6 Hunters Association Academy

Inside the dark cold prison, there was an unconscious man, with his hands and feet were restrained and stretched by metal cuffs forming an X pattern.

There were claw marks in his entire body, long and very deep. Fresh blood seeped out from his wounds.

The weak movement of his chest was the only sign that the man was still alive.

"Alpha Jason, we were done torturing that hunter. What should we do next?" one of the men inside asked.

A sinister smile appeared on the face of a man who was called Alpha Jason.

"What else, of course, send him to the other world where his dead comrades are waiting for him."

Then a burst of demonic laughter echoed in the room.

"Why kill him right away. We can still use him to lure other hunters." A man in a black cloak appeared.

"Oh, you are here Dy. As expected to my vicious but wise right-hand man...werewolf rather." Alpha Jason said as he greeted the newcomer.

"So what can you say about my suggestion?" the cloaked man said as he sat down beside Alpha Jason.

"Ok Dy, since it was you who suggested it, I am really glad to comply." Jason did not hesitate to agree with his proposal.

"You..." he turned to his underling who was there.

"Take a picture of that man and send a message to Hunters Association."

"Noted Alpha Jason." his underlings said in unison as they bowed down before they left to follow his instruction.

"We shall do it during the full moon. We will lure those bunch of pesky hunters into their death."

"Oh by the way, where have you been? You disappeared for several days." Jason asked the man curiously.

"I just visited some old friends." He replied nonchalantly.

Jason burst into laughter hearing his remarks.

"Oh really? I did not know that a person as cold as you, is capable of making a friend." Jason sounded amused.

"I only have one exception."

"Then I pity your friends for having someone like you as their friends," Jason commented truthfully.

The man just shrugged at him. Jason did not ask him further regarding his friends.

He just offered the cloaked man a drink which he gladly accepted.

After exchanging a few conversations, the cloaked man bade Alpha Jason a goodbye. Then he left his place.

The cloaked man drove straight to his apartment. When he arrived he saw someone who was already waiting for him outside.

He removed his cloaked as soon as he went out of his car. He frowned when he saw the person.

"What are you doing here? Why did you leave the pack? You are supposed to watch over them."

Instead of answering his questions, the man said: "She was gone missing."

The man's expression darkened as soon as he heard it. "What do you mean?"

"She left the pack and no one knows where did she go, even her family."

There was a moment of silence after that.

"Got it. Go back now. This is not the place you should be." he ordered. The man just nodded and left.

The man stayed on his spot for several minutes, consumed by his own thought.

"Where did you go?" he mumbled as he clenched his fists.


Titania was now standing in front of the gate of the prestigious school, the Hunters Association Academy.

After leaving her pack, this was the place that came up in her mind that she needed to go to.

She was standing there for an hour now. But she did not know how she would do to ender that academy.

Someone said to her that only selected people were chosen to enter and study at that Academy. This was the training ground of the best hunters in the world.

Titania took a deep breath before she marched forward to talk to the security guard who was guiding the gate.

The guard stopped her. "I.D please," he said.

"En, sir I don't have I.D yet. I will be enrolling today." Titania said to him. The guard laughed at her statement.

"Miss... are you kidding me? Who do you think you are? The students here are selected accordingly. You can't enroll because you just wanted to."

"Please sir, give me a chance. Let me enter. I want to talk to someone in charge. I really want to enter this academy." Titania pleaded.

"Don't waste your time Miss. This is not a place for ordinary people like you." The guard was firmed with his words.

"Please sir... please. I have no place to go." Titania was trying her luck.

"Miss leave while I am still being patient with you." The man's voice was stern and serious.

Titania felt nervous. She must not fail today. She must do something. This was her only chance. She had nowhere else to go.

Titania was about to say something when someone talked from behind.

"What's the matter here?" their attention was caught by the man's deep and husky voice.

The guard politely greeted the man who just spoke and he explained to him the situation.

"This woman here is being stubborn. I already told her that she cannot enter this academy. But she was insisting that she wanted to be a student here."

Titania turned to look at the person who just arrived to ask for his help but the words that she wanted to say were stuck in her throat the moment she saw the man.

The man was 6 feet and 5 inches tall. He looked like a fighter with his muscular body built. She estimated that he was at the same age as her brother Travis.

He was a compact, clean-shaven man, with precise features with dark, tousled hair and a face that could have belonged to Adonis.

What attracted Titania most was his eyes, his eyes, of the usual blue, were perhaps remarkably cold, sharp and fierce and certainly, his glance could make someone chill and intimidated, but it was quite alluring.

Everything about him suggested valor and power.

"Why do you want to be a student here?" his voice brought Titania back from her stupor.


The man looked at her with impatience. "Do I need to repeat the question?

Titania's heart skipped a beat from nervousness. This man looked like he was not in a good mood.

"I am sorry..." Titania said as she bowed her head before she answered again his question.

"Because I wanted to protect my family." She blurted out with so much sincerity in her voice.

The man did not speak after hearing her answer. He just stood there silently watching the girl who could not look at him in the eyes.

The man's lips twitched to a half-smile for seconds after his expression went back to normal. Titania failed to see it.

Then after a while the man said to her "Come, follow me."

"But..." The guard was about to object but when he met the man's cold glare, he just kept his mouth shut.

Meanwhile, Titania was stunned for a moment. 'Did he just say I can follow him inside? Does it mean I can now enter this academy?'

The man walked ahead without waiting for Titania. Seconds later, Titania recovered from the shock.

Her face brightened and she smiled gleefully. She was grateful to that man. She jumped and giggled for joy.

Without looking at the guard, Titania ran to follow the man as they entered the Hunters Association Academy.