11 Unending Cycle of Revenge

~« Titania »~


Titania did not attend her classes for the whole day. She just stayed in her room, crying at her heart's contents.

She did not even eat her lunch. She did not have an appetite. It was already 6:00 p.m. but she just stayed lying on her bed doing nothing.

There were lots of things running in her mind right now.

After a while, she heard someone knocking on her door. She was so lazy to get up but the person outside continued knocking.

She decided to open the door without even fixing herself. It was too late when she realized that. She opened the door only to see Ethan standing outside.

His eyes widened upon seeing her. She looked wasted. Her hair was in a messed due to lying for a long time. There were also a few strands scattered on her face.

Her eyes swelled and became red because of crying so hard. Ethan gave her a weird look as he surveyed her overall appearance.

'What happened to this girl? Is she bipolar? She could be cheerful sometimes and then she could be so emotional sometimes.'

Ethan cleared his throat before saying anything. It looked like the girl was not in a mood to talk.

"Have you eaten your dinner?" He asked her, trying his best to sound polite.

"I am not hungry." She said but her stomach betrayed her. Seconds after saying that, Ethan heard the sound of her growling stomach.

Titania pouted right away from embarrassment. Ethan just discovered that she just lied to him.

"I think your stomach is saying the other way around." Ethan exposed her lie.

"I think it was triggered because you mention food or maybe because I saw your face, you look like food to me." Titania blurted out suddenly without much thinking just to make an alibi.

Ethan was taken aback because of her last sentence.

'What does she mean by saying I look like food to her? Is she still mad at me to the point of eating me alive or she meant something like I am yummy in her eyes because I am a hunk?'

But Ethan immediately erased the last thoughts. 'Why am I thinking like this?' he scolded himself.

"Let's go grab some food. It's my treat." He invited her. He wanted to apologize to her. He felt somewhat guilty when he saw her teary-eyed this morning.

"Okay," Titania said. She was about to leave her room when Ethan stopped her. He cleared his throat again.

"Hmm, can you fix yourself first before going out?" Ethan said to her.

Titania cursed herself when she realized what he meant. She looked totally wasted. She immediately closed her door and went to face the mirror.

'Sh@#t... Did I face Ethan while looking like this? What an embarrassment Titania?! You are really dumb!' she was scolding herself.

Minutes later, she finished fixing herself and left her room. Ethan was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed while waiting for her.

Ethan's lips curled into a half-smile upon seeing her. She looked better now compared to her haggard face when she opened her door for him a while ago.

When they reached the school cafeteria, Titania looked at him like daggers.

"You are confident saying that this is your treat. So shameless... our food here is free. How can you say that this is your treat?!!"

Ethan scowled at her as he warned her "Can you lower your voice? We are not the only one here."

"You are the most shameless teacher I have ever met." Titania continued to rant at him in a low voice.

Ethan regretted inviting this girl for dinner. She could really annoy him in different ways.

"Alright... Alright. Stop complaining. Did you hear what Jeston said yesterday right? My bank accounts were frozen by the management of Hunters Association."

"So for the meantime, I am broke but promise I will treat you a better meal when I get my money back. Are you happy now?"

"Okay. That's a promise. I will expect that. Hmm. So make sure to behave well Mr. Rule Breaker so that you can have your money back." She teased him as she stuck her tongue out at him.

Ethan just looked at her helplessly. "This girl is really challenging my patience. Did she just forget that I was the reason why she was here today."

Titania paused at her track as she waited for him.

"Hey don't be mad, teacher. I am just teasing you. I am really grateful for your help." She flashed her sweetest smile at him.

Titania heard what he just said. Of course, she would not forget his help. She was really thankful to him.

Meanwhile, Ethan was not used to seeing her like this. He could not help himself but be flustered because of this girl.

She was really cute acting like that.

"Titania... I am sorry about this morning. I know I hurt you with my harsh words. I would like to apologize for that." He grabbed this opportunity to say sorry to her.

Titania was stunned in a moment. This was the first time he called her by her name. It was pleasant to hear. He also apologized to her.

