Chapter 207 - Valentine’s Day Special – Extra Story Part 1

Bright sunlight shone through the blinds, shining on the dozing golden dragon. He softly snored and rolled over to the side. Hands outstretched, he hugged the empty space next to him. Dazedly he blinked awake. His lover was nowhere in sight. "Xia.." he called.

Sound of little footsteps hopping cheerfully echoed in the huge room. Next the door opened slowly and Xia rushed in. He jumped on top of Long and started smooching his chin and lips.

Overwhelmed by his lover, Long Aotian silently chuckled. He gently patted his hair and whispered, "Why are you so happy today? Anything special?"

Xia looked up with shimmering eyes. "Today is valentine's day!!" he shouted aloud.

"What is that?" Long confusedly whispered he wiped his face and sat up with his lover still clinging to him. With a nudge, he lifted him to his chest and carried him over to the bathroom. Only after brushing his teeth with the super invention called toothbrush did he talk to his cute lover. "Tell me. What is a valentine?"

"A valentine is a day when you spend a lotttt of time with your lover!" Xia exclaimed, glancing at him expectantly. The demon butler had said that during the valentine's day lovers always go out to eat and enjoy their day completely immersed in love. He too wanted it. With glistening eyes, he watched the dragon expectantly.

"So you want to spend the day together?" Long pinched his little nose and placed him on the sink top.

"Yes! Let's go toe the thing called 'movies' eat 'popcorn' and have a romantic 'steak'," Xia said lopping his hands around his neck. He leaned against him and softly kissed his throat knot.

Long Aotian patted his back and pulled him away. "I didn't under a word you were saying? What is a movie? What IS popcorn? And it a type of hunting," he said, raising a quizzical brow.

Chuckling out loud, Xia glanced at him and pinched his cheeks. "You baby, you don't even know this? Movie is a moving painting, popcorn is roasted corn and stake is a meat," he said hugging him tight. "That's why you should learn about this new world from bao,"

"Hmm, but I'm too focused on making you happy," Long shot back and kissed his little palm.

"Oh baby, you are so cute," Xia murmured and jumped down the counter. Running out the door he shouted, "Get ready we can set off in a while,"

Shaking his head, Long glanced at his reflection. His face was a little red and his JJ was hard. "Darn it," he grumble and went over to the shower. Only cold water was able to relive his state. Even so, he was not able to hold his composure when he saw his lover walk down the stairs. Xia was wearing a red t-shirt and blue jean. a brown jacket and brown boots on his feet.

Long coughed out loud and rushed over to his lover and to his hands. He helped him down the last few steps and kissed his little palm. "Ready to spend the day with me?"

"Yes!!" Xia exclaimed, hugging him tight.

The butler bowed to them and handed over two black cards. For which Long handed him a bag full of gold and jewels he had collected after losing his space ring.

"Stupid dragon, you don't need to pay. All of this wealth belongs to Master Xia naturally," the butler said, refusing his bag.

Long pouted. He shoved the bag to his hand sand pulled his lover out swiftly. On the way out he shouted, "I want everything Xia buys to be from my gold,"

Shaking his head, the butler awkwardly held the bag of gold. He walked up the stairs to find his master standing there dressed dashingly in a blue suit and red tie. His face heated up all of a sudden. Hesitantly walking closer, the butler whispered, " going out?"

"Yes, I am. I have to make sure my master is safe from his grubby hands," Bao whispered with his eyes narrowed. He tossed the car keys to his butler with a wooden face and gestured for him to follow. Turning around, he hid his smile. 'My butler really is cute,' he thought, biting his fingernails.

Shuffling behind him, the butler to follow after his master.

While those two were having their awkward car ride, Xia and Long were entered the nearby building called 'mall.'

Xia wound their fingers together and walked with a hop in his steps. Glancing up, he chuckled softly. "Valentine's day is fun," he whispered.

Long nodded with a small smile. Every day with his lover was fun. He thought, holding him closer by his hips. But all of a sudden xia paused. He glanced at the crowd nearby the magic staircase. "Let's go check it out," he said, leading his cheerful lover.

