubine is also the only human woman without animal characteristics among all princes and concubines, and even Royal brides of all dynasties!

It is said that the great prince fell in love with her at first sight. They could combine and overcome many obstacles. This beautiful and faithful love story encourages all human women. As long as you are beautiful and gentle enough, you can win the favor of the superior and ascend to the sky step by step!

It has to be said that the success of the Grand Prince and imperial concubine has aroused the dreams of thousands of human girls.

General muzzo, who is known as the strongest general in the history of the Empire, is the dream lover of countless people. He is 30 years old. He is the age of dragon and tiger. It is also because of his existence that the empire is always solid. No matter how excellent the Zerg evolved, they can't destroy the imperial defense. He is not only the hero of the Empire, but also the idol of countless men of the Empire!

Admiral muzzo is obsessed with fighting and is a true fighter. Every year, he releases his excess energy through fighting. This year, he is 30 years old. For male orcs, the emotional period will become more and more crazy in adulthood. If a 30-year-old male Orc has not been matched, he has poor self-control, Maybe I've lost my mind when I see women in the period of love!

The Empire would never want to lose such a powerful general. Therefore, his majesty and general muzzo's parents jointly decided to select the best female students for general muzzo as the bride in this year's bride selection.

Therefore, the number of female students enrolled in this term is dozens of times that of last year. Those who can be screened out from such a crowd are the top women in their respective cities.

Because women are too weak, have no other strength except to have children, and can not contribute to society, they are studying how to make themselves more beautiful every day, and the content taught by the bride school is the same.

How to serve your husband, how to deal with interpersonal relationships, how to get along with your mother-in-law, and how to educate your children - in short, it is the three obediences and four virtues of the orc empire. Of course, what is inseparable from these education is the jealousy and intrigue among women. Because women are precious, the Empire has clear legal provisions, no matter what contradiction, Can not cause death, so although we fight, but they are small, and do not dare to make too much, at most is discrimination, say some sour words, secretly make the stumbling block shady and strange, and so on.

Is it a more euphemistic house fight?

Linglong was eating her own meal when suddenly a shadow fell in front of her. She looked up and saw several female students standing there.

The first one has a long tail covered with scales. It looks like a lizard. She has black hair and green eyes. Her appearance is beautiful. The female students behind her are more or less animal like. The lizard is the most obvious. Her tail is very long and she is swinging around leisurely, which seems to show her proud and arrogant mood at the moment, Others are clearly headed by her.

At this time, the lizard woman pointed her chin at Linglong and raised her head: "you, get up, I want to sit here."

Linglong's hand holding chopsticks suddenly stopped.

Gina Susie and Jacqueline don't want to conflict with animal women, because whether they are reasonable or not, the school will favor animal women in the end. This is an tacit rule. It's definitely a thankless thing to fight with animal women.

So they quickly picked up their plates and gave way. They found Linglong still sitting still. Gina quickly said, "Linglong, let's go. There's a good place over there. It's also by the window. Let's go over there."

"Wait." The lizard woman said proudly, "we also want the position over there."

Susie couldn't help but say, "you are so few people. Do you want to sit separately?"

"I'll sit wherever I want, and I won't sit where I don't want to." Lizard woman said, "what can you do with the me?"

Obviously, she is very dissatisfied with Linglong and just deliberately finds fault.

There is still half of the exquisite meal left. It is absolutely impossible for her to lose the delicious meal, and it is also impossible for her to change her position, because she has always been the only one who bullies others, and there is no reason for others to bully her.

"I'm talking to you. Don't you hear me?!" The lizard woman was very angry when she saw that Linglong ignored herself. Instead, she continued to eat. She raised her hand and overturned the Linglong dinner plate. The food immediately spilled all over the table and the ground. Other students around also looked at it one after another and saw that it was the lizard woman. Everyone dared not say anything.

This is a member of the royal family. He has a noble status. It is said that he may also be the internal bride of general muzzo. Of course, this is just groundless, but it also shows that lizard women are really powerful. In addition to the differences in offspring, animal women and human women also have qualitative differences in their own body quality. Animal women have more sensitive five senses than human women, Although for male orcs, bestialized women are still weak and pitiful, for human women, the attack ability of bestialized women has been very strong.

