Chapter 229 - 229 - Back To Senses

Long Ki softly sobbed. "Raijin, my brother. Have I lost you forever? Why won't you reply? Are you angry with me because I broke our seal? I broke it because I want you to be by my side as an equal nit as a servant or as a slave. So please, come back my friend." His words ended up in a loud sob as he watched the blank-looking wolf.

He slowly stumbled closer. "Raijin…..please…please answer me? Please, I beg of you," he whispered softly.

The grey wolf stepped back and suddenly growled at him.

"It's going to be okay, my friend, I will save you," Long Ki whispered with his hands outstretched, his spiritual powers flowed out like a soft stream towards the wolf.

Raijin became quiet, wary of it and evaded it. He jumped high and low, but Long Ki spiritual energy flowed behind him like a little tail. Frustrated, it jumped down from the building and changed towards the red dragon.

"KI!! Watch out!!" Long Aotian shouted and dashed towards him. But it was all too late. He was very far. Before he could reach his brother, Raijin would have already chomped on him. "No, no, LONG KI, RUN YOU BASTARD!" he shouted at his dazed brother.

Long Ki glanced back and smirked softly. "It's okay, he won't hurt me,"

With its huge jaw open, the wolf was right in front of him. Long Ki closed his eyes firmly. 'He won't hurt me. He will recognize me....'

The awaited attack did not come; Long Ki slowly opened his eyes to find a young woman standing right in front of him. The grey wolf in front of him was peering at her with its eyes wide open.

"Raijin!! My puppy, come here," a little girl shouted out loud.

"it's too risky go!," Long Ki shouted back, but the girl bravely walked closer to the huge wolf. He swiftly pulled her behind him and glanced up at Raijin. "Get lost, woman! You are not doing any help!" he shouted again.

The girl behind him struggled forward and pushed past him. He gripped onto her hand tightly and pulled her back.

"Let go! Let go, you bastard! I need to wake him up," she shouted, struggling vigorously.

Seeing this, the silver wolf froze up. His steel-grey eyes slowly turned soft silver, shimmering like little jewels. Its pupils widened.

"LET GO!!," Felia bit the man's muscular hands. Moreover, the man in front of her was completely naked. She glanced to the side and shouted, "PERVERT!" and slapped his shoulders.

Watching her struggle, something inside the wolf snapped. It growled loudly and raised his paws up. With ease, it Pulled Felia closer under it and growled loudly at Long Ki.

"Raijin, don't my friend. Let go of that girl. She did not do any harm. Please don't hurt her," Long Ki begged with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Felia peeked from behind his forelimb and glared at him. "Idiot, why would he hurt me? He is my wolf. He will never hurt me even in his dream, right?" she glanced up lovingly.

The wolf lowered its head and nudged gently against her. Soft whines escaped its mouth as it licked the blood off of her cheeks.

"Don't cry. It's not my blood. Some idiots thought that they could defeat me. I showed them I'm a beast's bride," she said proudly, peering into the loving silver grey eyes.

The wolf nodded and laid down. With its tail rolled up, it safely tucked her close to its body.

"Raijin, my Raijin," Felia whispered softly, kissing the large snout and caressed its beautiful fur. Small whiffs of grey hair flew from her violent actions. "Sorry, sorry, if I pet you too much you might end up a bald wolf," she chuckled softly and nudged his head with hers.

Long Ki stood stunned, watching their interaction. "What is going on? Who is that girl?" he glanced back at his brother.

Long Aotian sighed and stepped closer. "That's Felia. The princess of this kingdom. And mate to Raijin," he said with a wide grin.

"WHAT! Raijin has a mate? When? How? Why?" Long Ki shouted in panic. "My wolfie. My cute wolfie is stolen by a woman," he murmured softly.

"Your little wolfie got eaten by a little rabbit," Long Aotian whispered and patted his naked shoulders. "First wear some clothes, your family jewels are on display for the entire world to see,"

"I don care about that. Why I my friend with that woman? I don't approve! Yaa, you silly girl, I don't approve of this. Get out here," he shouted and charged towards the silent wolf. Long Aotian tightly gripped onto his shoulders and dragged him back with all of his strength.

