The 84th dragon scale (11)

Although many Zerg have been seen in the data and even in the actual combat, no matter how many times she sees them, Xiya will feel that "they can really grow blind chickens".

Although their orcs have gradually developed the characteristics of animalization from the appearance of complete humans in the process of evolution, they cannot change from their ancestors. The most fundamental thing is still the human form, and their aesthetics are also very consistent. However, these Zerg caught for experiments are really ugly, strange and hot eyes. Some of them only look at their faces, vaguely like humans, But one percent of the face is matched with 99 percent of the insect body. Imagine how strong the impact is. You can see that people's scalp is numb.

Mouthparts grow on the face. The eyes of the Zerg like flies are about the same size as the whole face. The dense compound eyes make people creepy. It takes courage for people with a little less courage to look directly at them. Xiya even thinks that the Zerg don't need to evolve into a powerful one. Just rack their brains and become ugly. At that time, the vanguard troops will make a group of ugly people and disgust the soldiers of the Empire first, And kill him while he's sick.

Five Zerg of different shapes are locked up in a closed laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with insecticide nozzles without dead corners. It is not impossible to kill them with insecticides, but a Zerg is huge, and the insecticide dose required is also amazing. However, if it is only aimed at the nervous system of the Zerg, the dose required will be sharply reduced.

Jacqueline pressed the button and the laboratory immediately began spraying insecticides from all directions. After improvement, this insecticide can destroy the central nervous system of the Zerg in only a small dose, causing their cognition to be disordered and unable to judge who is the "Queen". At that time, powerful soldiers can directly control them.

Several Zerg with the size of an adult male are rolling in the laboratory. The picture is really not good-looking. We can see a burst of cold outside the laboratory.

After all, they are female soldiers. Although they have experienced strict training and become qualified soldiers, they can't help getting goose bumps when they see this disgusting thing. If they are controlled, they can't fight close with them. This is really a great invention!

For a time, the female soldiers looked at Jacqueline's eyes with blingbling's little love.

It's embarrassing to fix Jacqueline.

"Heya, use your spiritual power to control them and imagine that you are their master."

Xiya closed her eyes, took a deep breath, opened it again and stared at several Zerg in the laboratory. She divided her mental power into thin silk threads and spread in bit by bit. The Zerg's central nervous system has been disordered. They can't judge whether the invading mental power belongs to the queen or others. Xiya tried to let them dance, Several Zerg slowly climbed up from the ground and danced funny and strange dances. Next, she tried to let them attack each other. Several Zerg were only slow for about a few seconds, and Xiya strengthened their orders. Then they forgot everything and attacked each other according to Xiya's orders until they died.

The whole lab was covered with mucus and pus. Shia looked at it and wanted to vomit.

"It seems feasible!" Jacqueline said excitedly, "if so, we may be able to defeat the Zerg! But now we still need to continue to strengthen the research on pesticides and strive to use the least dose to achieve the greatest damage. Princess HYA, did you feel very tired when you manipulated them? I need to know your upper limit. "

Xiya shook her head. "I just feel a little sour in my brain, but only a little. It's much better now, and..."

She looked at Linglong. "Didn't the officer say that it's like exercising. The harder you exercise, the stronger you will be. Is that the same with mental strength? As long as I can skillfully control them, the number of Zerg I control will increase with exercise? "

Linglong nodded: "it's such a truth."

Facts have proved that it is feasible for the psychic to control the Zerg to make them civil war. In addition, Jacqueline continued to develop improved pesticides. Finally, the royal family and the military made the decision to investigate the insect star. Linglong is undoubtedly the best leader.

Although it is a great talent to let a general participate in this dangerous task, no one can ensure the safety of the soldiers who go with him except her. Admiral muzzo may be able, but he is now plagued with injuries and is no longer the God of war at the peak.

Xiya is also determined to go. Her majesty and her royal highness are not willing to go, but they can't change their daughter's idea. The little princess is no longer the little girl who wears nondescript clothes all day, hates Princess skirts and prefers to dance with knives and guns. She has grown up, beautiful and strong, and has firm faith, which makes her majesty see the future of the Empire in her.

