Qin Baiyan didn't react. Seeing that he didn't speak, he thought he was guilty. He began to say: "old four, you are old and old. You can't be so arbitrary and confused. Women, you can't be too used to it. You just got married. In case you get married later..."

Before he finished, the woman beside him dropped the chopsticks on the table.

That clear voice, let Qin Baiyan heart next tight.


His Adam's apple glides and slowly looks at Rong Qing, who is beside him. She looks at herself with a smile. Her eyes are cool, and every word says, "since women are not so important, you can sleep in the guest room tonight."

At the end of the speech, Rong Qing got up, while Qin Baiyan threw down his chopsticks and ran after him: "ah, madam, madam, listen to me..."

The servant, hiding in the kitchen, Snickers, while the man, sitting alone at the table, looks at the delicious food and misses the beauty in the distance.

Maybe, in the next few months, we need to develop the real estate business of Dijing.


Eight in the evening.

Inkstone when seven such as about to the director's room, in front of her door in the corridor, and Pei Tang unexpected.

She read the script. Pei Tang and her parts overlap in many ways.

It can be said that the role of female number two is devoted to the emperor, while the general played by Pei Tang is deeply in love with her.

This kind of plot setting is a bloody drama.

But she still chooses to believe Liu Qing. After all, his status in the circle is there. The plot is bloody, and it's also the most eye-catching nowadays.

Another way of saying, also called topic!

"Xiao Qi."

It is such a call of too familiar, Pei Tang and she respectively meet from both ends of the corridor.

Step on the thick carpet, inkstone when seven faint helpless.

She doesn't want to wake up Pei Tang who pretends to be sleeping. She just wants to stay away from him

Pei Tang came to her in a casual suit. When she was settled, his worried eyes locked her in sight.

"Your costume today is very beautiful."

Pei Tang praises with attentive and serious eyes.

He looked forward to seeing some praise in her face, but... It was doomed to fail.

Inkstone when seven wrong body around him, toward the direction of room 3365, the air left her only a faint voice of thanks.

She's still cold, but Pei Tang doesn't like it.

He is her first love, this identity no one can compare!


Eight o'clock sharp, all the stars are here.

The living room of the suite is very crowded. In addition to Liu Qing, there are two deputy directors standing at the window with the script.

"Since everyone is here, I'll make a long story short and try not to delay your rest time."

"Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, is our start-up ceremony, when there will be a lot of media to help promote..."

Liu Qing said to the point of tomorrow's arrangements, and said that from tomorrow afternoon, will officially start shooting stage.

"Tomorrow's first scene is the scene where Shiqi and Yuanchuan meet Mo'er for the first time in the wing room. It's raining. Are you all ok?"

Qi Yuanchuan is the No.1 actor of the play.

Acting skills are obvious to all, the only embarrassment is that countless nominations of major awards, but countless accompany running award ceremony.

Liu Qing said and looked at Yan Shi Qi and Lin Mo'er.

He asked them in his eyes if they were all right.

Inkstone when seven smile, "I have no problem, Liu Dao."

Lin Mo'er glanced at her and nodded.

"That's good. You should get familiar with the lines as soon as possible. Our shooting time is relatively tight. If conditions permit, we will shoot multiple cameras at the same time."