"You stupid brother, first wear your clothes. That's what is important!!"

"Yes, you pervert! Who are you to disapprove of our relationship?" Felia peered her head out from above the fluffy tail.

Long Ki glared at her, biting his bails anxiously. "I'm not a pervert. I'm his master!" he said, pointing to the content looking wolf. "Raijin, tell her! I'm more important, right! Why are you with this wild woman?"

"WILD? You are the wild one here. You uncultured brute, first learn to wear clothes, you barbaric pervert," she shouted and raised her middle finger at him.

Another little woman rushed closer and shouted, "Princess, you should not behave so uncultured,"

"I don't care. My brother freed me already. I'm a princess by name only. I can cuss and I can even beat the hell out of anyone," Felia cheerfully shouted to Jin Jue. "By the way, are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they torture you in prison?"

Jin Jue chuckled softly. "No princess, I was treated well."

"Good, If not, I would have whooped my brother's ass," she shouted and snuggled against Raijin's snout.

"Princess!!" the maid shouted loudly, but none of her nagging was heard, Felia lovingly hugged her silver wolf and kissed it tenderly.

Long Ki frowned even more. He glanced at Long Aotian and pouted. "I feel like my son is being stolen by a barbaric woman," he said, disgruntled.

Long Aotian rolled his eyes at him. He tossed a shirt and pant at him and said, "fist wear your clothes, god darn it. I did not have to see that sight. I have to cleanse my eyes with beach after this." he grumbled and walked away.

Long Ki pouted. "What is wrong with being naked, you silly brother? Are you insecure that you litter compared to me?" he shouted out loud. But Long Aotian did not bother with him anymore. He raised his middle finger at him, without glancing back. Long Ki sadly glanced at the ghoul silently standing in the corner. "Is it wrong to be naked?"


"I have a great figure!" Long Ki flexed his biceps and triceps and even made a few poses.

"....." the ghoul sighed. 'Why do I have to deal with a nudist like him? My prosthetic eyes are burning. I need to burn it with flame. Your highness, don't leave me behind. I want your heavenly flame,' he silently followed behind Long Aotian.

Long Ki frowned and scoffed. "No one is appreciating my figure. If Yukiya was here, she would have fawned over it," he mumbled and walked closer to Raijin.

The wolf instantly growled out loudly and glared at him.

"Whoa, easy, I'm not going to hurt you, your woman," he said with his hands raised high.

The girl peeked from with his embrace and scoffed. "What do YOU want?"

"Little girl, I need you to check his underside. Is the seal still glowing red?"

Felia checked his underside. It was quite bloody, and it was oozing out without control. "He is badly wounded," she shouted back.

"But is the seal glowing or not," Long Ki impatiently shouted.

"It's not,"

"Good, good, I need you to continuously talk to him. Maybe even chain your spiritual energy together. Like you do during dual cultivation,"

Felia blushed red. 'Dual cultivation!…..we haven't got to that point,'

She peeked out and whispered, "how do you do that?"

"You don't know….oh, you still haven't gotten to that point. Just listen to my instructions, slowly introduce your spiritual energy next to his neck and gently go through his meridians. Just as you each his dantian you can see the seal. If you can successfully combine both your spiritual energy, Raijin might gain some human consciousness." Long Ki said long windingly.

Felia nodded. She only understood half of it. But she feared asking the man to repeat would only result in scolding. Taking a deep breath, she slowly revolved her spiritual energy and placed her hands on the wolf's neck. Her spiritual energy easily entered his body. Inside a white-silverfish spiritual energy met with her's. It gleefully twirled around her spiritual strands and joined as one. As instructed, she pulled both their energy towards his dantian and saw the seal. It was silently red, but most of the seal was broken and it was barely holding together. 'I need to break the seal,' her spiritual energy banged right on it. The red seal shattered.

All of a sudden the Grey wolf's bones cracked.

"What is going one?" Feli shouted.

Long Ki laughed. "He is changing…he is changing back,"