97th dragon scale (4)

Facing the little girl's question, Chai Tai said with a smile: "it turns out that in Jiaojiao's heart, the adoptive father is still in his prime. In fact, the adoptive father is already old!"

"Not confused?" Jiao Jiao began to pick up his fingers and talk, "I don't know how old it is, um..."

Folding cold quietly compared with her, and her eyes brightened: "forty years old!"

"Yes, forty." Chai Tai couldn't help touching the little girl's hairy head. "My adoptive father is 47 this year!"

He is not young at this age. He works hard day by day and his spirit is very poor. Especially in the troubled times a few years ago, there are many ruthless and careless people in the Jianghu. As the leader of the Wulin alliance, Chai Tai has many responsibilities to shoulder. Chai Tai feels that he is old enough to abdicate. When he gets old, he wants to fish, drink and practice martial arts in Zhuangzi, When you have nothing to do, visit old friends and be a happy old man.

Jiao Jiao continues to pick his fingers, "Jiao Jiao is ten years old this year..."

The more she calculated, the more confused she became. She simply stopped. Anyway, Jiao Jiao is still a long time away from the age of no doubt!

Yesterday, she didn't play enough outside. Today, Jiao Jiao still wants to go out. She grew up on the island and has no interest in taking a boat. It's boring to sit too much. Jiao Jiao actually prefers to ride a horse, but it's inconvenient to ride a horse in the town. It's also inconvenient for people and horses. It's also easy to have accidents, so she still walks around with her senior brother. Although she saw a lot of delicious food yesterday, Jiao Jiao Jiao's stomach is limited, She can only choose some of the ~ so many delicious foods she wants most. Today, it's different. Today, Jiao Jiao only ate a little breakfast, so she was very hungry after walking for a little while. She still carried her to the city. As soon as she arrived in the city, Jiao Jiao instantly came back to life full of blood. This one wanted to eat and that one wanted to taste. After a while, she ate a round belly.

Jiao Jiao is curious about everything because she hasn't seen anything in the world. She happened to hear the captors beating gongs and drums along the street, saying that the county magistrate wanted to interrogate Zhang, the poisonous woman who murdered her husband. Jiao Jiao, who likes to watch the excitement, naturally won't miss it. She is very excited, so she had to take her to see it.

The entrance of the county government hall is crowded with people. Naturally, zhe Han will not let Jiao Jiao squeeze with those people. What if she is so small? Therefore, holding Jiao Jiao's waist and tiptoe, he went to the roof. Here, he can clearly see the court hall, and it is not crowded. It's very comfortable when the cool wind blows.

The case is simple, that is, Zhang's husband is a peddler. He travels all over the country to sell goods on weekdays. He can go home once in about three or four months. After staying at home for a month, he has to go out. Zhang is virtuous and has a good life at home. But just a month ago, Zhang's husband, a man called pangerlang because he is the second in his family, went home and ate a bowl of hand rolled noodles made by Zhang, He's dead!

After the autopsy, Pang Erlang was determined to have died of poisoning due to bleeding in his seven orifices. The county magistrate immediately ordered someone to arrest Zhang. After all, Pang Erlang was fine before, but he died after eating a bowl of Zhang's hand rolling noodles after returning home. Who else could it be?

How can Zhang recognize it? However, she has no evidence to say that she is innocent. Her parents died early, and she has no children with Pang Erlang. It is also convincing that she is interested in Pang Erlang's savings, so she wants to kill Pang Erlang and her adulterer.

But Zhang refused to plead guilty. Pang Erlang's parents and brothers hated her and wanted her to pay for her life. In the court, Pang Erlang's mother was very fierce. When she grabbed Zhang, she slapped her mouth. When she opened her mouth, she scolded: "good hoof, my son worked hard outside and made money. I asked you to please your thief! You killed my son, you pay for my son's life! County magistrate, you should severely punish this poisonous woman! My poor Erlang -- "

Zhang suffered a lot in the county government prison. He was dragged and beaten by his mother-in-law without resistance. His face was numb, but he still refused to plead guilty.

