Chapter 1283

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
"Use the weight difference between empty hand, dagger and pistol..."

"The tactical movements in different postures are selected and switched based on the animal model..."

"But how do you distinguish between diving and gliding? About 0.7 seconds in the middle... "

"Oh I see... "

As soon as the second inning was over, Shen Xiqiao broke his fingers and began to talk to himself.

Although he did not communicate with Luo Xu, Luo Xu knew that the movement in his captain's mind at this time was absolutely great.

Shen Xiqiao is very interested.

Luo Xu only thinks that the pressure of command has been reduced a lot. In fact, he doesn't think that Chen Yao's fighting effect is so bad that he is probably at the top 10 level - who hasn't been to the top 10 in the professional circle?

However, a sense of oppression beyond Chen Yao's strength made him feel a little panicked.

"No..." Luo Xu thought of a possibility in his mind, but quickly ruled it out.

It's such a thing as canonization, at such a time

How dare he think?

Soon, the replay of the second game ended and the third game began.

The first shot of the two sides made the home court of Shudao cheer again and again. Shen Xiqiao's senior rookie almost took the last forced action of Xinghuo in the last game as his way of playing

And his appearance is much more abnormal than spark.

Xinghuo was lying in ambush on the rail under the train, then showed a grenade lx119, and then hit a senior rookie with gun line. After empty blood, the bunker operation immediately disappeared in the fire range of the opponent.

But the senior rookie is Jump straight down to the useless face.

"Ah, why did he choose to be useless?" Tan Dan thought senior rookies had to fight with spark.

"Well Maybe there is no choice at all. " Yang Yuchen unknowingly has said the difference.

Shenxi bridge soon reflected this.

Spark's target selection is very certain, that is, senior rookie is senior rookie.

It's just like the predator who is dormant in the grass will definitely choose a specific target as the attack point. The attack point of the predator is either weak or disabled. They will never take a left bite or a right bite after they rush out. Whoever passes by in front of their eyes will bite whom - that is absolutely impossible to catch the prey.

But Shenxi bridge also felt the difference after it was useless.

However, this does not affect him to continue to fight!

"It's no use at all? Senior rookies are not easy to fight this distance. They Oh, I'm going to smoke a dagger... " Tan Dan stares at nothing and takes out the dagger directly. He cuts the wrist of the senior rookie as soon as he pulls it.

"The senior rookie took the distance and burst his head! OK, this distance is a shot in the head... "

"Spark killed him..."

"It's useless. It's like dancing in a hail of bullets with a dagger! The senior rookie was not hit by the spark

"Second wave! How to say, how to say... "

"Beautiful! It's no use killing a senior rookie Oh, what's more beautiful is that the spark killed the senior rookie, jumped off the sniper's point cutting pistol and killed Kyle who had been found according to the point exposure! "

"The eighth sage of bamboo forest killed spark Xiaoyi, who doesn't laugh, killed the eighth sage of bamboo forest, Lei Bao of Shu Road team! Nobody cares about ray Bao? "


The sound of an explosion.

Although before the explosion of the thunder bag, the Shudao team was already at a disadvantage, but they won the blasting victory of this game.


The Shudao team is still one game ahead.


"The senior rookie didn't come out." As soon as the third inning was over, Lu Er told Chen Yao.

"What you saw was just that, but in fact, he understood it pretty much." Chen Yao's eyes are still calm. When he took the first step, he didn't have any special surprise. Now when he may fail, he doesn't have any special depression.

"I'll go, that pervert. If you give him a few more small games to fumble, Yao Zai will play the effect of a lion. I'm not sure he will play a lion group..." Qin Yizhu wants to run to the opposite seat and tear the pervert.

"Do you think there is still room for adjustment? Or We need to give up this carrier and find a suitable one again... " Lu Er was also helpless. She was not the LORD God. All the help she could offer Chen Yao could only come from another Lord God.

When I didn't touch Chen Yaocha's "breath", my eyes were in chaos.

Chen Yao nodded: "yes. It can be adjusted. "

"Direction?" Qin Yizhu asked.

"It's instinct that I can fight like this. It's action after thinking. Of course, he can do all that. But He can't just use his instinct to switch his playing style and state like me Chen Yao replied."Instinct. Also, your scene diversity and conversion speed will be much higher than him... " Qin Yizhu understood it as soon as he heard it, "you may only need one second to change from a lion's play to an ant's play, but he may not be able to change."

"You said, I can't turn around," Chen Yao said inexplicably, "how can ants fight?"

"Diluting the sense of presence in the battlefield and doing bunker operation, right?" Qin Yi candle anger.

"Just dilute it to mountain breeze..." Chen Yao's face is more inexplicable.

"Is mountain breeze bionic? Ah? Your current carrier needs to be clear. "

"Who told you that mountain breeze is not life..."

"How can mountain breeze be life?"

From the topic of Shen Ning and nature, we can see that Zhang Ning and Zhang Ning are fighting with each other.

And in the past captain and the current captain of this no nutrition of the spray

The fourth game begins!

"Oh, I'm going to do science popularization for this guy who has read less books," Qin Yizhu said to Xie Qingming with a loud finger. "I forgot to tell you that the third inning was good!"

"Well..." Xie Qingming actually has a little feeling.

Qin Yizhu, on the other hand, simply and rudely pushed his feeling to a qualitative change: "in the third inning, I saw where you can stand recently. In the fourth inning, let Yao Zai arrange it and try to see how you can play as far as you can!"

Chen Yao "Oh" A: "then try out the best range."

“……” Xie Qingming's hair stood up.

Qin Yizhu played down the feeling he had just typed.

He has been able to hit face to face recently, and the farthest he can hit beyond the best range

"So No matter where he stands, whether he's near or far away, whether he's facing the beginning of his career or the main God, "Zhang Ning added in a low voice as he watched them put on earphones." there's almost no possibility that he'll strafe and kill him. "

"So he can fight anywhere on the field?" It's not the first time Shen Zhaolou has seen Xie Qingming ignore the bunkers and never use them, but she feels that this trait may rise to a new level that she can't imagine today.

"Come on!" Zhang Ning looked at Chen Yao and Xie Qingming, and put his hands together.