A wedding banquet, at about eight o'clock in the evening, completely broke up.

Yan Shiqi's name was not only a famous model in the entertainment industry, but also a powerful family in the upper class of the imperial capital.

Tonight, there were a lot of guests. At the end, the three brothers of Duanmu family stood at the door and said goodbye with a smile.

Duanmu, a quiet and low-key family, also threw a big gossip to the emperor on this day.

Outside the garden restaurant, with the guests away, there are people talking in twos and threes.

"I can't see that the Wen family should have such a child."

"No! I met Wen Zhiyuan a few years ago. She looks very quiet and elegant. I didn't expect that she was so thoughtful. "

"You know the face, but you don't know the heart. At the beginning, Wen's family was going to hold her up to heaven, but she turned out to be a master with evil intentions. "

"Didn't you hear what Mr. Duanmu said just now? In my opinion, the accident of Miss Wen's family may have something to do with Wen Zhiyuan. "

"My God, don't say that. We haven't left the compound yet."

A few rich wives chattered on and on, and suddenly heard this warning, they could not help but silence.

But even other people have this idea. They found their own parents more than ten years ago, but they still occupy the position of the Wen family. Who is this!

With the hustle and bustle of guests gradually away, the cold wind rolled up the night frost on the ground, blowing across the cheek, showing a bone chilling.

After the rich ladies left, in the smoking area along the way, a person holding a cigarette coagulated their back and stood there for a long time.

The dim ground lamp in the distance weaves a piece of cold yellow gauze around him. He looks like a statue melting into the night. Only his eyes are shining.

The wind is gradually rising, blowing the Sophora tree rustling around.

I don't know how long it took, until his fingertips were cold, until he took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

He opened the address book and found the setting center. The white light of the screen reflected on his handsome face, hazy with the evil of the corner of his eyes.

There is a number in the address book, lying in the blacklist for a long time.

His thumb fell on the top of the screen, only hesitated for a second, then lifted the number blacklist restrictions.

Just after that, a call came in from his cell phone.

Looking at the caller ID, he closed his eyes and calmed down. After he had collected all his thoughts, he calmly connected, "big brother?"

"OK, I see. I'll wait for you in the parking lot!"

Hang up the phone, he looked at the direction of the garden restaurant, through the panoramic French window, clearly saw the figure wearing a dark red windbreaker.

He only concentrated for a few seconds, then laughed with self mockery, left the burnt out cigarette in the smoke column, turned around and left the compound with a big stride.


It was half past eight after the guests left.

At the moment, Duanmu e's face was serious, and he was standing not far from the door to say goodbye to Mrs. song.

"Brother Duanmu, before I leave, I have to congratulate you again for finding such a good granddaughter."

Duanmu e, leaning on his crutch, said happily, "it's true that our family's Xiao Qi is much better than Wen Zhiyuan.

But it's really hard for you to come all the way here today. Do you want to have a rest at Duanmu's house and come back to Quancheng tomorrow? "