Therefore, even the bride school has a combat training for animal women, which human women cannot participate in.

Of course, the purpose is not to let women go to the battlefield, but to increase their self-protection ability. At the same time, it also hopes to catalyze their animal characteristics, so as to produce stronger offspring and reproduce the orc empire.

To sum up, the value of animal women is higher than that of human women, so school social laws are more biased towards animal women.

Even if the conflict caused the teacher today, the lizard woman will not be punished. Instead, she is exquisite and may be locked up in the confinement room in the name of unfriendly classmates.

Gina, Susie and Jacqueline are very nervous for fear of Linglong making trouble. This girl has given people a feeling of lawlessness since she first met, but after all, she is a beast like woman opposite, so she probably doesn't dare... Make trouble?!

As a result, Linglong stood up, patted the rice and meat on her body, directly grabbed the lizard woman's head, bang! Press her into the scattered food on the table!

The whole restaurant was a sensation!

Human women challenge beast women! Even attacked each other!

Someone immediately informed the teacher that the lizard woman wanted to struggle, but the hand pressing her head was so powerful that she couldn't move. She immediately used her tail to pierce the human woman. The lizard woman's tail was sharp. If she really poked into the human body, it might cause death. I think the lizard woman was angry and had never suffered a loss. She was attacked by human women in full view of the public, How could she bear to look so humble?!

The tail, which was full of scales and extremely sharp, was grabbed by Linglong's other hand, threw it underground, raised his foot and stepped on it!

The lizard woman screamed with horror and pain - as a beast like woman, she naturally cherished and cherished the beast like parts of her body. She had to take care of her tail for hours every day, but this humble human woman dared to step on it with her feet!

Anger made her scream, but it didn't work.

"I don't know if you've heard of a poem. Who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard." Linglong said slowly, "when I eat, I generally don't like others to be wordy, but you're not only wordy, but also ruined my meal... I don't know whether the lizard meat is delicious?"

Said, the foot is more forced. Although the lizard woman is delicate, her tail is very hard, but the people around can hear the creaking sound of the scales being crushed, which is creepy.

"What are you doing! Don't let go! "

The teachers have felt that at the same time, they also rushed to the guard of the school. They all pointed weapons at Linglong. Obviously, the human women who are so aggressive are not within their expectation. Orcs have evolved quite completely. The only time they can't control is the period of love. They have strong destructive power, but how can human women have such power?!

Seeing the lizard girl's tail trampled by Linglong, the teacher who gave birth to a three piece mouth cried painfully: "let her go! How can you hurt the precious beast woman?! "

"Is this called injury?" Linglong still pressed each other's head and smiled, "what if I screw her head off?"

It was a joke, but no one doubted that what she said was true.

Gina Susie and Jacqueline were paralyzed with fear. Although the teacher was partial to animal women, human women were equally precious. It was urgent to stabilize Linglong first and said, "let her go. What's the contradiction? We can sit down and have a good talk."

Linglong said, "there's no need to talk. Let this guy apologize to me. Everything will be solved naturally. I'm not so unreasonable."

Lizard woman has long been in pain and nearly fainted. Where do you care about dignity? There are opportunities for revenge in the future“ I was wrong! I'm sorry! Let me go! I'm dying! "

She thought she was noble and said she was sorry, and the other party should appreciate it. However, Linglong pressed her harder. The lizard woman could even feel the strange feeling of the food and soup falling on the table into her mouth. This humiliation, coupled with the physical pain, finally made her cry uncontrollably: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry! Sorry! "

This sounds a bit sincere. Linglong smiled, opened her hands, raised her legs, and immediately someone came to hold the lizard woman and took her to see a doctor. Before she left, she looked at Linglong bitterly, and Linglong made a neck stroke at her, which made her tremble.

Then with a click, the teacher put handcuffs on her and took a serious attitude: "attack beast women at will. You need to be taught the rules!"