Chapter 14

Name:Top new darling Author:舞妆
"Stop the car!"

Mu Yifan frowned.

In fact, as soon as he entered the mountain road, he saw that Xia Weiran seemed to have signs of carsickness.

But in order to sharpen the girl's spirit, Mu Yifan is also iron heart to see her uncomfortable, until just inexplicably see Xia Weiran face that wipe soft.

Damn it, if she does throw up, will it be better with him?

"Yes, Captain Mu!"

After turning a sharp corner, driver Lao Chen quickly stabilized the car.

At this time, Xia Weiran has been exhausted by the nausea.

Mingming can't wait to get out of the car, but he still says: "Oh... Oh... I... oh... I'm ok... Oh..."

For the first time in his life, Mu Yifan felt so crazy. His thin lips became tighter and tighter. He quickly sidled over Xia Weiran, opened the car door, and then pushed Xia Weiran down.

The truck in this province is much higher than that of ordinary cars. Xia Weiran is going to hang out here. After being pushed by Mu Yifan, he is so scared that his vomit will come out of his nostrils.

The driver on the bus is too scared to come out, but fortunately, Mu Yifan doesn't really want to push Xia Weiran down. Just as Xia Weiran wants to fall down, he pulls her.

And Xia Weiran was pushed and pulled like this. He was completely dizzy. Wow, he even had to spit out the food overnight.

A thick acid gas filled the air instantly.

This is not the first time that Xia Weiran has made a fool of himself, but it is the first time that all the members of the team have seen a military doctor who will get carsick.

In an instant, behind the truck shed, countless brain melon seeds were found to explore the truth.

I wipe... Is the captain so powerful? Scared like this?

Tut tut... It's so pathetic. I'm going to roll my eyes.

Mu Yifan's handsome thick eyebrows are twisted into Mahua again. Since he met her, he was like a victim of evil. He met all the bad things he hadn't met in decades.

He wanted to let go, but he found that he didn't know when the corner of his camouflage suit had been grabbed by Xia Weiran.

Xia Wei Ran this is really vomit miserably, the instinct of survival let her is to pull the cloth in the hand more tightly.

Just listen to the "stab" sound, the raw was pulled to burst the line.

Mu Yifan's whole body is black, like a vine, and he pulls Xia Weiran, who is still retching.

"Xia Weiran! You let go

Xia Weiran vomited tears on her face, and half of the noodles she had eaten in the morning were hanging on the corner of her mouth. She was as embarrassed as a lost dog.

"Captain... You can... You can... Ouch..."

A good word did not finish, the goods is a mouthful of jaundice water to spray out.

"Xia Weiran! Get out of here

Mu Yifan can't help his violent expletives!

Xia Weiran threw up on Mu Yifan

The old Chen who implicated one side opened the car door and vomited up!

For a moment, the hard hit Mu Yifan felt that his throat was astringent, and his stomach was full of turbulence.

Oh, no... this is killing me!

All the soldiers keep pumping!

No, it's too lethal, isn't it? Did Lao Chen throw up? What's the situation?

After half a sound, Xia Weiran can be regarded as a relief, but before he opened his eyes, he heard the anger of his head: "Xia Weiran! Well, if you don't give it to me, well, open it

Xia Weiran is full of black lines, Emma... She really wants to destroy her eyes!

Shaking hands, Xia Weiran slowly touched the car, she felt that she would be shot.

Mu Yifan in the car, a handsome face has been twisted, quickly jumped out of the car. Holding the roadside tree is also a great vomit.