Not long after, Qiao Mu and fourth brother Qin came to the backyard side by side.

With their approach, Ling Zihuan's obviously repressed cry also instantly rushes into her ears.

Qiao Mu's heart is completely in disorder!

Regardless of his status and posture, he walked with long legs and came to the door of the attic in the backyard.

In the dim light, Qiao Mu clearly saw the little girl sitting at the stone table with her back to him, her shoulders trembling.

Qiao Mu's vision of Yin measurement across the air to Qiao Yuanxian, gloomy and cold cheek engraved with fury.

"Is there anything you can't talk to me about? Take her, make her cry, have you achieved your goal? "

What Qiao Mu said was almost forced out of his teeth.

If the other party is not his own father, he really has the impulse to anger and kill.

He keeps Ling Zihuan in his arms for a long time. He is distressed by the knock, let alone crying like this!

Qiaomu's heart seemed to be grasped by others, even panting with pain.

At this time, Qiao Yuanxian didn't speak. Ling Zihuan suddenly heard Qiao Mu's voice. His body was suddenly shocked. When he stood up, he was still sobbing in a low voice, "second uncle..."

She's sick!

I can't explain that feeling.

Just at the moment of Qiao Mu's appearance, she seemed to find her belonging and moved in front of him while crying.

In front of her, Ling Zihuan's face was full of tears, and she didn't know how long she had been crying.

The lovely face was as clear as water.

Qiao Mu strode forward and held her in his arms, holding her back in one hand and her small head in the other.

Ling Zihuan stuffs himself in Qiao Mu's arms. As soon as he gets close to him, his tears can't stop.

Such a good second uncle, she was reluctant to part with him.

So... Like him this matter, should never let him know is the right choice!

At this time, Qiao Yuanxian can't speak!

A few seconds later, fourth brother Qin and Mu Yi walked into the backyard.

When he came to Qiao Yuanxian, he nodded slightly, "Qiao Er Bo."

Qiao Yuanxian looked up at Qin Baiyu and said in an inexplicable tone: "Xiao Si, I don't think he came here to talk to me about the past, did he?"

The fourth brother of Qin looked at him without any difference. "It's really not reminiscence. The second uncle has been back in the mountains for many years and is used to being pure. I can't disturb him at will.

It's just that Zihuan is young and impulsive. If she bumps into Joe's second uncle today, my fourth uncle will apologize for her first. "

It turns out that Qin Xiaosi also came for Ling Zihuan.

This little girl, I didn't expect so many people to protect her!

At that time, Mu Yi stood at the back of everyone. His dark eyes looked at Ling Zihuan and sobbed with Qiao Er Shao.

I don't know how much she was wronged. Her two little hands tightly grasped Qiao Mu's shirt at the waist, and she buried her head in his arms. The sound of broken crying sounded weak and helpless.

But on such an occasion, Mu Yi knows that she has no right to comfort her.

He thought, the little girl may not need his comfort at all.

Before and after people, as long as there is a place for Qiao mu, her eyes can only accommodate him.

On the other hand, when Qiao Yuanxian heard Qin Baiyu's words, his already settled mood set off waves again, and his tone became a bit heavy: "I asked her to come here, just to meet.

How can one or two of you be enemies? "

Words fall, Qiao Mu calm face, tone is very impolite, "since just meet with her, why do you make her cry?"