When yexuan woke up in the morning, he was in a thick round bulletproof glass room.

His hands, feet and neck were chained, and his people were fixed in the middle of the glass room.

At the other end of the chain, connect the high-voltage wire. As long as people outside want, there will be a strong enough voltage to turn people into coal, which will be transmitted to yexuanchen through the iron chain.

Frowning, night xuanchen felt that this scene was a little familiar.

This is very similar to the previous life. He was taken away by the Phoenix demon with overpowering drug design. He was trapped in this way, but the previous life was a cave.

"..." night xuanchen first reflected on himself. Why did he stumble twice on the same thing!!

Outside the bulletproof glass room, Ruan Ze and a teenager seemed to be arguing about something.

Ruan Ze glared at Ling Feng angrily, "little boy, let me go quickly!"

Father Ling told him that a particularly dangerous super power friar had not been caught and asked him to make tools and drugs with Shen Qixu.

But he never thought that the person who was caught inside would be yexuanchen.

Ruan Ze quit now. Yexuanchen is his brother. No matter what yexuanchen's identity is, he won't hurt him.

But his opposition was rejected by Ling Feng, and in order not to cause trouble, Ling Feng asked someone to imprison Ruan Ze.

Night Xuan morning opened his eyes and saw such a scene.

Ling Feng saw that yexuanchen woke up and immediately went outside the glass room. Looking at yexuanchen, he sneered and said, "thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to step on Lingtian."

"In a few minutes, people all over the world will know that Ling Tian, once a god like young imperial commander, is gay, ha ha..."

Listening to the wild laughter, yexuan's eyes were cold in the morning.

"You don't deserve to mention Ling Tian's name if you can only use this kind of dirty means."

Ling Feng's laughter stopped suddenly. He listened to yexuan's sarcastic words, and the sneer on his face was even better.

"Hehe, you'd better worry about your own fate!"

Just then, the door behind him opened, and old man Ling came in with his hands behind him and a gloomy face.

The smile on Ling Feng's face suddenly closed, and then returned to the previous respectful and clever appearance.


Master Ling didn't even look at him. He went outside the glass room and stared at yexuanchen with a gloomy face.

"Demon sneak! Ling Tian made that absurd decision only when he was controlled by you! "

Naturally, he knew that night xuanchen had the power beyond ordinary people.

After all, since the crime city half a year ago, the senior leaders of several countries have confirmed that there are powers (practitioners) in the world.

Some people hold a kind attitude towards this and hope to live in peace with practitioners.

However, some people also hold an attitude of exclusion, thinking that practitioners are heterogeneous and should be eliminated and eradicated.

Obviously, master Ling belongs to the latter.

"Hiss..." yexuan hissed. He looked at old man Ling disdainfully. "I control ling Tian? You want to control him! "

"Old man, I advise you to let me go, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!"

The voice of yexuan morning is colder than that of master Ling.

Although the past is not to mention, yexuanchen didn't forget what the old man did to Ling Tian when he was a child!

"Ah..." seeing that ye xuanchen was so strong, master Ling winked at Ling Feng, "give him some color to see!"

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There is also Fan Wai. If I can, I will give you a small roll of erxuan's last life, but it doesn't mean to copy the plot of my old book. It's a new plot! Not in the last book.