Chapter 1299

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
At one o'clock in the morning, they arrived at the new team base.

As nuomi Tang said, because they are not in the downtown area, the whole privacy level is higher than a few grades, and the security patrol is also very strict. Even if someone comes here, they are noisy outside, and Chen Yao can't hear anything in the training room, let alone the bottle hitting their glass.

Of course, they are not used to Shen Zhaolou.

They can only comfort themselves. For the time being, it's better to regard it as an away game

The lawn lamp in the garden glowed warm.

The gold double gun badge of the dictatorial team is still in the process of layout, only a little rudiment can be seen.

Getting out of the car and walking all the way in, it also makes people feel very comfortable.

The collocation of the whole tone also has the taste of home.

"Well Very attentive. " Shen Zhaolou slowed down.

"If it wasn't for so many things and you were in a hurry to use it, it would be better when you see it..." Glutinous rice candy girl is not particularly satisfied with this semi-finished product.

It should have been a surprise

As a result, she didn't have time to set it up so suddenly.

Of course, there is no way now. In this eventful time, the security here is higher. For her, in fact, everything in the competition can be put down for the time being. Anyway, it is a great miracle to upgrade one year and enter the championship circle directly.

If there is something wrong with the safety of the players, then she can't explain it to their boss!

"Is the light on in the training room?" Chen Yao's eyes did not stay at night.

Glutinous rice candy girl along his eyes to see past: "Chen team how to know there is a training room?"

There are two buildings in the base, both of which are not too high, but they are almost the same. In the new base, administration, PVE regiment, first team, echelon and players' dormitories are relatively independent areas, which will not interfere with each other.

There are three places where the light is on now.

Chen Yao knew at a glance that the light in the training room was on?

"Oh." Chen Yao glanced, "the sound of the keyboard comes from there."

It's quieter at night than before.

Chen Yao can hear and feel more.

The wind here is a little angry at last.

The glutinous rice candy girl looked up and listened carefully. She didn't hear anything. She said with a subconscious smile: "can't you hear it? Three layers of sound insulation... "

How loud is the keyboard.

A common layer of glass can be separated.

Qin Yizhu patted Chen Yao's head with a smile: "sister, don't listen to his nonsense. This product is not heard by your ears."

However, since nuomi tangmei asked this question, it verified Chen Yao's feeling.

It's really a training room.

"So how is the light on?" Lu Er was also a little curious.

"I'll know when I go..." Glutinous rice candy sister did not tell them, just a smile, "not urgent, first put things down."

Soon, they were assigned to their respective dormitories.

The new team base, dormitory area and training area are separated, not in the same building.

The dormitory area is also larger than before.

If the dictatorial team can really win this year, it will certainly attract more trainees to enter the training camp.

Therefore, if this area is not enough, it will be very embarrassing.


About ten minutes later, Chen Yao and they all settled down and gathered downstairs in the dormitory. The glutinous rice candy girl took them to the training room.

Chen Yao and Lu Er were surprised when they opened the door.

Chen Yao didn't speak, but Lu Er said directly, "Why are you here?"

The training room is very spacious.

The light is very bright, but the color temperature is obviously considered, which will not make people feel uncomfortable.

The configuration of 40 hosts, under normal circumstances, can accommodate three teams with the replacement of the joint training.

But there's a team coming in directly. What the hell is it

"Oh, here you are." Jiang Zhi stretched out his hand to Chen Yao, "if there is no accident, please give me more advice in the future."

"What The situation? " When Shen Zhaolou heard the bottle smashing the glass in the daytime, he felt very frightened, but compared with the successive incidents at night, it seemed that it was not worth mentioning

What is a bottle smashing glass?

Jiang Zhi, they are always suspected of a big event when they appear here!

As a result, she was right

"The investors of the Qinghe team are suspected of serious violations of discipline. The CES alliance may be the first to deal with them, and if there is no accident in the team It should be taken over by our club The glutinous rice candy girl smiles toward Shen Zhao's corridor.

"If you are not qualified for the team, do you maintain independent configuration?" Qin Yizhu touched his chin."Yes, not on the team." The glutinous rice candy girl nodded.

"Well. One club, two A-League teams... " Qin Yizhu is excited, "this cow is forced!"

Why is the strength of the second team so strong?

It's because they have a lot of teams of B-level league level. It's much easier for them to train with each other.

If they and Qinghe team are in the same club, it means that they or Qinghe have A-level League training to play at any time!


It's really against the weather.

"The clubs in the A-League have to be dealt with directly. The knife is a little big all of a sudden," mustache said, lowering his head. "This knife has gone down, and no one can stop it..."

"Even if it's completely destroyed, it's better than being so rotten." Jiang Zhi is very open-minded.

“…… A league circle collapse, the whole life and death of the game circle, and even the electric circle may be a big earthquake Ren Beiyou and ye Hongying bite their fingers together.

Jiang Zhi laughs.

He took a look at Wu Shi, who was dejected beside him. He turned back and said to Chen Yao, "I don't know if circle a will collapse. I only know that dark net is crazy. Have you played dark net these days? "

"In the dark net," Fang Jingtang put down his backpack, "but it's all civil war. What's the matter? "

“……” Jiang Zhi then saw Fang Jingtang coming in from the door, "how is the floating God..."

"Light name and I have a breath away from the Lord, please float God to assist." After all, Chen Yaosi didn't want to explain it carefully, but now he didn't think about the consequences.

Jiang Zhi is not the one who inquires about it. He gives a thumbs up to him and Xie Qingming, and then continues to talk about the dark net: "piaoshen's teammates are a little crazy. Four people have abused the whole team of Sansheng It is said that Sansheng won't be ready to continue after the ninth round... "

Fang Jingtang's mouth opened slightly.

Sansheng team can be said to be the most tenacious team in the professional circle.

After they fell into the B-class League, they insisted on not changing their players and went back to the falconry

What are his teammates doing to make Sansheng such a team "not ready to continue"?

"Pick up the team, piaoshen take them, and change ASA to firebug in position five. I'll fight them with dictatorship. " Chen Yao looked at the clock that had already pointed to 1:30, but he didn't mean to rest.

"All right." Fang Jingtang immediately went to arrange it.

"Actually It's not just the dark net. They're crazy... " Jiang Zhi said half way, but seeing that they had moved directly, it was not easy to continue.