Chapter 172 - 172 - The Suspension Bridge

Long sighed. "I have put you through misery. I accept, let's stay with that 'guy' for a day," he whispered and hugged him tight.

On the side, the pink-haired man had a mysterious smile on his face. 'lured you in, you little lamb,' he thought, hiding his smile with his hands.

Both Xi and Long got inside the contraption the people call a car. It was stuffy and not that spacious for their long legs, but they were able to adjust properly.

The pink-haired man named Boa Hu, sat in the front seat and operated it. "master, please strap in," he whispered, glancing back at them.

Xia blinked. "Strap into what?"

"Oh, how could I forget," Boa hu got down and went to the back seat. He opened the door and pulled the seatbelt from the side. "Master, to have a safe travel you should be strapped into this," he leaned down to buckle up.

But Long stopped him."I can do this too," he took the strap with a metal attached to it and plugged it into the small hole. The strap stayed in place across his lover snugly. "See, we don't need your help," he said to the mysterious man. He had no trust in him, but since his lover was out in the cold for three days, he wanted to provide him comfortable stay. During the nights he secretly searched for inn's which were called 'love hotels,' but even those did not accept silver, gold or even spirit crystal. 'That's why I'm tolerating him.....' he thought glaring at the smiley faced man.

Boa Hu got in the driver's seat and started the car. Subtly, he glanced back at the pair. 'Wow, can't believe my trap is working perfectly. Naive young master, i never expected to see you again. You can be my dinner,' he thought, licking his lips.

Long suddenly felt a malicious glance their way. He hugged his lover close and glared at the back of the man. 'Who is this man? I felt a demonic presence from him... I have to be extra careful,' he thought, holding him tight.

Xia snuggled close and whispered, "you are too rough,"

This made the golden dragon blush. He loosed his hold and caressed his chubby face. "sorry baby,"

Xia chuckled softly and nuzzled closer. "Aoatin~ I miss you," he whispered with a soft blush. His hands reached for the dragon's pants. He softly caressed his heat through the layers of clothes.

Long held his hand back and growled. "Not here," he could feel the gaze of the man named Boa Hu.


The golden dragon was barely able to hold himself from embracing him. He bit the inside of his mouths until it was bloodied. He leaned close and whispered, "When we are behind doors.....then...."

"Okay~" xia cheerfully shouted and hugged him tight. The weird strap was digging into his skin, but he ignored it. Laying his head on his chest, he listened to his strong heartbeat. It was slightly faster the usual. 'Looks like my dragon is heating up...I—I really did miss his touch,' he thought, poking his lover's firm chest.

"Don't test me, darling," Long chuckled and held his roaming hands. He brought it over to his mouth and softly pecked each of his jade like fingers. He glanced down at his lover's dark eyes that shone like the starry sea in the artificial light and thought, 'how did I get so hold this treasure close... I guess I am very fortunate,'

Xia made a kissy face and pulled his hand out. "ew, you slobbered on me,"

"Slobber is not the thing you should be worried about," Long groaned.

Right then the car jolted and stopped.

Long held his lover so that he won't get hurt and glanced upfront. "What happened?"

"Oh, we reached a red light," Bao Hu said with a creepy smile.

Long glanced out the front glass to find that there was a red light glowing and the people were crossing in front of their car. He then glanced at the side profile of the man. 'This man is definitely up to he perhaps coveting my darling,' he glanced down at his cute love. 'I won't let him...' his grip on Xia tightened slightly.

Xia wiggled around. The strap on him was uncomfortable. He slid out of it and sat on the dragon's lap. "Now I am safe and strapped on," he chuckled.

Long pulled his own strap and looped it around his lover so that they both will be held together by it. "Yes you are indeed,"

Boa Hu watched all this through the rear-view mirror. The light turned green. He gritted his teeth and started the car. 'They are fucking flirting. Ahh, this is frustrating. Master is flirting with that bloody bastard. Why him again, even in this life, why would Hong-ah choose him. Why not me? I was there with him through all his hardship yet he chose him?' His grip on the wheel tightened. His overwhelming spiritual energy leaked out and filled the entire car.

Xia was having a hard time breathing with all the demonic energy swirling around in the car. He felt a little suffocated, but the scent of his dragon calmed him down.

"What are you doing?" Long shouted. He emitted his own spiritual energy to form a small shield around them.

"What am I doing? What ARE you BOTH doing? This is a car, not a hotel. So learn to retrain yourself, you bloody worm," Boa Hu said with a glare.

"I can do whatever I want with my lover. Who are you to stop us? You are friends with that Icarus, right?" Long challenged him.

Bao Hu let all his pretence down. He glanced back and glared with a creepy smile. "You have already met Icarus and survived? Shit, he has gone soft over the years. I will finish what he failed to," A black smoke emoted from his eyes and filled the car with a hazy fog.

The car wheel screeched as he brought it to a halt in the middle of a suspension bridge. Many cars honked behind him but he dint bother.

"Hay, what the hell? Move it," a spectator shouted.

Boa Hu glanced at him and grinned. "oh I'm gonna move it alright," the concrete under his foot shook and wavered. Soon the entire suspension bridge trembled. Likewise, each of the suspension cords snapped off and waved around like they had come to life.

Inside the car, Long broke through the door and jumped out with Xia in his arms. He placed him on the corner and whispered, "stay here,"

The small smile on xia's face waned away. 'Why is Aoatin not letting me fight all the time? I'm not a child, neither am I a delicate maiden. I don't need to be protected,' he pouted, twirling his fingers around.

Noticing his expression, Long sighed. "I will attack would you be able to defend my back,"

"Definitely," Xia cheerfully shouted and smirked. He glanced around to find that they were in the middle of a water body. "a river.... hehe this is my territory," he whispered, rubbing his hands in anticipation.

The suspension cords wavered and twirled around Boa Hu. "Do you like it... you should be lucky to witness my awesome powers," he smirked at Long.

"Tsk, Tsk, you just brought inanimate things to life what's so grand about that," Long Aotian smirked and summoned his sword. it lid up with red and golden flames.

"a small bonfire is not enough to take me down," Boa Hu chuckled and waved his hands. The suspension cords all swirled around and charged at Long.

"Who said it was a small fire," Long dashed forwards and jumped on one of it. He concentrated his spiritual energy into his sword and elongated it, making an elastic whip. He whipped the cords under him. The metal cords were chopped up so easily, like cutting through butter.

Long stepped back with a grin. "is that all?,"

Boa Hu gritted his teeth. "Don't underestimate me,"he stomped hard and eth concrete under his feet shattered and floated around him. He then waved his hands to attack.

Long waved his whip but the attack was too scattered for him to dodge all.

Xia noticed this. "long, take the left ill take the right," he shouted and dashed to the edge of the bridge he held his hands out and controlled the river beneath. Eth water heard his command and flowed up like a snake that was rearing its head. "go!" he shouted. The water column gushed out and stopped the upcoming rubble.

"Master! Why are you helping him? He is a traitor, a bloody royal! Why the hell are you together with him again," Boa Hu shouted.

"Who are you to tell me who should I date or not? And by the way, who are you, you talk as if you are intimate with me but I barely know you," xia whispered with his hands folded.