Chapter 24

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
Bang, bang.

The major's shot rang out in the woods.

"Help me Major, help... "

The woman's scream grew louder and louder, and everyone in the car turned pale with fright.

Panic spread rapidly in the crowd

"No She can't hurt a car of people... " Finally, a man couldn't stand it any more. He used his shaking hand to pull the door opened by the major, "go! Which one of you can drive this kind of car? We have to go quickly

However, immediately someone with a trembling voice denied: "where to go?"

"Without the major, how can we be put in the quarantine area?"

"You can't wait to die here!"

"I think he's right. We have to get out of the quarantine area first, whether we can get in or not."

"But, major, who can drive this car?"

"I Let me try... " A man was in the driver's seat.

A car full of people are still arguing. Some say they have to wait for the major. Some say they have to leave quickly because the car doors have been pulled up and all the windows have been closed by them. This kind of closed environment with mild hypoxia makes their mood slightly better and they start to have energy to spit each other again.

The man in the driver's seat was a little puffy, with a slight beer belly. His suit and white shirt could still be discerned. At this time, he was sweating with the car that didn't even have a driving computer. He couldn't get it started for a long time.

All of a sudden, the shrill voice outside the car window is getting closer and closer. The whole car turns to see that it's the woman who runs out of the woods with her hair!

Her whole body is covered with blood and carrion, and there are still some broken limbs hanging on her body. Bloody claws pierce into her body from her back and out of her chest

There was a click.

The sound of broken sternum is just like a bamboo chopstick.

With flesh and blood burst out of the stuffy sound, was squeezed out of the organs scattered in pieces on the ground.

The whole car was scared out of its wits.

At this moment, all the quarrels stopped: "coming! Here she comes

"Damn, drive! Haven't you finished yet? "

"She's up again. Don't come here! Is that bitch trying to kill us? "

Just now, the people who were still arguing that there was no major who could get into the isolation zone had long lost their complacent "long-term vision".

In the long run, they will die before their eyes!

At this time, on the screen in front of Chen Yao, an option box pops up again.

A: Urge the driver to lock the door and drive away.

B: Stop them from driving. Go down and save people.

The major hasn't come back yet. There are a lot of people in the car scrambling, and they don't start the car. The option box is suspended on the screen. The whole plot doesn't pause because of the pop-up of the option box.


Looking at the countdown on the option box, Chen Yao estimated the crawling speed of the desperate woman who had pulled out a large amount of blood on the ground. At the end of the countdown, it was probably when the woman was about to touch the door.

Unlike the options in the prologue, players have to make a choice within a minute.


Chen Yao quietly leaned back on his chair and watched the seconds read on the screen.

His mouse slides down. Left click.

Ding, the second reading of the option box stops at 55 seconds.

Then, as in the prologue, a confirmation prompt pops up.

"Every choice you make may also determine other people's lives. Are you sure?"

Just as Chen Yao pushed the mouse, his mobile phone suddenly rang again.

Although the telephone ring is still the same, he has the illusion that the ring is slightly impatient? He took a look at Shen Zhaolou's phone and answered: "sister Lou?"

"Ah Yao, please don't fight" I'm already fighting. " Chen Yao replied.

"Where have you been? Is it the port of hope? "


"You're not already in the woods, are you?" Shen Zhaolou's tone is a bit bad.


"Ah, when the plot option pops up, you must not choose the B-line plot - Han Xiao, the dead man, just said" Oh... "In the group Chen Yao gently Click to confirm.

"Where's line B?"

"The B-line plot needs to get out of the car, not to fight a small zombie, but to fight a big zombie with three people high. Han Xiao said that the starting score of visual inspection of the B-line plot is a +, but it will definitely survive for less than two minutes..."

"Oh." Chen Yao tapped the keyboard twice.

"If you can't get a high score, it's the second," Shen said in silence. "You'll be humiliated by the system..." She imitated the tone of the system tone, and imitated it perfectly. "Oh, I like to see the death of those rookies who can't figure out their own strength, but go to death in a hurry. I can't believe that every choice you make is so stupid. How did you live to be so big? "Chen Yao's mouth moved.

Shen Zhaolou's imitation is really like that. It can be invited by the game company to do system dubbing!

Humiliated by the system, I'm afraid it's really a stain on the game career.

Chen Yao points the PA key and puts his mobile phone on the table.

Shen Zhaolou heard that there was no response from Chen Yao on the phone, but only the sound of keyboard tapping.

"You won't tell me that I'm still a little late on the phone - you've chosen line B, haven't you?" Shen Zhaolou said.

"Well." Chen Yao responded.

"Why?" Shen Zhaolou was completely confused. "Didn't you say that it was the prey, not the hunter, who rashly attacked? You hit yourself in the face? "

In fact, before calling, she was not too worried about Chen Yao choosing the wrong plot.

According to Chen Yao's own logic, he should definitely choose A. with his fighting style of not seeing rabbits and not casting eagles, how can he choose B casually if he doesn't see the situation clearly?

But Chen Yao chose to get out of the car and fight!

"Because that woman is young, beautiful, big brainless?"


"Because that major saved you in the prologue?"

“……” Chen Yao was speechless.

"Why on earth is that?"

"Why don't you fight with a gun in your hand?" Chen Yao answered faintly.

Shen Zhaolou was stunned.

What are you doing with a gun if you don't fight!