Chapter 158 - 158 - The Old Paper Crane

Long Aotian was still a little proud. He gazed at the maid and grinned like he was saying 'see love always wins,'

Jinjue pointed a small dagger at him meaning, 'get lost, I am in a bad mood,'

Long shrugged and walked over to his lover. He hugged his soft body and snuggled against him. "Xia.....I love you," he whispered with a cute smirk.

Xia chuckled and patted his face. "Yes, I love you to silly," he led them to the chair next to the bed and made the dragon sit on it. After which he sat on the little dragon's lap.

"No, I love you more,"

"I love you most," Xia whispered softly.

Jinjue could not stand it anymore. She sat on the tea table next to the window and poured herself a cup of cold tea. Sipping it, she silently watched the two couple. 'oh it hurts to be single,' she closed her eyes in pain.

She glanced out at the bustling town and sighed. Just then she saw a man rushing into the inn. He was dressed as a Yamen runner. 'Why is a yamen runner rushing over to this inn?' she thought as she absentmindedly sipped her green tea.

Her tea cup was empty, so she took the teapot. But it was almost empty. Sighing, she held her chin and watched the people below. She subtly glanced back to find the two dog couple still emitting pink bubbles in air. 'Aren't they hungry? It's almost lunchtime now,' she thought, holding onto her growling stomach.

The door was still open, so she was planning to slip out of here and eat her fill. But before that, a yamen runner stood hesitantly next to the doorway. 'Eh, why is he here?'

"Do you want something?" Jinjue said.

The yamen runner panted he wiped his sweat away and shouted, "I have news from the magistrate office,"

This stopped Xia and Long. They both stop up from the chair and rushed over to him. "What? Is there any good news?"

"ye—yes.... I..." the yamen runner held onto his knees and panted hard.

"Give the man some tea, will you," Jinjue shouted from inside.

They both invited him inside and gave the remaining tea.

After wetting his throat, the Yamen runner explained that they have indeed found valid information that Yukiya was spotted in Juikal. To further investigate the viability of it, they have invited the person who gave the information here as fast as they can.

Xia grinned cheerfully. "Long~"

"Yes love, get ready, let's go to the magistrate's office and meet that person," Long caressed his face and send him away.

Xia hopped over to their room and changed his clothes.

Felia glanced at eth yamen runner and gulped. 'Oh my god, what should I do? I lied that I saw Xia's mother here that's why we are here. Or else we would have been in Juikal only. And Xia would have found his mother by now,' she thought as guilt ate through her heart.

Raijin licked her and whined. 'What is wrong? Why are you so downcast?'

Felia patted his head and sniffled. 'I have to take charge of this mishap. When Xia comes back, I will apologise to him for lying,' she thought clenching her fists.

Meanwhile, Long sat in front of the Yamen runner and frowned. "Who is the informer?" he whispered. He was still doubtful if the informant had real info about Yukiya or not.

The yamen runner shook his head. "It is not possible to reveal their identity." He said regretfully.

Long Aotian sighed and nodded. Soon his lover ran into the room in his new clothes.

"Let's go!" Xia said.

Both xia and Long rushed out without waiting for the others. but Felia insisted that she wanted to follow them. So Raijin transformed into a man and lifted Felia all over to the magistrate's office.

Xia and Long reached the Magistrate's office in a hurry. The yamen runners invite them with gusto and made them wait in a small decorated waiting room. Waiting around, Xia's heart pounded in anticipation. 'it will definitely be good news. But... what if something bad had happened?' he thought as he bit into his nails.

Long pulled his hands out of his mouth and gripped on it. "Don't fret. Everything is going to be okay." He assured.

Xia gave him a small smile and leaned on his shoulders. "I hope so too," he whispered.

Soon the magistrate came into the room with a pleasing smile. "Young masters, what about some tea?"

"Cut to the chase," Long hurried him.

"Yes, yes, we got reliable information from Juikal that someone matching the decryption you gave, was spotted nearby. At first I was sceptical, so I brought the informant over to investigate further." He waved to a yamen runner next to the door. The yamen runner bowed and left. He brought back a small child with him. She looked less than ten years old.

Xia Che was stunned. That little girl's face was vague but he was still not able to remember where he had met her.

As soon as the little girl, Haily, saw Xia, she cheerfully rushed over to him shouting, "Saviours,"

"Ah, you were one of the girls we found in the black market lair," Xia exclaimed.

"Yes, saviour," Haily shuffled inside her shirt and brought out a small paper crane. "You made this for us," she whispered in glee.

Taking the small crane, Xia chuckled. "It's good that you guys reached home safe and sound. But what are you doing here in Suikal,"

The girl stated fretting. She kept through glances at the magistrate and whispered, "I answered to a missing person poster so they brought me here," she whispered.

Xia shot up and held her shoulders. "So you have seen the white clothed woman with a conical bamboo hat?"

With a hesitant look, the little girl nodded. "I have,"

"Is she alive? Is she safe?"

Haily patted his hands and whispered, "She looked safe. But there was a creepy man following her around,"

Long stood up at this. "How did he look? Any descriptive marks. Beard? Mustache? Mole?"

Haily thought for a while. "Ah! He had a mark inside his palm. I saw it when he walked past me,"

"What kind of mark," Long whispered with a doubtful look.

"Some kind of enchantment," Haily whispered.