Philip untimely mouth, Han Yunting immediately will cold Shutong pull into the arms side, "sorry, she is not free now."

Han yun'an also nodded at the right time: "Philip, if Mr. field wants to see her, how about waiting for the banquet to end?

Some friends are still waiting for us, so we have to say hello first, don't you think? "

In business, Han yun'an has always been vigorous and resolute.

Even on the site of field manor, he never bowed to power.

Han yun'an's seemingly elegant words made Philip's face a lot worse.

Because of her identity, Philip had to smile, "Miss Vivian is right, I think it's not good."

After nodding to him, Han yun'an took the lead in walking into the gate of the castle with Qiao Qing.

Leng Shutong and Han Yunting follow him, passing by Philip's side. Leng Shutong glances at him without expression, purses his lips and goes by him.

As her father's right arm, Philip's attitude towards her also represents the position of the field family.

Han Yunting is acutely aware of the change of Leng Shutong's mood. He hooks her waist and comforts her in a soft voice: "it doesn't matter. If you don't want to see it, you can't see it. No one can force you!"

Maybe even Han Yunting didn't find out. After he was with Leng Shutong, his indifferent temperament had already disappeared.

Instead, the eyes of Leng Shutong, as well as the thoughtfulness and care from her heart, are always on her side.

His girl, don't look at other people's faces!

Even if the field family does not recognize her, Leng Shutong will have another identity sooner or later, the daughter-in-law of the Han family!

Thinking of this, Han Yunting's eyes suddenly flashed waves.

Han's daughter-in-law

If you can face her day and night in the future, the white head will not leave, just the picture will be beautiful and fascinating.

At this time, Leng Shutong heard his comfort, blinked and laughed directly, "you don't have to worry, these things have long been strange to me!"

Han Yunting gathered his thoughts and looked down at her, "since they treat you like this, there's nothing to miss.

After the banquet, we'll leave for Licheng tomorrow, OK? "

Leng Shutong nodded happily and agreed, "OK, I'll listen to you."

For this aristocratic family envied by the outside world, she had no expectation in her heart, so even if she left, she would not feel sorry.

She is willing to be bound by her family for so many years, but in the complicated and chaotic times, she still has a trace of yearning for family affection.

Now, with Han Yunting, we know the beauty of the world after experiencing the true friendship.

Now, a group of four entered the luxurious lobby.

If you look around, you can see a magnificent palace building as magnificent as a museum.

Qiao Qing takes Han Yunting in front of him. Even if he was born in a noble family, he can't help smacking at the luxury in front of him.

One hundred years of aristocratic history is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary rich families.

Just at this time, on the revolving stairs more than ten meters away, an English gentleman in a suit and tie slowly stepped down the steps, "Vivian!"

Each other a light call, mixed with obvious joy, downstairs steps are also in a hurry a lot.

Han yun'an stood still, looked at the man who was walking quickly in front of him, and said, "fury, long time no see!"


Qiao Qing is like an enemy in a moment!

It's Leng Shutong's uncle, field fury!

The noble gentleman of forty-five years old behaved with proper politeness.

He had a beard and deep eyes with light brown eyes.