'Hmm, he is not that bad. He might be a hard-headed one but he knew how to accept his mistakes and apologize for them.'

"I accept your apology Teacher. Ahem just remember my advice this morning okay?" She said cheerfully.

'Oh, here we go again. Teaching me what to do in my own class. I am her teacher and she is just my student.' Ethan rolled his eyes.

Titania somewhat read his expression so she just let out a soft chuckle.

"Believe me. Just follow my advice and you will become a great teacher." She assured him. Ethan just looked at her with disbelief.

"One more thing... don't ever use that book. it was full of lies." Titania added.

'Oh gosh, here we go again. Are we having an argument again because of that book?'

Ethan did not say anything. The two of them focused on their food. Titania was really hungry, finishing up to four servings of rice.

'Damn, this girl also has a quite appetite.'

They were in the middle of eating their dinner when Jeston approached them.

"Why did you not invite me to dinner?" He asked Ethan, he sounded upset.

"Because I saw that you were busy talking with the girls. I did not want to disturb your happy moment." Ethan spat back at him.

"Hello, lovely Titania, my lady?" Jeston greeted her. Ethan gave him a warning look.

"Hello, Sir Jeston."

"Ouch... you are being too formal again." he pretended to be hurt. Titania just laughed at him.

"Ahem... can I ask you both about something?" Titania said. The two men just nodded at her.

"What will happen to Samuel? Will the hunters Association rescue him?"

The two men stayed silent for a moment.

"We don't know yet. We are still waiting for their decision. It depends on the vote given by other hunters." It was Jeston who answered her.

"What if they decided not to rescue him? Will you just let Samuel die?" She asked curiously.

The two men were not able to answer her question. They just exchanged gazes from each other.


At Dylan's apartment...

The man who appeared in his apartment yesterday came back today.

"Why are you here again?" Dylan sounded displeased to see him.

"The White Claw Pack formed a team headed by Alpha Travis. He already knew your connection with the Blood Moon Pack."

Dylan was a little bit shocked by that information. This man was really good at giving him the bad news.

"Continue." He urged him to speak.

"They are planning to meet the Blood Moon Pack," he reported again.

"What?! Are they fool? Talking with the Blood Moon Pack won't benefit them. What are they trying to do?" he was enraged by that information.

"Travis wanted to see you." the man said to him truthfully.

"He wanted you to come back at White Claw Pack and lead the Lock Heart Pack."

Dylan just laughed dryly after hearing his remarks.

"They will just waste their time. I won't return as long as they are still hunters leaving in this world," he said with his greeted teeth.

"Titania..." the man blurted out which caught Dylan's attention.

"What about her? Did she come back?" Dylan's voice soften when he spoke about Titania.

The man shook his head. "Travis is also doing this for Titania. He wanted you to come back because of Titania. She is always waiting for your return."

Dylan stayed silent for a moment. Every time he went back to the pack, he would always find himself watching Titania from afar.

He knew how she felt. Titania was like a magnet to him. Even though how much he wanted to stay away from her but there were times that he would just find himself going back to her.

But now, he could not do that. She left the pack. He did not know where to find her.

This was the thing that kept on bothering him the moment he heard the news about her. He smiled bitterly at the thought of her.

"Do something. Stop the White Claw Pack from meeting the Blood Moon Pack," he ordered him.

"Members of Blood Moon Pack are different from the other werewolves. Stop them from looking at me. I am not the Dylan that they knew."

"I will try my best. But I can't promise. Travis is so determined to see you. No one will stop him. You new how stubborn he is just like Titania." the man said to him that made Dylan changed his mood.

Dylan had finally loosened up and let out a soft chuckle. He knew how stubborn those two siblings are. He knew them very well.

A girl who is not thinking and acting on impulse tried to ran and face those hunters thinking that she could stop them from killing his parents.

A guy who is being reckless and putting himself in danger just to meet his long lost best friend planned to meet the vicious and blood-lusted pack of werewolves.

"It seems like those two siblings became more troublesome these days." the man added.

"Yes, they will always be like that. After all, bad habits are difficult to change."