She married Pang Erlang and became infertile for several years. Pang's mother was unhappy with her. Pang Erlang refused to divorce his wife and marry again. For the sake of Zhang's family, she didn't even listen to her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been enemies since ancient times. Now Pang Erlang has died miserably. How can Pang's mother spare Zhang?

But to say that Zhang committed adultery with others, there must be evidence. Zhang is famous for being virtuous and gentle. Pang Erlang goes out to do business. She hardly goes out of the door at home. She is also very kind. Her neighbors say she is good, but it is such a person who poisoned her husband.

After Pang Erlang died, her body was buried and her adulterer could not be found. As long as Zhang killed her and didn't recognize her, no one could do anything to her. But Pang Erlang's death is a fact. Whether she committed adultery or not, murdering her husband is an inextricable crime.

How does Zhang admit it? Watching her husband fall in front of her and bleed to death, her heart hurts so much that she wants to follow him. She is not afraid of death, but she can't die with the crime of murdering her husband!

Pang Erlang loved her. After they married, because Pang's mother didn't like Zhang, Pang Erlang took the initiative to split up. He almost didn't want anything. He took Zhang out to set up another door. He wanted to buy her silver bracelets and gold earrings, so he worked hard to do business. He didn't give up and didn't listen to Pang's mother's divorce. Originally, they had discussed it and came back from business this time, After saving enough capital, the couple set up a shop in the county. In the future, the husband and wife will live with Meimei. If they have no children, they will adopt one or adopt one. When they die of old age, some people will die

The bowl of hand rolled noodles was made by her herself, using the fine white flour left at home. She usually hates to eat it. She wants to wait for her husband to come back and leave the good to him. How can it be poisonous? Why did you poison your husband?

Zhang's family is still in a muddle. She always feels that Erlang is not dead yet. She always feels that Erlang will go home tomorrow, carry the goods, call her mother with a smile, and take out the gift she brought from her arms... Or a silk flower or a bracelet

Seeing that we are going to live a good life, why are there no people?

Jiao Jiao looked on the roof and couldn't help but blush her eyes. She leaned against her elder martial brother's shoulder and murmured, "Zhang's poor mother-in-law cried, but her tears stopped quickly. Although Zhang didn't resist, she always cried."

Folding cold hugged her: "don't be afraid, Jiao Jiao."

"Elder martial brother, I, I think..."

Zhehan knew her best. He didn't have to ask Jiao Jiao what she wanted to do. "Elder martial brother, take you."

They have learned from the court trial where Pang Erlang was buried. Jiao Jiao is brave. If Pang Erlang died of poisoning just because of the bleeding in his seven orifices, Jiao Jiao feels that it is not appropriate enough. Zhang refuses to admit that the hand rolling noodles are poisonous. After the rest of the white noodles are fed to the dog, the dog did not die, but who can guarantee that Zhang did not poison after making the noodles?

If you want to know whether Pang Erlang was poisoned or not, just look at his body.

At this moment, the owner of clean Island, Zhe Yi, who was drinking with Chaitai, killed him unexpectedly. His daughter and his steady apprentice went hand in hand to dig people's graves

Naturally, Jiao Jiao doesn't have to dig graves. She has the ability to protect herself when she goes out. Ordinary people can't get close to her. Although she hasn't learned autopsy, she knows a lot!

Fortunately, the weather is not too hot at present. Pang Erlang's body is not particularly rotten, but what makes Jiao Jiao very angry is that Pang Erlang's coffin quality is not good at all, so a lot of wet soil seeps into it, resulting in some damage to the body.

