Chapter 254 - 254 - MOTHER!!

After having his meal, Xia patted his bulging tummy. "My child is happy.." he glanced at the bowl of pearls. "I can't eat pearls though," he sighed.

The kind lady pouted. "Too bad, but you can keep it as a souvenir." She generously packed it for him in a kelp parcel. "Come now; let me take you to that ship I mentioned,"

Xia noticed her holding another parcel with her. "Are you going to meet your great grandchild after leaving me?"

"He is on that same ship, but along with some annoying people," she growled.

"Lady, I did not get your name,"

"Its Pricilla, but you can call me granny tail, everyone calls me that," she happily smiled and pulled him out the dark layer of the ocean. "my granddaughter is heading towards the land. When you meet her..... can you?...."

"I'll definitely put a god word about you. I'm sure she will forgive you and talk to you again because having a family is the most precious feeling in the world. I bet your granddaughter feels the same," Xia patted her shoulders.

Pricilla glanced back, biting her lips. All of a sudden, a small pink pearl escaped her eyes. "Thank you..... Thank you so much...." she hugged him tight. Feeling his warmth made her heart so happy beyond comparison. "I—I don't know why, but you—you feel like family. What is your name, child?"

"I'm called Xia, Xia che and I feel the same." Xia hugged the kind lady tightly. Somehow her embrace felt like his mothers. Sniffing, he burrowed his head on her. "I miss my mother too. I miss her so much... you feel just like her, grandma tail. I wish I could see her again." He started sobbing loudly.

"There, there, child. I pray to the gods that you will meet your mother soon." She patted his trembling back. "Little one, crying with a child in you might suck energy out of you. Calm down,"

Xia immediately calmed down and wiped at his red eyes. "Okay, I will listen to you grandma tail,"

"Good boy, now come," she pulled him up to the surface. A small ship floated on top with his huge sails out. "You stay here, first ill talk to them and call for you,"

Xia nodded and stayed a foot underwater. He nervously dwindled his thumb.

Pricilla surfaced and glared at the ship. "Hey YIN LONG!!" she shouted aloud.

The beautiful lady dressed in a golden garment graciously peered below. "Wow, you remember my name. I'm surprised. Came to say thank you for my gift, right? It's no issues; I'm a gracious queen of heaven realm. Being so enigmatic is my character,"

Pricilla rolled her eyes. "I have a favour to ask of you,"

"If you are going about Yukiya, don't. It's her decision to talk to you or not. By the way, I did put in a word with her about you," Yin Long said with a smirk.

Pricilla rolled her eyes again. "It better be good,"

"I did have a lot of GOOD things to say about you," Yin Long teased her. "Say, what do you want?"

"I want you to take in a young lad on your ship. He wants to reach the lands but he might be physically exerted swimming so far,"

Yin Long pouted. "Here I thought you were going to request my grandson. Fine. I'll let the boy in," she nodded with her hand son her chin.

Pricilla finally smiled. "I'll bring him wait," she swam under. "Xia, they have accepted to take you in."

"Really!! That great," he hugged her tight.

"Yes, I have to warn you though. The owner of the boat is a sly fox. Don't believe her every word. Other than that she is a good woman she will safely take you to land."

"Thank you.... so much grandma,"

"It's okay child. Now let's go," Pricilla held his hand and swam up. "This is the one," she pulled him forward and showed him to Yin Long.

Yin Long's eyes went wide. "He... he..."

"He is like my grandson so take him safely to shore, Xia thank the lady," She nudged him.

"Thank you so much for you help, beautiful lady," Xia said with a dazzling smile.

"YOU...." Yin Long jumped down and strode over water to him. "I finally get to meet you, my son-in-law!!" she pinched the stunned Xia's cheeks. "Oh, I missed you so much," she squatted down and hugged him tight.

Xia stiffly glanced at her and then at the mer. 'Grandma Tail did remind me that she is a trickster.....' he shrugged her hand off. "Beautiful lady, I don't know you,"

"But I know you!!! You are my son-in-law!!"

