Chapter 44 - Take Everything Give Nothing

Name:Total War System Author:Nathan_Hinds
yjin raised his hand and shouted ATTACKKKK as his men heard the command they lifted there shields and charged the retreating enemy as the enemy took horrendous losses all the norther lords where dead with only about 5 making it out the chosen was captured all enemy soldiers where captured and ryjin sent riders to Wallace and Robert and glen for reports as ryjin was marching further north the chosen was shouting and screaming about how there god shall kill us all and save him.

ryjin had an easy time taking the entire north east and was now marching towards Wallace as Wallace had asked for reinforcements apparently the enemy entrenched in the castle had gotten further support from Ireland and now it was Wallace who had to back off Ryjin had heal'd and Rebuilt all his legions in the last few days as now the land he took is his he can recruit while in his lands These lands where Left to some Normal commanders of his army who where not system Troops but his actual people but what surprised Ryjin is on his way to Wallace he ran in to a secluded tribe 1 that really really surprised him You see the north is a cold area yet this tribe walks round with only b.a.r.e shorts on Ryjin talked to there Tribe's Matriarch and he came to a conclusion and while talking with her He said out loud - so you and your tribe are either werewolf's or Wolf shift'ers -

This Terrified the matriarch as her clan had now been found out and by a king of a grand army no less as ryjin said that and she was panicking her guards had already started to Turn werewolf as Ryjin just sat there not moving at all She seeing he shows no malice and no hostile intent Raised her hand for her guards to stop they of course argued but she shot them down and told them to leave after they did she Turned in to a werewolf and was sat there calmly Ryjin was amazed and Accidentally let his thoughts out - Beauty-full Being - she was dazed at that ryjin had realised what he said and explained he has never seen a werewolf before and he believed them to be beauty-full and he was right they where after that he Walked out side and shouted to his commander to carry on to Wallace as he and his Yeti guards and his wife and her Valkyrie guards will remain to talk and catch up later the army kept its march towards Wallace camp.

as Ryjin turned and asked her to come out of her House In her Current wolf form of course she was hesitant But as she did she thought the guards would Scream and shout to kill her and her tribe yet she was now dumbstruck there was no screaming no shouting But she felt 2 things Rubbing on her sides as she looked down so found 2 Little ones Hugging her and Nuzzling there face in her fur as they where saying beauty-full and amazing Ryjin then spent a day talking to her and her tribe and He offer'd them a place In his kingdom a place to live in the open no hiding needed they can walk round in werewolf or human its up to them they shall be a Clan within the Kingdom that shall be under the royal family only if she and her tribe agreed she and her tribes elders and people talked for a few hours and she came before ryjin and rose and his family she bowed and said they agree and would love to Join him in his Kingdom.

Ryjin had sent the Tribe off towards the kingdom They shall be the Temple's Guardians and the royals Guards in the future as he had sent them off with a few of his guards The matriarch had requested to join him on his march so had 4 of her Personnel guard he did not mind and accepted he even explained his plans for her people and she was ecstatic it was an amazing idea and also the best 1 could have for them and there People the matriarch's name is Lola and she is a Diamondback Werewolf a rare one even for her people as they neared Wallace's camp a day or so later Lola and her guards saw something they never thought they would A huge army the likes they have never witnessed before Ryjin motioned for them to come with him they followed him as they made there way threw the Huge camp not once did any of the soldiers Scream or shout after seeing a werewolf let-alone 5 HAHA.

Ryjin was now in the command tent with Rose Lola Wallace and the Lords he asked for a status Report as Wallace gave him a run down seems the Irish had Dropped everything in to this war There entire Lands army's are here and in wales Glen and Robert are dealing with around 40% of the Irish force along with the welsh in the welsh lands The welsh are losing and so are the Irish but here there Remaining force has landed and the survivors from your battle have made there way here so this is the Biggest Push To come as its all or nothing here the enemy castle is just ahead however we have around 500k troops yet with the entire Irish lands army's here there numbers are over 900k

Not to mention the remaining Northern lords with around 250k to 350k we are now dealing with around 1.2 million with the bulk of the northern army smashed by you and myself earlier the norther lords are no threat but the Irish may well be cause all tho there army is all joined in the attack each lord and king act independently and they attack Erratically making it difficult to Hit them Fully but with his majesty's force's here I say we can attack there whole camp Head on in a full out battle what do you say My lord Ryjin.

Ryjin sat there as rose was sat next to him as ava and ragnar where beside them Ryjin looked at Wallace and said then a full assault it shall be my friend and after this You shall be the Next Duke and shall rule the Norther lands in my name This stunned many due to Ryjin once said there shall only be 2 dukes but now a third was going to be this fired up all lords as they saw it as a chance they may also 1 day attain the duke title and power.

Wallace was Caught Compleatly off-guard his face was that of a Cartoon who's mouth has just fallen on the floo