Another member made a gesture and wanted to show up to check the situation, but Longyan raised his hand to stop him.

After thinking about it, Longyan put his helmet on the sniper rifle, then held his helmet with a gun and slowly moved out of the rock.

As soon as the helmet came out, I heard a few sounds of "bang bang". The juice of the bright red berries splashed Longyan's face.

Shit! Sure enough, it's a trap, this little liar!

In the dark, night xuanchen looked at the helmet that fell on the ground. He slightly raised his eyebrows. It seems that the dragon still has two brushes.

I just don't know how patient this guy is.

A playful smile was raised at the corner of his lips, and the rock where yexuan Chenlong Yan hid shouted:

"Oh! Dragon team, how dare you be so timid? "

Deliberately, the provocative tone made Longyan's lungs explode.

The method of motivating, the method of motivating, can't tell the way of the little liar.

He winked at the two members hiding behind the big tree opposite, then pointed out a direction and asked them to sneak around.

Because it happened that the voice of yexuan morning came from there.

And there was fog and bushes as a cover. They couldn't see the position of the two members in the direction of yexuan morning.

The two members immediately understood and began to act.

Looking at the "shot" members around him, Longyan turned black and said, "go back!"

Although yexuanchen used berries instead of bullets, the position hit was the heart, which means that the member has been eliminated.

Longyan will not play tricks on such things.

The member looked ashamed, but he also knew that it was useless to say anything at this time. He nodded and went to the periphery of the forest.

Just then, the two team members who went to explore the situation heard a low voice from the communicator: "dragon team, I see them."

Hearing this, Longyan was overjoyed. As soon as he was about to speak, a noisy voice suddenly sounded in the communicator, which was already the surprised voice of the two people.

After a long time, the two members sounded again from the communicator with a ashamed voice: "dragon team, sorry! They found out about me...... "

The member looked at the night xuanchen, who aimed the muzzle of the gun at his forehead, and his face was livid.

Night xuanchen slowly took his gun, and then smiled at them: "take your time!"

Longyan naturally heard this. He tore off the communicator on his ear angrily and threw it to the ground.

He really wanted to rush to yexuanchen and beat him up.

"Gudong!" Not far away, the member hiding behind the Bush swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then whispered, "dragon team, what shall we do now?"

There are only three of them now. Those young rookies are too cunning. He is a little out of square now.

And now the fog in the virgin forest is getting bigger and bigger. They originally occupied favorable terrain, but gradually lost their advantage because of the emergence of the fog.

He could feel that they seemed to be surrounded here.

He can think of it, and so can Longyan.

This damn fog!!

Just as Longyan was thinking about a solution to the dilemma, a roar suddenly broke the peace.


The roar of the beast made people's eardrums hurt, so xuanchen couldn't help covering his ears all night.

On his index finger, the python disguised as a ring made a restless "hissing" sound.