Getting there, Xia struggled to see what was happening. His small build was not helpful in these kinds of situations. Pouting, he clung to his dragon. "I can't see,"

"let's go to the front then," Long whispered close to his ears. He patted the woman in front of him on her shoulder.

With a frown, the woman looked back. But as she saw his face, her frown melted into a wide smirk. "It's you two!!! Oh my god!!!!! I am your fan!!!!!" she screamed.

Her scream attracted all the other girls standing in the front. All of them glanced behind and gasped. "Oh my god, it's my perfect CP. They are real!!!! Pinch me, pinch me. I think I'm dreaming," a fan girl screamed to her friend.

Soon the crowd started moving towards Xia and Long with admiration in their eyes.

With an awkward smile, Long hugged Xia close to him so that he won't get knocked by anyone.

The girls squealed and screamed at this.

Closing his lover's ears, Long peered at these young women. "Please don't be loud, my baby has delicate ears," he whispered.

The surrounding girls nodded and quieted down.

"And my lover wants to see what the crowd was about....." Long added glancing down at his little lover.

The crowd squealed and nodded. Like a little bridge, the woman parted a small path front them to get to the front.

Xia chuckled out loud and thanked them all earnestly. Pulling Long sleeves, he softly whispered, "everyone is so kind to us,"

"Hmm, because you are so cute," Long patted his little head.

Soon they walked up to the front of the event. There were a few men lifting their woman in their arms and standing in the middle of a circle. And there was also a timer running next to it.

"What are they doing?" Xia whispered curiously.

The organiser saw Xia and Long and his eyes went bright. He rushed over to them and held a mike out. "Oh favourite couple is here. You guys have been voted as the favourite couple of this year. What do you think about it?"

"HUH?" both Xia and Long were puzzled by this question. "what couple of the year? What favourite couple?" Xia said elegantly.

The organiser was silenced for a second then he continued, "you both are Wei*bio's favourite couple of the year? And last night's photo hugging each other was so 'Kawaiii'" the man said excitedly.

Xia and long looked at each other confusedly. Yet still they both nodded and smiled at the kind man.

Right at the moment the timer ran out and the couple all left the stage dejectedly.

"Oh, how about you play this game, lovely pair? The winner gets a premium pack of valentine gifts provided by the cosplay community," he said excitedly.

Xia too was intrigued. He nodded and pulled long towards the stage.

"All you have to do is lift your lover 'lovingly' in your arms. Whoever holds their lover for more one hour wins," the man and guided them to a small yellow circle.

Long stood stiffly and lifted Xia in a princess carry. Xia too looped his arms over his shoulders and held tight.

Xia chuckled softly next to his dragon's ears. "This is better than the 'movies'"

"Yes, it is. But I don't like so many prying eyes looking at you," he said and pulled his lover closer. He lifted him so that Xia's long coat covered his face completely.

The onlookers grumbled. "Ah, so much vinegar. I want to see our little rabbit," one girl shouted with a pout.

Long glance at her and raised his eyebrow. "He is my rabbit. Only I get to look," he said with his eyes narrowed.

The fan girl went quiet for a second, then that woman fainted all of a sudden.

Even Long was startled by this. 'I didn't even use my spiritual energy, though. Why did she faint?' he thought.

When the fainted girl was lifted, she had a weird smirk on her face and was mumbling, "Oh, he smiled at me..."

And then so after an hour no one was able to beat Long. Everyone grumblingly gave up. And so xia and Long won the huge box.

Xia curiously held it in his arms and walked around the mall. Going to an inconspicuous corner, he tossed the box on his low grade space ring. "let's go to the movies now!" he dragged his dragon around.

Unfortunately, the butler had booked them a ghost movie. Xia watched it with rapt attention but Long cowered next to his armpit hiding his face with Xia's coat. "It's not that scary. It's just moving paintings," Xia said, patting his cute little dragon.

Long glared at him and burrowed deep into his shirt.. "I'm never watching a 'movie' again," he declared with a pout.