Chapter 1190

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
Soon, it's time to pause.

On the third map, the second game begins.

Chen Yao's sixth sense is actually not very good, but I don't think this kind of thing is clear. After the birth point, he still takes the whole team and takes the initiative to attack according to the front and back formation in their training

Such a small map, but only their own footsteps, in fact, is really a very strange thing.

Looking at the spark on the screen, Chen Yao has rushed to the police home


Xiaob, who didn't smile, threw a grenade directly.

"Xiaoyi?" Chen Yao did not think about the action of his teammates, he saw a grenade exploded three people.

But the players of the Longyin team immediately took on a retreat formation, fighting while retreating

When the dictatorial team all chased into the next corner, Longyin suddenly burst out, like a sharp knife directly into their array.

Erhai tidal sound was the first to be taken away.

Because both sides didn't hurt the team, they didn't want to do anything. They just raised the M4 in their hands and swept forward

Starfire's gun has locked zero.

Ding Ding

Bang Bang

Bullets flying in the air, hit the human body and hit the sound of shelter, interlaced into a piece.

"Zero killed the flying insects to put out the fire, and zero killed Xiaoyi who didn't smile..."

"His position has been dragging spark, and the soul of navy has been dragging useless!"

A corner, a few seconds of time, the life value of the whole team of Longyin team fell by half, but the dictatorial team fell three people in an instant!

Qin Yizhu made a "Oh" sound in the team channel

Yang Yuchen's voice grew louder and louder: "the Dragon chant team hit this corner, kept returning, and then kept rushing out What wave is this? Continuous defense and counterattack... "

"Spark's blood is almost full, but it's useless It's useless. It's very dangerous... "

"Why did the dictatorial team think that Longyin would first aim at nothing, shoot down his main weapon, and then seek the next battle?"

"But, no..."

Longyin's team was quite unexpected.

Generally speaking, in the second round, the goal of the first step is to turn over and capture the opponent's main weapon. However, in the face of nothing, the Longyin team just means something, but the focus is not on him.

They quickly killed the third, fourth and fifth positions of the dictatorial team.

"One second defense, one second counterattack." When Yang Yuchen saw the Dragon chant team fighting back, the formation was different every time, "ah, it's useless!"

All five members of Longyin team are empty!

No one's health is above 15.

But they didn't die, none of them.

They use corner defense to counterattack and take turns to take the damage

"Xinghuo went straight to pick up useless guns." Tan Dan saw the action of spark for a moment, "but the soul of navy is also..."

Now the key is the gun that is useless.

Spark just needs to pick up the gun and sweep it out. It's a five kill.

Can Longyin team kill useless position, is also accurately calculated!

Spark is one step away!

The soul of Navy Blue first picked up the gun that was useless, and directly lifted the muzzle up to take away the last spark.

"I depend on me, I depend on me," Yang Yuchen, who was dozens of years old, cried like a child. "The Longyin team won, and five pistols won in this way..."

"Well, how about the last one with the main weapon?"

"Yes, but that's not the point anymore..."

The focus of the second game is not on the weapons used by the Longyin team, but on their amazing defensive counterattack mode using a non bunker terrain.

Everyone in their team has different armor, but they can accurately control the whole team's blood in one line.

"It's really a dragon song." Even tan Dan couldn't help sighing.


At the beginning of the third map, the two teams each took one game, but they were even in the third game. In the third game, the authoritarian team strengthened their charge, but they didn't pull at the corner. At the same time, the battle center was adjusted back to Xiaob, who didn't laugh. His grenade bag will be the final decisive factor.

But there are some new changes in this game of Longyin team. They choose to scatter behind four bunkers, which is like forming a net to cover the dictatorial team.

In essence, there is still no change. The fighting rhythm is still defensive and counterattack, but compared with the battle just now, the enemy targets behind the four bunkers, the dictatorial team, seem to be beating the hamster"Crazy, this kind of blood control again..."

"There are only two people left in the dictatorial team who are useless and don't laugh, while one of the whole team of Longyin hasn't fallen."

"Xiaob who doesn't smile is full of blood, but the position of Longyin isn't as concentrated as that at the corner of the last sentence. A grenade can't do it!"

The dictatorial team is also fierce. Xiaob, who doesn't laugh, throws a flash bomb at zero and Xia Chong and doesn't say a word. There's no use in covering them. He throws a burning bottle to firstdown and a grenade directly kills Shutong. Then, he goes to fight for the nearest Navy soul.

"The dictatorship team divided into four battlefields to fight with them..." Tan Dan really didn't know what to say, "everyone in the Longyin team has just a few blood points You can go! You can really rush

After Xiaoyi's grenade directly killed Shutong, the system prompts to shoot out continuously.

Kill zero for nothing.

Zero had only 7 points of blood left, so it was certain that he would die. But when he died, Xia Chong didn't say that he couldn't kill him. It was useless. Tan Dan knew that the turning point of the game was probably here. Sure enough, in less than a second, the next killing prompt popped up.

It's useless. Kill Xia Chong!

However, firstdown shot from the back, which was useless. It was revenge for two teammates.

But soon it was the hint that Xiaoyi, who didn't laugh, killed the soul of navy blue.

"One on one, another one on one, but In today's game, it's rare for authoritarian teams to fight to the last person. It's the low position versus the high position... "

"Firstdown, the last shot? Hit! Oh, it's too late for Xiaoyi who doesn't smile to turn around... "

"It's really classic and wonderful for the dictatorial team to fight four battlefields with two men, but it's a pity that this game was won by the Longyin team..."

The battle of you Lan's secret room started and ended quickly, especially the battle with dictatorial team.

The score jumped to 2-1, and the Longyin team took the lead.

"Relatively speaking, the dark blue chamber of secrets should be a better map for the dictatorial team," Tan Dan's voice also tightened. "However, the battle system of the Longyin team started all of a sudden, and the dictatorial team began to struggle a little bit..."