Chapter 249 - 249 - Dragon's Blessing Revoked

Aotian's mother cleared her throat and shouted, "PRISILLA, COME UP, IT'S YIN LONG HERE!!"

Yin long, the youngest and most marvellous empress of the heaven's realm was Just at the age of fifteen she eloped from the human world with her love, the one and only prince of the heaven's realm, Cheng Feng Long, her marriage initially was a scandal. The family opposed to her because of her human status, but the emperor's love always remained same.

As time went by, she displayed her heavenly talent in handling disputes and creating strategies, her wit was praised by all. After just a year of their union she had her first son Long Ki, and in just two thousand year gap she had her second son, Long Aotian.

Her regency and power was still unmatched by any. Even the emperor listens to her words.

Yet..... the Mers did not bother with her call.

Aotian gulped and moved behind slightly, so did Raijin and Long ki. As well, as their mother was known for her wit, she was also known for her temper.

"oh, oh, I think she might blow the boat up,' Long Ki trembled softly.

Aotian scoffed. "Mom is not a monster, you know," he said and stepped back further, leaning against the side of the ship.

"You say that, but why do you keep stepping back," Long Ki grumbled with a glare.

"I—I didn't. I think it safe here," he whispered, wiping his sweaty brows.

The ship trembled once more. Yin Long glanced back and chuckled darkly. "Why are you both so far, I'm teaching you guys a valuable life lesson?,"

"no, no, I think I'm fine here,' Long Ki firmly stood his place.

"What kind of words are those? You are the crown prince. Come here," she said with a frown.

Aotian forcefully pulled his reluctant brother forward and glanced down. "What do you plan to do with the royal seal mum, what if they take it?"

"No, they won't, they are bound to respect. Even as generations pass, they as subjects are bound to it. but.... this situation is really ticking me off. It's getting really late, 'sigh' I thought we can finish this soon and get to my son-in-law soon," she sighed sadly.

"Son in law? Do you mean xia mother? Do you know where he is? Is he far from here? Is he safe? Did anyone hurt him?" he gently held his mother's skirt.

She softly cooed and pinched his cheeks. "Aww baby, your darling is safe and well. He is having a miracle. Oh, I'm so excited. After we finish with this we shall go see him, yeah?"

"Yes, yes!!! Please let's do this fast," Aotian urged her.

"Wait, first we have to safeguard my son,' Long ki growled.

"I know~" Yin Long sighed and glanced down again. "Pricilla dearest, come up, come up wherever you are! My two sons are anxious to make your company,"

"mum!," Aotian exclaimed.

Yin Long laughed out loud. "PRICILLA, why won't you give respect to your almighty, the empress of this realm? You didn't even come for my wedding, ah? That's so mean..." she said with a pout.

The water vibrated, but there were no sightings of Mers anywhere.

Yin Long's smile slowly turned down into a frown. "That's how you want to do it, huh? Fine, fine, if you don't want to come out its fine. I'll just dry this entire ocean out. We'll see what you will do when the entire realm is devoid of water. Won't you all become dried fish? It will be amusing to see," she said jokingly.

She held up the seal and slowly the water started to drain.

Aotian watched this with his eyes wide open. 'I thought mum was only going to threaten her, but she really is draining the ocean,' he bit his lips and anxiously glanced down.

"Mother, don't kill them.... they are my child's ancestors and my wife's long-lost ancestor as well," Long ki said anxiously.

Yin Long glanced at him and chuckled. "I'm trying to fish, though,"

Suddenly a long spear broke through the water surface aimed at her.

"MOTHER WATCH OUT," Long Ki rushed over to her but before he could do anything. Yin Long easily caught it in between her fingers.

"What? that's it? This is the welcome I get? Waa Pricilla, haven't you been taught how to treat guests?" she grumbled as she twirled the sceptre around. "Nice weapon though, is it made of thousand year old shark bones?"

"Ten thousand year old," an ancient voice said loudly.

