Chapter 195 - 195 - The Exit

Far, far away in the silent forest near Suikal, a small group of cultivators stood around the area looking anxiously up at the sky. "I am definite the dragon disappeared in this place," one of them whispered to his companion.

An old man holding a golden compass scoffed at them. "Golden temple was the ones who discovered this anomaly first, I kindly advice you all to leave,"

"Yaa, you are not the ones who discovered that dragon first. We, the Kim family, found it first. It belongs to us!" a man shouted.

"No! It belongs to the Su family. How can you stake claim to the dragon we spotted?" another man shouted at him.

All the cultivators started drawing their sword and glaring at each other.

A man wearing golden cape stood casually in the corner. He was not alone though; he was accompanied by another man with a huge scar on his face next to him.

"the one who is powerful enough shall take the dragon," the golden caped man softly added. But his soft voice contained an immense amount of killing intent in it. "So, that dragon is MINE! I will tear him to pieces and make an armour out of it," he said with a creepy smirk.

Other cultivators finally took notice of this man. "P—prince Hua Jun! He is here!..."

"Hua Jun? Who is he?" a local cultivator whispered.

The man who exclaimed just now pulled his sleeve and shut his mouth with his hands. "'he is the one who had the Kirin."

All the cultivators were startled by this discovery. All their gazes focused on the silent man standing next to the prince.

"He is the Kirin? How does he look human?"

"Don't you know, powerful beasts have the talent to morph into human form,"

The crowd murmured among themselves.

Hua jun was more than annoyed by their chatter. "Where is my dragon? Did that thing use some disappearing spell or transportation spell?" he said, taking a threatening step towards the old man.

The old man holding the compass backed up a bit and bowed deeply. "I am not sure, prince. This spell is unlike anything I've seen. It looks like the space and time at this particular spot is morphing." He hid his trembling hands behind his back and hid away from the prince. The last navigator had been brutally killed by this little prince. He did not want to share the same fate.

"Then research it more, we need that dragon. Golden temple needs that dragon!" he added as he walked away.

Only after he left did the stiffening killing aura, leave the area. The other cultivators took a deep breath and calmed down their turbulent spiritual energy.

"Why is the golden temple so desperate to get the dragon, huh? Don't they have a Kirin," one of the cultivators whispered.

"Oh, I don't think you know. Recently, their Kirin started revolting against their commands so they are desperately searching of the dragon to fortify its powers."

The old man silently scoffed at him. "If you fear for your life, you better stop spreading false news. Our golden temple will always be the powerhouse of this realm. Nothing, not even the heaven can beat us," he said, which silenced all the other cultivators.

All of a sudden, a small portal opened in the sky. The cloudless sky was suddenly filled with dark clouds. Thunder sparkled amongst them.

"oh! Something is happening. The is opening," the cultivators shouted as they watched the spatial rift in awe.

Slowly a snow white hand appeared out of the small hole.

"H—hand... that is a human hand!!!" one of the cultivator shouted in fear. "is it a superior cultivator?!!"

The entire forest was in disarray. Many cultivators could not handle the spiritual presence of the hand and collapsed.

Hua Jun also noticed this anomaly and rushed towards the portal. Summoning his sword in hand, he stood in his attack form. 'Come out dragon, we'll see who dies and who lives..... as for your that beauty...I will have him as many times I want!' he sinisterly grinned.

Oly, the Kirin, watched his fanatic behaviour with a frown. He could also feel the magnetic presence of that hand that appeared out of the portal. The spiritual energy felt colossal, like a sleeping beast it made his spiritual energy go haywire. 'This energy is not that of a dragon....its more demonic.... it's better not to get to get in the way of this person,'

Weirdly, he had the feeling that he had felt this energy beforehand. "Don't tell me….. that masked man.... it's his hand. I'm sure of it,'

"Hey, stupid prince, it's not a dragon but a demon. If you want to die so badly, stay here," he said pulling Prince Hua's collar.

"WHO ARE YOU TO ORDER ME? LET GO! I WILL KILL THAT DRAGON TODAY!" Hua jun struggle in his firm grip.

Oly frowned. He glanced back with a small smile and whispered, "sorry." He smacked him directly next to his neck, this knocked him out. He lifted the troublesome human over his shoulders and walked away. "Darn...I chose a stupid human. Should I kill him?" he thought as he gazed at Hua's stupid face.

" will be too troublesome to find a new master. I'll roll with this one. I just have to keep him alive until I could resolve this seal on me," Oly casually whispered, but his legs were very swift. He frantically jumped over many trees and rushed away from the deadly forest.

Only after putting a lot of distance from the portal did Oly pause. He tossed the human down and went to hunt his dinner.

Meanwhile, the other cultivators left at the spot were struggling. They were not able to move or even shout for help. All of their muscles and meridians froze up from just the spiritual energy. Now all they wanted was to escape, but they were not able to.

Even the most powerful of those cultivators was not able to last ten minutes. Then he too fainted, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The portal in the sky expanded inch by inch, and suddenly a pair jumped from within.

Long Ki held Yukiya close as he jumped from up above. His feet landed softly on the grass ground so that his wifey would not have any sudden movements. "Yukiya, you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Are you feeling like puking? Are you hungry?" he threw questions rapidly at her.

Yukiya peered up at him and smirked. "I'm not a glass doll. I don't break, so stop treating me like one," she whispered and jumped out from his hold. Her feet landed on something soft and squishy. 'eh,' she glanced down to find that she was stepping on a human body.

Startled, she jumped down from him and checked his pulse. "He is alive, barely,"

Only after that did she notice many other humans with the similar condition surrounding them.

"What happened here? They have all collapsed after throwing up blood," she whispered with a frown. She stepped back and stumbled on another unconscious human.

Long Ki jumped up to her and steadied her shoulders. "I think they all collapsed feeling Lian hua's demonic energy,"

"But I didn't feel it," Yukiya whispered confusedly.

The red dragon's face flushed pink. He gazed at the sky and whispered. "Because I have an invisible shield around you,"

"What! Why are you using your energy to create a shield? I could have handled it on my own." Yukiya pouted at him.

Long Ki pouted as well. He hugged her closer and burrowed his head next to her neck, breathing in her heavenly scent. "You—you are my wifey are carrying my child," he mumbled.

Yukiya could feel his hot breath fanning against her sensitive skin. She held back a moan and shrugged his head off. "Oh....I see," she whispered, biting her lips. 'Why is my face so hot? Darn it, I can't be swayed by his sweet words. But why is he so cute! I can't resist!' she thought, but on the outside she maintained a stoic smile. "We should—should get these human to a safe spot and get going," she mumbled.

"Hmm" Long Ki lifted four humans in one hand and held his wifey's hand in another. They both dropped off the humans in a nearby cave and set up a shield near the entrance. "Done!" he whispered with a proud smile.

"Yeah, but....why did you agree to help them. You knew that they were all waiting to attack us," Yukiya whispered, gazing up at him subtly.

Long Ki softly nudged her face up and connected both their foreheads. "It's because my wifey told me so. If you had wised for their life, I would have gladly helped as well...."

Yukiya glared at him playfully.

"Butttt I knew my wifey is kind and forgiving. She would not wish anything cruel to any living thing," Long Ki finished with a soft kiss to her lips.

Yukiya smirked up at him. "You really have a glib tongue," she whispered with her flushed face.

"No, I have a forked tongue," Long Ki chuckled.

"Oh, shut up, you.." looping her hands over his shoulder, Yukiya pulled him down to a smoking hot kiss.