Chapter 16

Name:Top new darling Author:舞妆
At the same time, compared with the previous training, the military nurses only completed the first two kilometers, then they could go straight to the destination by truck, waiting for the soldiers to come back.

But this time, nurses and soldiers were required to complete the 20 kilometer pull training together.

Originally, this training is a great challenge for these well-trained soldiers, not to mention young nurses like Xia Weiran.

Wang Qiao is very calm, because last year she knew that this year there will be such a training, so secretly, she also has a good exercise.

Xia Weiran is a new comer. Now he is so tired by carsickness that he has to climb a mountain for the first two kilometers. The key is that after climbing the mountain, he still has 8 kilometers to wait for himself.

She suddenly had a desire to die that was more than she could do.

Zhao Youyang, a group of soldiers, is a very noisy person. After he is out of the range that Mu Yifan can monitor, he starts to talk with Xia Weiran with a smile.

"Nurse Xia, who are you?"

Xia Weiran gasped: "I'm from X city, small town! Hoo... Hoo... So tired! "

Zhao Youyang handed his kettle to Xia Weiran: "nurse Xia, have a drink. I think your kettle was knocked over by the team leader just now. It's already dry, isn't it?"

"Thank you! But I did. What do you do? "

Xia Weiran was very moved in her heart. In fact, she was a good girl.

Xia Weiran silently praised herself in her heart.

"It's OK. I'll take you to find water later!"

Zhao Youyang pushes aside a grass that reaches his waist to make way for Xia Weiran.

Don't say, he really thinks that Xia Weiran is very distressing, especially the small face, which gives people a strong desire to protect.

In front of other soldiers at this time also joined in: "nurse Xia, seriously, people in our class admire you very much."

"That's right. As far as our district is concerned, I haven't seen any captain Mu so miserable."

"Ha ha... Yes, yes! Captain Mu is a famous black faced Yama here. Today I can see other colors on his face. "

A group leader holding a smile, but still very conscientious advice: "all lower your voice, wait to be heard by the second group, be careful that you two can't finish eating and walk around!"

"Er... What, do you think I will be kicked to the door of the army after I go back this time?"

Xia Weiran asked with lingering fear.

"Well, I don't think it's more than kicking down the door of the army. This is the rhythm of kicking you home, OK?"

Zhao Youyang also happily said: "I think it's very possible! Ha ha... "

Xia Weiran suddenly hung two noodles tears on her face.

Seeing Xia Weiran's depressed face, Zhao Youyang immediately stopped laughing, then winked at the brothers and said, "nurse Xia, don't be unhappy. In fact, it's not necessarily true, are you brothers?"

"Yes! Yes! Not necessarily. We're all joking with you! "

"Captain Mu has a bad face. In fact, he's very good. He's a man with clear rewards and punishments. Don't worry, he won't let you go so hard."

"Don't be unhappy. Let's finish the training first."

Zhao Youyang smiles and sees the big bag that Xia Weiran is carrying behind him. He says, "come on, I think your bag is very heavy. I'll help you carry it! We can't lose to the boys in group two. "

"No! It's not that heavy. I can do it myself! "