She said strangely: "it is said that Pang Erlang has made a lot of money. Zhang also makes needlework to supplement his family at home. The couple want to save money for the shop. Zhang is in prison. Should the saved money still be there? Pang Erlang was buried by his own parents and big brother. Why did he buy such a thin skin coffin? Can't you even afford a good coffin? "

Zhehan's face was indifferent: "in this world, it is nothing more than the power of money that can break up the family relationship. Pang Erlang has no children and no children. If something happens to his wife, his house silver will naturally be inherited by his brothers and nephews."

With that, the sword in his sleeve had cut Pang Erlang's shroud, "the quality of this shroud is also extremely poor."

Pang Erlang had no obvious scars on his body. If he didn't look at the rotten or damaged parts, he really didn't seem to have died of poisoning and bleeding in his seven orifices. In Jiao Jiao's view, it was more like an impact or collision. He didn't pay attention at that time, but his blood vessels were damaged, resulting in blood accumulation after returning home, which was fatal.

Nowadays, the autopsy is very simple. Sometimes the deceased doesn't even take off his clothes. He can check his mouth and nose. As for cutting open, it's impossible.

"Quack, quack --"

When Jiao Jiao was wondering about the cause of her death, suddenly there came a strange laugh from Jie Jie. The laughter was really strange. She was shocked when she heard Jiao Jiao's scalp numb. Zhe Han immediately hugged her in his arms, "who is your excellency? Please show up. "

Behind a big tree, a strange little old man came out slowly. The little old man had heavy feet. At first glance, he couldn't know martial arts and his breath was normal, but he didn't notice his existence!

The next second, zhehan suddenly felt weak and had difficulty breathing. He fell on his knees and gasped heavily. Jiao Jiao was startled and grabbed his hand to feel his pulse: "senior brother! How did you... "

"Ha ha ha, smelly boy, when are you still in your power? My poison is specially aimed at an expert like you. The deeper your internal power is, the more you use your breath, and the deeper the poisoning is. Your boy is trained in martial arts and is breathing in his daily breath. Who is poisoned if you are not poisoned?"

Jiao Jiao was furious: "you bad old man! Don't hurt my senior brother! Hand over the antidote! "

The little old man looked at Jiao Jiao and said, "you're a good little girl. You're smart, brave and know some medicine and poison."

Jiao Jiao: "I don't just know fur! My father taught me! I, although I didn't learn it all, I at least learned the meat under the skin! "

How can I say she only knows fur!

The little old man laughed: "do you know how this man died?"

Jiao Jiao wilted in an instant: "... I don't know."

Then, a scene that surprised her appeared. The little old man came over with his hands on his back. He was not very good-looking. He was short, ugly and eccentric. He kicked the elder martial brother aside. Jiao Jiao was angry again: "don't bully my elder martial brother! Give me the antidote! "

Zhehan tried to hold the sword. He was afraid that the little old man would be bad for Jiaojiao, but the little old man didn't bother to pay attention to him. Instead, he opened the box on his back. As soon as the box was opened, Jiaojiao was surprised!

There are all kinds of knives inside. Some are strange in shape, some are very large, some are very small, as thin as cicada wings. I've never seen them before.

Then, the little old man put on a pair of strange gloves, burned the lower blade with a fire, and opened the chest of Pang Erlang's body easily!

Jiao Jiao:!!!

The little old man slowly took out the internal organs of the body. Because the internal decay of the body was more serious than that of the outside, as soon as the chest was cut open, it gave off an extremely bad smell of the body. He almost didn't faint Jiao Jiao Xun. The little old man didn't care. He even picked up a lung and put it on the tip of his nose to smell, "well... There's no smell."

It's called no smell?!

The little old man waved to Jiao Jiao: "little girl, come here."

Jiaojiao dawdled.

"If you don't come here, I'll poison your stupid senior brother."

Jiao Jiao passed by obediently. The little old man showed Pang Erlang's lungs to her. Jiao Jiao suddenly noticed something wrong: "his lungs... Why are so big?"

It's a little too big.

