Chapter 1107

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
At the end of the first map, there was no pause. Who would have thought that the second map only played two rounds, and the pause appeared.

You don't even try the third inning?

Yanbofu team of this pause, but also let the home a jubilation.

"Team Chen is awesome."

"That's right, team Chen

From the commentary stand, you can hear the audience praising their captain. Of course, there are many people waving the small flag of Erhai tide. After all, it is the first time that Erhai tide has directly fought against the first army since fighting for the sword.

If we say that the first map of the game, are useless, a person in the support, then, this map you see is more opportunities.

Look at the home situation, do not know that the dictatorial team that has won the game.

But Yang Jingzhe's face was a little out of place with the audience's joy: "Tan Danjie, this is a high-level pause."

"Well, yanbofu team suspended It's not necessarily good for the home team Tan Dan made up what he didn't say in a low voice.

They know the data of yanbofu team.

As a commentary, they have to be well prepared before the game, and now their minds are buzzing out.

Yanbofu team in a map just opened a few small games when it is necessary to pause, after the end of the pause can immediately turn over.

What's more, most of them take this map directly after flipping.

The two command posts have this ability!

No matter whether they are facing Jinggong or Shudao, they have never lost the first game after the high-level pause.

"If this is the team, it will lose the dictatorship?" Yang Jingzhe looked at Yang Lin, who was standing behind his teammates and didn't appear in this game, a little worried.

"Who knows..." Tan Dan is hard to say now.

It's a pity that the first map of the dictatorship team lost 13-16. If they can't win the second map randomly selected by themselves, the home court will be lost.

They are such a young team, have lost a home, can withstand the second home to lose the blow?


The enthusiasm of the fans of the dictatorial team was extinguished in the first game after the suspension.

Yanbofu's team successfully left the dictatorial team near the central camp at the beginning of the third inning when the firepower was extremely backward.

"The dictatorial team only cut the dagger when the other team is not nearby, but yanbofu saw the dictatorial team holding the gun to the chest, but cut the dagger directly to intercept..."

"The apparent massacre, the dictatorship team decisively stayed."

However, the fight was very bad. Xiaob, who didn't smile, hit each other with a grenade and a firebomb, and killed one person before he died. The dictatorial team was hit three times by the other party's grenade, and two of them were extremely eye-catching positions before they were killed directly.

Then, Xinghuo pulls a gun and takes it away from the water, but Alibaba quickly mends the gun and kills it. The only little leaf left in the field also falls down after very hard killing the little white rabbit of the big gray wolf.

"Yanbofu's two regiment battles are in the same place with different rhythms, but obviously the dictatorial regiment didn't notice them," Tan Danfei said quickly. "However, this kind of on-the-spot Regiment Battle rhythm should be read by Chen Yao right away..."

"Well. The location of that grenade is really a bit unexpected. Chen Yao could not have considered the position of his two teammates at that time. "

"So, it's mainly yanbofu that keeps people here!"

Yanbofu did not wait for the dictatorial team to gamble on the route, but took the initiative to fight it as soon as it started, successfully controlled the whole team in a very small area, and failed to break into the jungle.

Chen Yao also knew that this was the same as telling him that the dictatorial team's strategy of going directly into the jungle at the beginning was read out by the other party. Moreover, the other party directly cut corners and did not let them fight guerrillas or play any tricks.

Any on-the-spot strategy needs opportunities. The best way to play is to block them in the central camp and not give them opportunities.

In fact, Yanbo house is not so complicated!

"Well..." On Chen Yao's forehead, there was also a sweat.

The fourth inning could be troublesome.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the fourth inning, yanbofu team took advantage of the economic advantages accumulated in the last inning to successfully retain the dictatorial team again. Although this inning was useless and the sound of Erhai tide was not as sudden as the last inning, their team fighting rhythm did not come out very much, and soon ended the game directly in the central camp.

By the fifth inning, the game had almost become a free fight

What Chen Yao said before is not to fight with them in the central camp, but to retreat from the jungle and then fight according to the situation at the scene. It has no effect at all, because the yanbofu team has the ability to seal them directly near the central camp. They have to fight if they don't want to fight in the central camp.Like the dictatorship, they are forced to fight in the central camp with the idea of going into the jungle. The result is obvious.

"Oh, my God, it's only a few minutes. It's already 3:2. Yanbofu has surpassed it."

"Well It's the rhythm again... "

As two commentators have just said, yanbofu is quite constrained in its useless performance.

Chen Yao had to adjust his strategy and began to compete with yanbofu for the central camp.

The dictatorship team's state soon came back, but there was another problem in the central camp. Xiaoye's personal strength was quite unstable in such a fierce battle. When he could play well, the dictatorship team could win the game, but when he couldn't play well, the dictatorship team couldn't fight.

Fortunately, today's Ye Hongying played well. At the end of the first half, the dictatorial team firmly grasped the score and ended the first half with a 7-8 one point lag.

"The police and bandits changed sides in the second half. I think the yanbofu team can save this point to the end. " When Yang Jingzhe saw the difference, he remembered the difference of three points in the first map.

The dictatorial team is also very beautiful, useless, a game would like to be able to play all the highlights of the whole season, but they finally lost the first map by a very weak point difference.

On the second map, the gap of this point did not move at the end of the first half. Although yanbofu's playing style seems different from that of the previous map, they dare not continue to target Xiaob who doesn't smile on this map, because if they can't win the game soon after they kill Xiaob who doesn't smile, they will have a fierce counterattack immediately.

And the dictatorship team also played more easily, more people than the last map, joined the ranks of the contribution of wonderful scenes.

But is there a difference between a one point gap and a three-point gap in winning or losing?