"If you can come back alive, my Shia, my daughter." He gently kissed his daughter on the forehead and held her shoulder with both hands. "Then you will be my heir and the next king of the Empire."

Hearing the speech, Xiya looked at him incredulously: "father!"

His majesty hugged her again and pushed her away: "go, go! If you don't go, your father will cry. "

Xiya, who was full of excitement and expectation for this mission, suddenly had an sour nose and gave birth to an unspeakable sense of reluctance and sadness. She looked at her parents, finally gritted her teeth and turned into the mecha. With the mecha soaring, the people on the ground became smaller and smaller until she could no longer see it.

In addition to being exquisite, a total of 20 people, half men and half women, were divided into ten pairs of partners. Compression technology was also used in the battle clothes, and pesticides were equipped. Scientists also improved communication technology. Everyone in the whole task team carried compound eye cameras to transmit the insect star images they saw to the Empire, This is definitely a huge treasure for the Empire!

If we can know the situation of Zerg and confirm the secret of Zerg evolution, maybe humans don't have to be so afraid of Zerg in the future.

Of course, in order to arouse the people's loyalty and love for the Empire, with the consent of the military and task force members, each soldier has set up his own live channel. The people can freely choose who to watch and release the barrage, but the soldiers can't interact with the people and can't see the barrage. They are just performing the task.

Wormhole is a planet that has made all human beings curious and unable to enter for thousands of years. When did the saying about wormhole come from? It is said that there are no other creatures on wormhole, only the dense Zerg. They have a clear division of labor and strict hierarchy, and serve the queen all their life.

Through the dangerous black hole nebula, after several improvements and creations, the new mecha can perfectly withstand the space-time shock wave, and after landing, it can be incorporated into the battle suit system - this is also an invention made by Jacqueline according to her awakening ability, so at least don't worry that they can't go back alive.

After landing in a safe place through scanning, even male soldiers who have no fear of insects can't help getting hairy in the face of the creeping sea of insects on the ground.

The insect sea on the ground is obviously the lowest creature in the Zerg family. They have not even evolved wisdom. It seems that they are very fragile insects that can be trampled by one foot.

Soldiers with fire control ability quickly burn a small piece, which gives everyone a foothold. Even if they wear war clothes, they can't turn a blind eye to the disgusting touch under their feet!

The fire burned the sea of insects. When the Zerg were charred, they made a popping sound. Linglong said, "it's very fragrant."

The soldiers quickly looked at the unsettled demon king. It was very fragrant?!

The people watching the live broadcast admired the general's calmness.

"To tell you the truth, my secret fears have been committed. I'm from the vision of Princess Xiya. I'm scared to death when I see the sea of insects!"

"Ah, why are Zerg so disgusting! Why so much! Shelly's vision is more terrible! He is so tall that he can see more widely! "

"I really want to vomit! So many disgusting white things are wriggling. I admire the soldiers so much, really! I admire them so much! "

"It's still the general's cow force. He doesn't move like a mountain all the way. He can even say three words" still fragrant. "

"I have no other idea now. I hope the soldiers and the general can return safely. Really, it's good to be safe, please."

"Thank these soldiers who fought for the Empire!"

Because the insect star is full of insects, Linglong doesn't wear her little skirt anymore. After all, it's bad if she is sprayed with pus during a fight. She's afraid that she will crush the whole insect star with a big fire. Therefore, she is also equipped with war clothes. The people who follow her vision are the most, because she is the God in the hearts of countless people. People firmly believe that as long as she is there, everyone can return safely.

"How do you go next?" A female soldier was very distressed, "do you want to burn while walking? It's a waste of physical strength. These are just low Zerg. Their abilities should not be used too much. "

Linglong blinked and suddenly thought of something. She opened the battle clothes reserve system and took out a sachet. One person sent one. Xiya asked blankly, "Sir, what's this?"

"Insect repellent." Linglong replied, "it hasn't expired. It should still work. It's no use for high-level Zerg, but these."

She mercilessly trampled a pile of worms with her feet. "They dare not come near."

I forgot where she got the insect repellent sachet. Anyway, she has too many treasures, too much space and storage. The dragon's nature is to hoard.

