Chapter 107 - 107 - Prince Gua

The tall prince nodded and whispered, "So... Where is the dragon? Give it to me,"

Jinjue gazed at him with her eyes wide open. Her mouth moved without her consent. "I don't know who that is," she said.

She tried closing her mouth voluntarily. But somehow she could not control it.

"don't try so hard. My spiritual energy can even break your jaw if you force it too much," the prince said and squatted next to the princess.

" don't....hurt..." the maid Jinjue said through her closed jaw.

The tall man gazed at her with some appreciation in his eyes. "You are still able to talk. I have never seen such determination before," he said with a soft chuckle.

Jinjue gritted her teeth. "Plea.... se," she begged with tears streaming down her face.

"Prince Gua Jung, this woman she is brimming with the dragon's spiritual energy. Even the puppy next to it is!" the old man exclaimed.

He squatted down next to Felia and checked her pulse. "Too bad, this girl is poisoned by some unknown venom. Otherwise she would have been a great vessel for you, your highness," the old man sighed.

The maid Jinjue's heart shuddered. 'Vessel! They were planning such a vulgar thing about our princess!!' her eyes turned red in resentment.

Prince Gua gazed at the maid and chuckled. "How about her?" he said, pointing to her.

The old man shook his head sadly. "No, she does not have an ounce of dragon spiritual energy,"

The prince sighed and patted her shoulder. Jinjue felt her entire body loose strength. Powerless, she fell onto the floor. But even then her eyes followed him with resentment written in them.

"I Am sad I have to kill you. I thought I could make you into my concubine but too bad... you don't posses what I need." He gestured for the short man with his eyes.

The man swiftly ran behind her and lifted Felia and the little pup in his hands.

"We will be taking the girl behind you. Her body still has something we need," Prince Gua said with a smirk.

" please..don't..." Jinjue begged, holding onto his pants.

Prince Gua smirked and walked away. Her feeble hands could not hold on to him. She bit her lips and cried. "NO... PLEASE.... take me.... not her....."

The man laughed louder as he strode away.

Prince Gua Juan gestured for the old man. "Do you see any signs that can be tracked?"

"Your highness, this girl's poison is peculiar; it looks like the dragon was trying to save her. How about this, why don't we lure it to us?" the old man suggested with a leer.

"Make sure the traps are failproof," prince Gua smirked and sat next to a small banyan tree.

He watched the old man and the short man run around nearby sticking ruins and enchantment. He held his chin and gazed down at the unconscious woman next to his feet.

"What is so special about you that even a mighty dragon is willing to help," he whispered with a dangerous smirk.

The woman's features were not that beautiful, but her skin looked like it was well maintained and her clothes looked like she was well dressed as well.

He held her sleeve and rubbed it in between his fingers.

"Cloud silk. Looks like you are a royal. How interesting," he said and leaned back against the tree.

Behind him he felt a small moment, like a little vibration. With a frown, he gazed back at the tree. It looked like a normal one.

He shook his head and rested his head against its roots.

Beneath him, the little banyan tree struggled hard not to move. It could feel the mighty pressure from the man. 'I don't want to become firewood today' it internally cried.

At the man's feat the little banyan saw the familiar girl. 'Eh, isn't she the one that ruined my fruit?' it thought.

His mother has hunted down humans for hundreds of years to produce just one fruit. But this human girl came around and just destroyed it with one stone.

His mother raged. She said if he did not bring back this woman, he was not allowed to come back at all. So the little tree started his journey to find the crazy beast.

Unexpectedly, so he found her. She was unmoving, and she was accompanied by a crazy looking man. 'Oh dear god, why am I being punished like this?' it cried.

The man lying on him suddenly woke up and sniffed. "Why does this tree smell so funky? Che," he said, and strode over to another tree.

The little tree felt relieved. Now he only had to take this woman to mother and he will be allowed back into the family.

'I have to make my run when I have the chance,' he thought with resolution.

His roots slowly moved to her while the others were busy doing something. The man sleeping on the nearby tree peeked at him. His roots stopped in action.

"I think I Am hallucinating. How can a tree move on its own?" the man said and hid his face with a towel.

The little tree let out a deep breath. It's really rare for a tree to evolve and have spiritual knowledge. It takes hundreds or thousands of years, so humans were never aware of their existence.

The crazy beast was the first woman he saw. But she ended up being a crazy being.

He slowly tucked his roots below her waist and enveloped her. Another one of his roots wrapped around her legs. Just in case she woke up and decided to run. Another wrapped around the puppy.

He slowly pulled her and the pup towards him.

'Now!' he shouted and pulled her inside his hollow trunk. His roots pulled out front the sand to reveal a baby like face.

The sleeping man suddenly woke up with his eyes wide open. "What... what is this?" He rushed after him.

"Mommy!" he shouted and ran away. His wide branches were making it hard from him to navigate through the crowded forest. 'I have to break my limbs,' he thought with a cry.

He broke off his limbs and threw them at the monstrous-looking man. One of his branches hit him on his face.

"Yes! Tree always wins," the little banyan shouted and ran faster.

At first he wanted to run to his mother, but thinking about the man following around. He didn't want to lead him to his home. His mother might be in danger because of him.

Taking a decisive turn, the little banyan ran towards the waterfall. If he could hide in the special cave, the corpses in there would be able to defeat this man. It thought.

But his intelligence was limited. It forgot that wood floats in water. As it jumped into the water flow it gazed back at the man and smirked.

"Can't follow me now, can't you," he shouted. The tree tried wading in water but the pressure was too much. It got swept away in force. "ahhhh," it shouted as it fell down the waterfall.

Prince Gua gazed down at the floating log with a frown.

He least expected this. He was planning to capture the dragon with that woman, but his bait was snatched away by a walking tree.

"I want that woman," he shouted at the slowly people behind him.

The old man sweated and wiped his forehead. He stepped back and cautiously gazed at him.

This was the second time he had seen the prince this angry last time he had killed his mother and all of his siblings.

The short man also stayed away from the raging prince.

"Don't just stand there. Jump!" he shouted at the short man.

The short man nodded and jumped down. Sadly, the water flow was too turbulent that day. He was tumbled into the water and he hit his head on the rocks underneath.

Prince Gua gazed down at the blood blooming in the water.

"Useless. If I want it done, I have to do it myself," the prince said and removed his outer shirt. He jumped down the waterfall, missing the rocks by just seconds. He kicked the rocky bottom and swam to the surface.

Taking a deep breath, he started wading downstream. He did not see the tree floating anywhere, so it might have started travelling underwater was his thoughts.

But the little banyan had swum towards the cave's opening and hiding behind a huge boulder. 'I escaped one crazy beast and almost got caught by another,' he thought.

His roots were still trembling in fear of what might have happened.

"Phew, thank god, I escaped. Otherwise I would have been firewood by now," it said and walked inside the cave.

"Ah, Long, that tree talks!" a loud exclamation shocked the little banyan.

The little beast looked very beautiful with his cherry lips and pink complexion. For a second the little tree felt his roots shaking in anticipation.

'This man ah, he's so beautiful!' it exclaimed in heart.

But another man walked behind him and hugged him. His glare sent the little banyan to tremble in fear. He could feel the man's superior energy gush out of him.

"Ah, another monster! Why am I so unlucky?" it cried hugging itself.