The little old man Shi ran said, "yes, how can this man's lungs be so big?"

Jiao Jiao stared at him, but the little old man refused to go on. She was too anxious: "Grandpa, why, you said!"

The little old man began to giggle again. This time, Jiao Jiao was not afraid. She waited anxiously for an answer, but the little old man didn't answer his question: "I know, but why should I tell you?"

Jiao Jiao was stunned: "for, for justice?"

She immediately began to talk kindly: "the wife of the deceased Pang Erlang was falsely accused of murdering her husband. It was said that the woman poisoned her husband. The family of the deceased were quarreling in the court. It would be great if you could help clear up your grievances, grandpa! Saving one's life is better than building a seven level floating slaughter! "

The little old man shook his head: "I don't care about these false names. Others will die. What do you care about me? Not interested, not interested. "

Zhe hanqiang stood up. He was really afraid that the little old man would be unhappy and stabbed Jiao Jiao. He gritted his teeth and said, "elder Ji, my younger martial sister has a kind nature. Please don't hesitate to give me advice."

Ji wubing glanced at him and said coldly, "your boy is smart. Even I know who I am."

"The old master claims to be excellent at both medicine and poison. The younger martial sister handed down by master has excellent medical skills, but in the eyes of the old master, she only knows a little. She is so erudite and knowledgeable. I think no one has the confidence to say such a thing except the strange doctor and the disease-free elder Ji."

Don't tell me, although this smelly boy is arrogant, it's the most comfortable for this arrogant person to flatter.

Ji wubing was very satisfied. "Smelly boy, how can people like Zhe Yi raise disciples like you?"

Look at Jiao Jiao again. "I have a beautiful and lovely daughter. God has no eyes. I've been running around the world all my life, but I don't even have a successor. How can I have an excellent talent to be an apprentice and a gifted daughter to study medicine? What kind of miracle doctor can he teach with his ideas and skills! At most, you can treat people with abdominal pain and diarrhea. No more! "

Jiao Jiao is smart! She immediately knelt down with bright eyes: "master!"

Ji wubing was relieved by the master's call, but she had to pretend to take Joe: "you learn medicine from your father, what else do you want to worship me as a master?"

Jiaojiao Tiantian said, "although my father is proficient in medicine, he is not as good as master. Master is the best doctor in the world. He has excellent medicine and poison. Jiaojiao wants to learn this from master! Jiao Jiao also wants to unload eight yuan from the National People's Congress! "

When zhe Han heard this, he almost leaked his breath and poisoned himself.

But Ji wubing likes this kind of child who is ancient and strange and not bound by the secular world. He nodded slowly: "come on, I'll take you as an apprentice, and take a good breath to break the old man at that time!"

Jiao Jiao clapped his hands: "thank you, master! Well, master, look at elder martial brother... "

Ji wubing glanced coldly at zhe Han. He inadvertently saw Jiao Jiao. The little girl is full of spirit, lively and lovely, and has some medical foundation. He is also at this age. Although he is carefree and alone, he also wants to pass on his mantle. Wouldn't it be a pity if no one inherited his skills?

Jiao Jiao is bold and interested in medicine and poison. The most important thing is that she is kind and honest. Although Ji wubing feels that those decent people are hypocritical, he thinks it's naive and lovely.

But zhehan was very unhappy with him. His serious appearance was really carved with the old boy Zheyi, so he gave zhehan a slap in the face. He was very unhappy.

God has no eyes! How can a hypocrite like Zhe Yi have such an apprentice and give birth to such a good daughter?

Unfortunately, his wife was not ill. She was born ugly and abandoned by her parents. She was picked up by her master as a medicine man. She was moody all her life, but she didn't even have a woman, let alone a lovely daughter like Jiao Jiao.