"Shit! Admiral, and this good thing! I want it too! "

"Didn't the military produce an insecticide with the royal family before? It's not expensive. I'll buy them all just in case! "

"This insect repellent! Admiral, look at me! I'm your loyal licking dog, give me a whole one! "

"It really works! Look! There's a way! There's a way! "

The smell of the insect repellent is very domineering. These small insects can't resist it at all. The power of twenty insect repellents is even more terrible. They quickly spread to both sides. Linglong said casually: "try and control this small insect."

Male soldiers are naturally inferior to women in mental strength, so they are far inferior to female soldiers in controlling higher Zerg, but they also have mental strength. It's OK to spray insecticides and try to control small insects.

Insect star is a wasteland that can't be seen at a glance.

There is no grass here. You can't see anything except the Yellow everywhere. There is no green on the land, let alone other creatures. I'm afraid even the turf has become the Chinese food of the Zerg. That is, the soil is not delicious, otherwise the whole planet will be empty.

Walking, the soldiers found that the lower Zerg would take the initiative to devour each other.

After eating the same family, they will grow up and get fatter. Some of them have also changed their appearance. They are all white flowers and plump like silkworms, but the more they devour the same family, the bigger they grow and the more strange they look. Some have grown wings and some have grown limbs, but they still look very tender and can be trampled to death with one foot.

This planet is called insect star. It's not wrong at all. There are insects everywhere. There are also small mosquitoes and flies in the air. These mosquitoes and flies can't be seen as ordinary insects. If they are bitten, they will be infected with the virus. Therefore, the soldiers are equipped with full battle clothes and dare not take off their helmets.

In the war suit system, female weapon experts led by Jacqueline once equipped the war suit with similar mimicry ability according to the mimicry Zerg killed by Linglong. Whether it's the sea, land or sky, battle clothes can provide soldiers with the highest defense and strong attack ability. The value raised by a straight line is quite terrible. Naturally, they can imitate the same race like the Zerg.

Why don't you see the queen when you break into someone's house like this? If you were found at the beginning, it would be more than worth the loss. I'm afraid you don't have to run away at once.

"Insect star is really disgusting. Why can these insects live in such a place for so long?"

"That's why we are human beings. They are Zerg!"

"I used to report on the news that soldiers fought with Zerg on the Internet. I always thought it was just a small bug. As for fighting for so many years, I still have no choice? Now I take my words back. "

"I can't forget the mimicry Zerg who ate the starfish prince a few years ago. It's really terrible. It's hard to imagine that such a small insect will evolve such a terrible body shape and ability."

"Yes, think about it. If our relatives are eaten and mimicked... In fact, your lover, parents and friends are Zerg, I..."

"Shut up, shut up! There's a picture! Shut up! Don't say that again! "

The people who said this also felt disgusted. They turned around and looked at their families. If they were Zerg mimicry... Disgusting!!!

As the soldiers gradually deepened, the insect sea gradually disappeared. The insect star is a huge wasteland. There is no water or plants. The hungry lower Zerg can only increase their energy by swallowing each other. Anyway, the queen has terrible reproductive ability. They are never afraid to eat up their peers.

"Sir, the wormhole is so big. Where is the queen?"

"Doesn't it mean that the queen is half the size of a planet? But why didn't we see it? "

"It's like you've walked half a planet. I don't think the place where the queen lives can be a wasteland. She's the queen, and she's the highest and best queen of evolution. I think maybe her wisdom is similar to that of imperial humans. Look at those insects, they are highly hierarchical, and the queen must be the same."

The reason why the Zerg queen can't leave the wormhole is because of her huge size. For her, evolution seems to have only evolved spiritual power and wisdom. Her body is still the cradle of Zerg reproduction. Under this premise, she is bound to be unable to leave. In recent years, the Zerg have to make people doubt whether the queen is in an important period of evolution, That's why nutrition is particularly needed.

You know, almost all the asteroid people who were attacked were eaten.

The party went on and found a huge concave Valley, which was full of bones - primate bones.

Obviously, although the queen ate people's peers as food, she also liked to eat people directly.