Pricilla immediately pulled her away from him. "Yin it enough of your crazy talk. He is a kid and already has a lover. Don't you already have my granddaughter as a daughter-in-law? Why are you prying innocent ones?"

Yin Long pouted and pushed her hand away. "Pricilla, he is my son-in-law because he is my Xiao Tian's lover,"

"Who's Xiao Tian?" Xia frowned.

"What dear, you don't know your darlings nickname name? Fine, I'm Long Aotian's mother." She said with a smug smile.

Xia did not believe her though. "But his mother is in heaven's realm, you are lying."

"No, I'm telling the truth. Wait!" she stood up gracefully standing on water. "AOTIAN GET HERE NOW!!!!!"

Xia anxiously watched the ship. He could hear some footsteps on the cranky wood. 'Is it really Long?' he bit his lips and peered.

"What is it, mum? Why did you jump down again?" Aotian frowned and glanced down. His eyes went over to a soaked little black head. His hair was completely stuck to his forehead, but his doe-like eyes peered at him. "X—Xia? How.... am I dreaming?"

He jumped aboard into the ocean.

Xia swiftly swam under and caught hold of him. "Long..... My Long, I missed you so so much~" he hugged him tightly. He swam up and surfaced together.

"Xia it really is you.... it's you, my baby. I missed you too," he cupped his face and kissed him so softly. His lips glided over his as gentle as he could. "I worried so much,"

"Oh Long, I really wanted to be close to you these days..... I love you so much!!!" he hugged his neck as tight as he could, fearing he might let go.

"No, I love you Xia. I love you will all my body and soul." Aotian kissed him again.

But some cleared their throat loudly. "Son, I never thought I will get to witness such scenes," Yin Long chuckled softly.

"Mum, this is Xia the love of my life." Long pulled Xia close and winked at her.

"I know my son, and Xia I'm Yin Long, Long Aotian's mother. It's really nice to meet you finally," Yin long smiled at him.

"Same as you to your highness,"

"Wow, no formalities within family allowed. You can call me mother," she said happily.

"Mother~" Xia sweetly whispered.

"Say it out loud."

"Mother..." Xia said out loud.

"No louder,"

"MOTHER!!" Xia shouted loudly with a wide smirk.

"Xia?!!" a soft voice whispered from above.

Xia glanced up with a smile still on his face but as his eyes met, her's they stated tearing up uncontrollably. "Mom.... you,"

"Xia!!" Yukiya jumped down and swam to him. She yanked him from Long's arms and hugged him. "My baby, my darling, you... mother is so sorry. I—I never should have left that day. I never knew that it would separate us for so long..." she cried loudly, peering into her son's face. "Why are you so thin? My dear, have you been eating well? Wait, are you wounded anywhere," she swam around checking every nook and cranny. "Thank the lords you are unharmed. My baby~" she hugged him again.

"But he's my baby," Long Aotian pouted.

Yukiya glared at him. "Stupid, he is my baby first,"

"No, he is mine," Long Aotian held Xia's hand tightly.

Xia chuckled at this. "Mum," he hugged his mother and whispered, "but I have his baby,"

"Huh what?" Yukiya did not understand this for a second.

But somehow Aotian did. His eyes went wide in shock as he slowly swam closer. "You... mean that?"

Xia nodded.

Aotian started gasping for air. He glanced around and shouted. "He has a baby... he has by baby,"

Yukiya glared at him even fiercely. "Idiot, you mean he is your baby,"

"NO!! He HAS my Baby. He is carrying my child!!" he happily swam to him and swiftly plucked Xia from her hand. "when... when did you find out? How many months are you along?" he caressed his flat tummy. "Xia you lost weight...did they... did they torture you?"

"No, but we were missing you so much, the child did not accept any food," Xia pouted at him.

"Xia~~" he hugged him close; "I will never let such a situation to arise. Ever!! I will always be with you both," he started crying. "I am gonna be a father!! I'm so happy,"

"Eh?" Yukiya watched them with a confused look. "Do they know that men can't carry children?" she whispered to the two ladies.

"He is in fact pregnant. I personally checked it," Pricilla vouched for him.

"EHHHHHHHHHHH!" Yukiya almost fainted in shock.