The children of ordinary people have been scared to cry when they see his strange appearance. Who wants to be close? Those who begged him for help with a lot of gold and silver were afraid of him. They were afraid that he would cure people and be in a bad mood. They directly poisoned the people who saved them. The name of the strange doctor became louder and louder, but the world retreated from him. There was no such cleverness as Jiaojiao. With a hint, he knelt down and worshipped the teacher.

But Zheyi's good daughter is now his good apprentice. It's not bad.

Ji wubing snorted coldly, "it's just some poisons that don't hurt your body. Just stay honest and don't spit out your luck. You'll be fine in a minute. These Jianghu people who rely on their excellent martial arts don't pay attention to us doctors who can't bind chickens. They often point swords at us and force us to save people. I don't like this kind of guy! "

"Yes!" Jiao Jiao clapped his hands and shouted for master, "master is right! If you ask for someone, you have to look like asking for someone! There is no knife on people's neck! "

Ji wubing nodded with satisfaction: "yes, yes, I think the king of the court once sent someone to find me. He thought he could force me to save his sweetheart by relying on the group of eagles and dogs, but am I the kind of person who can be obedient?"

Jiao Jiao couldn't help asking, "what happened later?"

Ji wubing was very proud: "I have developed a new poison, which is a new thing that combines poisonous insects and poison. Planting it on people can turn people's emotions upside down. Love becomes hate and hate becomes love. Unless I detoxify it myself, hehe!"

Jiao Jiao opened his eyes: "there are so powerful and interesting things! If you feed it to the cat, will the kitten never eat fish or catch mice again? "

Ji wubing: "well, as a teacher, I fed this medicine to the prince's sweetheart."

Jiao Jiao: "ho!"

She held her hands quite in place. Ji wubing was speechless. She squatted next to the body and began to talk. She was full of emotion and warm atmosphere. She was an ordinary person and dared not use her internal power:

Forget it. It doesn't seem that Ji wubing is going to hurt Jiao Jiao. He'd better consider how to return to normal first.

Ji wubing still said: "ha ha, my dear disciple, you didn't see the dog Lord's expression. It's like eating shit. This time he knows that good words beg me, but am I the kind of person who will listen to you if you ask? Of course not! The dog Lord saw that I didn't eat hard and soft, but he wanted to be strong, so I gave him medicine! "

Jiao Jiao was in high spirits: "what medicine, master?"

"Don't lift the medicine!"

Jiao Jiao gave a long sound~~~

Folding cold couldn't help it: "elder Ji, Jiao Jiao is only ten years old this year."

Ji wubing stared at him: "we study medicine, how can we pay so much attention to it! When I was five years old, I could cut people open! "

When it comes to opening and laparotomy, Jiao Jiao is very curious about the technique Ji wubing used before, "master, how did you just open Pang Erlang's body and remove his internal organs? I want to learn! "

Ji wubing was very happy: "you are so brave! What an appetite for being a teacher! "

Zhe Han has been thinking about how to explain when he was hanged up by Shifu and Chai alliance leader after he went back.

Jiao Jiao received a different education from ordinary girls since childhood. She never let her learn those things. In his opinion, women's precepts and women's training are meaningless dross. Jiao Jiao Jiao learns what she likes. Therefore, she has developed her innocent and courageous character, but Jiao Jiao is not arrogant and willful, but intimate and clever.

In this world, there is no second Jiao Jiao.

Ji wubing's skills. After killing Shifu, he learned Shifu's skills. He is also a genius of Tianzong. He carried forward these skills and inherited and innovated. For example, he created the art of autopsy. He once changed a heart for a man with congenital heart disease. After he was raised, he miraculously survived!

He can save people and kill people. Whether he saves or kills depends on his heart. He is a complete freak.

However, Jiao Jiao has a pure nature. She never treats people like three or five or nine, nor judge people by their appearance. She can talk to anyone and have fun. This is not comparable to that of zhe Han. It is natural that Ji wubing treats her differently.

Jiao Jiao is so good that it is naturally worth everything in the world.