Chapter 1287

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵

On the third map, there are fewer and fewer small games left.

The authoritarian team just has the ability to win with certainty Just a little bit, can really not have any problems!

But in the second half of the game in the fifth inning, gave them a head blow.

"Active cooperation! Senior rookie is under the driveway. It's an active cooperation with lx119. It's too obvious... " When Tan Dan saw the middle of the fifth inning, he directly patted the table and stood up! Take the initiative to cooperate

"Lx119 a grenade killed the flying insects and put out the fire!"

"Spark can only choose one person now. Is he a rookie or lx119? Oh, he chose a senior rookie... "

"Hit! Take it! These two shots are beautiful. "

"But, with 17 seconds left, what can he do?"

Shudao team held the game at a.

Until the end of the fifth inning, the dictatorial team failed to bury the thunder bag and kill all the players in the Shudao team.

In two games, one game ended in one minute and the other in three minutes, but the result was to draw the score again.

"God level self breakthrough, really troublesome." Lu Er was a little at a loss.

A few games ago, they were just happy about the amazing progress of Chen Yao and Xie Qingming on the road to the LORD God

Who would have thought that in the twinkling of an eye, they would see such a big explosion!

In the sixth inning, Chen Yao and Xie Qingming had to pause all their personal adjustments and play light speed again. No matter whether Shen Xiqiao is breaking through or not, just kill him.

However, even if they played like this, they didn't win.

Chen Yao used the speed of light to destroy the team and hit Shenxi bridge. There was a big premise, that is, Shenxi bridge itself was not a real team.

But in the sixth inning, Shen Xiqiao's senior rookies actively cooperated and passively cooperated to form a whole. In this complicated and indistinguishable cooperation, the dictatorial team took twice as long to kill him, and then was killed by Shudao group within five seconds.

The score on the field has been reversed again.

"The third map has been played to the second half. It's really difficult to see this situation," Tan Dan said. "The dictatorship team has no quota of rare ammunition now Otherwise, you can use rare ammunition to pull back one or two games a little bit. "

"Well, there are not many cards on Chen Yao's hand now. Maybe there is only one pause left?"

The third map is the Shudao team's first pause. The dictatorship team's pause has not yet moved.

However, Chen Yao did not move the pause.

"Yes," Yang Yuchen nodded when he saw the start of the seventh game. "It's obvious that team Chen has encountered unprecedented problems, and he doesn't know how to deal with them. So, it's no use to pause now... "

The seventh inning started with the warm music of the home court of the Shudao team, while the dictatorial team had a big problem at a point in the seventh inning. A grenade of lx119 was thrown on the 100 useless. The 100 useless had made a response in advance and jumped quickly. But the amount of blood dropped by a third.

Xinghuo and Feichong put out the fire two people directly, and found the senior rookie. Xinghuo fought with him, and Feichong put out the fire broke the connection between him and other teammates. But even if it was such a fight, the senior rookie still quickly killed nothing with the cooperation of lx119, and perfectly avoided the wave of charge after Feichong put out the fire got the gun under the cover of Kyle

Then, the senior rookie, in the process of turning around and fighting head-on with the flying insects, died in the three successive bullets that the spark swooped down like an eagle falcon, but he also took the flying insects to fight the fire before he died.

"The dictatorship team doesn't want to delay this game..." Tan Dan said, "they killed people at all costs, and they didn't even seek the opportunity to bury them..."

"I also think it's more reliable for them to fight and kill. But Shu Road is really smooth at the moment. After all, it's easier for the police to drag the pace of the game on this map... "

"The eighth virtuous man in the bamboo grove! Oh, Zhulin eighth Xian missed this shot! The spark jumps directly to the top of another train! Is he still ignoring the eighth man of the bamboo grove? "


All of a sudden, the sound of a grenade, through the spark of the gun.

Don't smile of small B a roll, from the driveway under a grenade plug in the past, directly took the next bullet has to shoot bamboo eighth virtuous.

And spark's bullet went to lx119.

"The dictatorial team's on-the-spot target selection is really accurate." Tan Dan saw that the spark didn't kill lx119, so he turned his gun and let it go, revealing himself, "he's blocking Kyle. The sound of the tide in Erhai Lake is working with Lei Bao behind his back. It means not to kill or bury the Bao! "

"Is the spark slipping down? Oh, sister LAN is behind him... "

"Just that train! I'll see what they want, OK? "

In the fierce battle, the position of position five is often easy to be ignored.However, after the death of a No. 1 seat, the position of No. 5 seat should be determined. Chen Yao didn't see sister Lan's movement at all - he just jumped out of the car instinctively.

"How long?" Tan Dan looked at the time.

"One minute and seventeen seconds..."

"The dictatorship team has to hold on."

Since the dictatorial team is not ready to bury the thunder, we must quickly destroy the Shu Road.

Of course, it's not easy.

The dictatorship team has killed the first and second positions of the other side, and the remaining three, four and five positions are all residual blood. It is also a strange situation for the two sides to stand in deadlock here.

The senior rookies are all dead!

No matter what he does, a corpse doesn't work.

But the dictatorial team still can't win the game

"What's going on? Can't kill people? Can't bury the thunder bag? " Yang Yuchen quickly scanned the first visual angle on every screen in front of him, "dictatorship team Dare not fight? Are you kidding? "

"What the hell? Any team in the A-League will counsels, only the dictatorial team won't counsels Adjustment? The dictatorial team has returned to adjust... "

"The Shudao team didn't even chase them, so let them stand back!"

"It's true that both sides have residual blood, but there is a sniper in the hands of the dictatorial team. If Shu Road is not pursued now, are we waiting for another wave of charge from the dictatorial team?"

"It's impossible. Now it must be spark. What's more Er, "Yang Yuchen said that he was stuck in the middle of his speech." after a short silence, the dictatorial team attacked Baodian again... "

"No bullets!" Tan Dan saw that Starfire's magazine was empty.


In Spark's m200, after the last ghost bullet was fired, he cut the pistol in his hand.

"I've run out of ammunition and food. I can't open the distance." Yang Yuchen stares at the screen, "but this kind of charge with a pistol to charge a rifle, how to fight..."