A young woman dressed completely in white hovered over the water surface. Her long white hair fluttered down to her keen and her shimmering green eyes peered at them sharply. "Little shrimps are causing trouble now," she said glaring at Yin Long. She walked on the water like it was land, slowly approaching the boat.

"But I am an obedient child," Yin Long smirked and waved at her. "How can you be so mean Pricilla, I called you out so many times yet you did not appear? I think the power of this seal is reducing," she shook the royal seal happily.

"Don't do too much young human, you are but seven thousand years old, my twelve thousand year old bones can't handle your young energy," she said without flinching.

Aotian's lips twitched. 'How is this woman twelve thousand year old? Look at her skin, she looks as young as xia,' he thought silently. "Ahem, lady, we don't have time to waste, give the egg back and we shall be on our way,"

The white haired woman's gaze sharply met his. "Who might this dashing young man be?"

"Oh he's my younger son," Yin Long happily introduced him.

"And that brooding young man," she pointed to Long Ki.

"My eldest,"

The white heated lady nodded. "So he was the one who created a racket down below. Youngster you might not know this but that little egg is my precious great grandson. I don't know where you find him, but thank you for bringing him back home. I shall forever be in your debt. But as for your request, I can't fulfil that. I just found my long-lost blood line....."

"Bull shit," Yin Long growled loudly surprising Aotian and Long Ki who was biting his lips controlling his anger.

"My, what a tongue you have your majesty. I bet it caused a might scuffle up in the heaven's realm," the white-haired lady named Pricilla said softly.

Yin Long gritted her teeth and jumped down. Her small feet softly hovered right over the water. "Enough bullshit, return my grandchild,"

"Your grandchild, I think you misunderstood, that egg is a mer, not a dragon egg...."

"Shut up, I don't have time, just give me back my grandchild,"

The white-haired lady looked surprised by her declaration. "It's clearly not possible. I don't know where your son found my kin, and I bet your son treated the egg as his family But Now that the child's real family is here..."

"We are the child's real family!!!" Yin Long growled out loud. "That child is my son Long Ki's firstborn, to his mate Yukiya. He is my own blood related grandchild. And I demand you return him to us, or you will face heavenly retribution," she said loudly.

The sky grumbled and roared. Thunder flashed over the dark clouds, creating a gloomy environment.

"W—what? That's not possible," the Mer softly whispered and backed away. "Don't be so ruthless, we as a species have been dominating and taking care of the water ways for years now, this is our territory. Who are you to come here and threaten us with your petty lies? We have already severed our relations with the dragon clan ten thousand years ago. Don't be cocky young empress,"

"Cocky? I'm just trying to protect my family!!"

"So am I! Don't make it difficult!"

Yin Long laughed out loud. "Fine, fine, we'll see how you as a family can live in this realm without water. Do you think this is all your because you live in it? This is a heavenly gift from the dragon's centuries ago and as a dragon races only empress, mother of the realm I can take back the blessing."

Suddenly the entire ocean dried up, leaving all the Mers shivering and trembling on the cold muddy ground.


"Why? Did I do something unfair? I'm only telling the truth, you have severed your relations with the dragon clan right then, why are you living in the precious waterways that dragons blessed the humans with? Get out, you all are getting evicted," she said with a wide smirk.

Aotian and Long Ki gulped. 'Huge mistake provoking her.' Aotian thought, shaking his head while Long Ki trembled in fear. 'Oh my, the beast is out. She is going to wreck the place apart.'

His mother widely known for her kindness and wit and was also known for her anger. Everyone knew not to anger the empress. It's because when she gets angry, she literally rips the space open.

Aotian softly patted his shoulders. "Looks like you won't have any relatives left from your wife's side,"

"Darn, why did it escalate so fast? Should we intervene?"

"No, No!! I'm not getting in her way. She is ballistic now," Long Aotian shook his head violently.. "Oh, I think I see your egg," he gestured to the small red ball happily playing in a puddle.