Bai Sensen's bones are intertwined with all kinds of Zerg, snakes with hundreds of limbs and cockroaches half the size of a man. They seem to be infatuated with these bones and keep running around. They are dark and disgusting.

In the valley, a male soldier scanned the remains of mecha.

Think of those soldiers who came to wormhole for the Empire. What else don't you understand?

They stepped into wormhole and never came back alive.

The soldiers continued to move forward. As they went deep into the wormhole, the Zerg they saw became more and more advanced and smarter. At the beginning, they can use insect repellents to get through smoothly. Now, some Zerg will take the initiative to stop them and use their tentacles to put a little on their war clothes to test and check whether they are the same race.

Fortunately, the mimicry ability of the battle clothes is very strong, but the soldiers have a faint hunch that if they go forward and encounter a more complete evolutionary Zerg, the mimicry system may not work.

When the first giant cockroach used its tentacles to detect them, the soldiers got goose bumps. Their war clothes were very close to their body, and their tactile sensitivity was sharp. The greasy and disgusting tentacles were creepy. Until the other party wanted to detect whether Linglong was a fellow, the whole insect flew thousands of miles before it could touch her, It crashed on the rock wall and was buried by gravel.

Linglong threw away her weapon. When they looked at it, they were stunned: how are slippers?!

"What you look at, what you see."

Through his helmet, he could feel that he was ignorant and despised by the general.

The poor flip flop was abandoned on the road and could not return to the storage space.

Seeing that the cockroach boss is fanned, I don't know whether he is still alive or not. Other evolutionary Zerg dare not speak. They roll their tentacles humbly one by one and dare not point at this group of people. After all, the Zerg has always been the king. Whoever evolves stronger is the boss. The cockroach boss used to be a low Zerg, It was by accidentally eating a human who fell into the Zerg that special abilities evolved.

"I was disgusted to death by the giant cockroach just now. A slipper dragged me back to the world."

"Haha, haha, I don't understand why I use slippers? Does this thing have any gain buff? "

"According to historical records, tens of thousands of years ago, when mankind had not evolved, the Zerg was just an ordinary small Zerg. It is said that the Zerg can kill cockroaches and drag children invisibly!"

"What is dragging a child?"

"It's slippers!"

"I'm going to buy some pairs of slippers on the Star Internet now!"

"Brothers and sisters, the merchants of Xingwang are really like dogs! Just a few minutes? There are already the same cockroach killing flip flops! Sales are still high! "

"When it comes to the ability to carry goods, I don't agree with anyone, so I'll obey our admiral Linglong."

The atmosphere was finally a little more active. Everyone was no longer so heavy and continued to watch the live broadcast with interest. However, as they continued to go inside, in addition to the more and more powerful and fully evolved Zerg, they also saw some mecha debris. They thought it was a sacrifice and never returned to the Empire. Since then, the soldiers who slept in the insect star left it, and the people's eyes were sour.

They lived and worked in peace and contentment, but many brave and fearless soldiers died on the battlefield, their hometown was difficult to return, and the heroes drifted.

People couldn't help crying.

This sadness turned into crazy anger after the next high-level Zerg!

"Sir, am I wrong? How, how can there be humans? "

"No, you just read it wrong. It's not human!"

"How can humans have shells and tentacles?"

"But it looks exactly like human..."

The people watching the live broadcast were also surprised. Although they were far away, they enjoyed the same vision as the soldiers. There were several tall Zerg in the courtyard... Should they be Zerg? In short, they as like as two peas, almost identical.

When did the Zerg evolve into humans?!

It's terrible, that is to say, in the future, they may not need mimicry ability, but can easily blend into human society!

My God?

But as the high-level Zerg approached, the soldiers' hearts burned with anger - no, they didn't evolve human appearance at all. They, they took "people" as clothes and put them on!

A huge and ugly insect face is covered with a human skin bag, but because it is too large, the human skin used as clothes is obviously too small, so it is opened. It should be a young woman. The Zerg don't understand human aesthetics. The female face is torn into a strange shape, like a piece of elastic cloth, It was covered on a stone several times larger than its own volume, so its facial features were very strange and strange.

And they are complacent about this. They think they wear "people" and are higher than "people".