Ryjin was marching at the head of his army Beside the Qin army after setting of from Kanyou him and Mougou hit it off well Ryjin had also had odysseys brought along as he would Command the infantry with Glen all where Excited to fight a new enemy in a new land They where happy excited and also Glad they where with each other as they all had a deep bond with each other.
They slowly neared Qin's borders with wei and they camped at the borders Ryjin knows Renpa has 1 of his Main guys attack and kill Commanders of the Qin army so Ryjin had Guards posted about and also Made sure his Camp was locked down This made the Qin shocked they wounder'd why there Allie was so defensive however during the Night Qin camp was infiltrated by Wei force's and some commanders where Killed However unlike the Manga where that Nice Commander Shin liked got Killed he did Die but He atleast Injured the enemy commander Al-bait only lightly the Enemy commander had to retreat after taking a Stab in his right arm Nothing serious Would be fine in a day or so But like the Manga Shin had gained That mans troops and his squad grew Ryjins Camp was Impregnable The wei commander Noted that and knew he could not breach it to gain any Intel or kill any noteworthy commanders.
the next day Mougou came to talk with Ryjin as he asked for advice on what should be done Ryjin suggested to Incorporate the commander-less troops in to Groups with less numbers to give Up and coming Commanders a chance to learn and grow Mougou agreed and his Commander-less troops had been reassigned to Lower units but there new commanders where Young and up and coming Commanders none of the Reassigned troops argued and where all ok with where they where placed Especially the Hi Shin Unit that was just like the manga a good unit.
with this Mougou had continued his army's march and also Ryjin had also continued his armys march to sanyou general Mougou's deputy Ousen and Kanki had already reached sanyou Ousen had already taken a good defensive Hill Kanki was about a day or 2 away so was ryjin and Mougou a day and the first battle will begin as the day went by The armies reached Sanyou and Ryjin saw the wei army up ahead far away Ryjin really wanted to meet Renpa and fight with him to see his Strength.
Qin had set up However Ryjin did not and Moved his army during the Night to the central Hill in sanyou and had Set up a Huge fortification on the hill turning it in to a damn Fortress Renpa had seen this But could not stop Ryjin due to Ryjin's cav had reached the Hill long before any Wei could and with the High ground that cave would decimate anything He sent to that hill so Renpa had to reluctantly forfeit the Central Hill to this unknown force and Allie of Qin Renpa for some reason had BLOOD BOILING as he watched Ryjins camp it was not anger but excitement something he Thought only Qin's Great six could give him Yet this unknown army was giving him an even greater Feeling than them 6 combined.
Ryjin had his men Fortified the Whole Hill and by the next morning It was a Literal Fortress With pallisade walls and such Mougou and even Renpa and also Ousen where speechless at this fact a fortress had been erected over night what madness is this.
Ryjin was sat in the Command Tower on the very top and central point of the Hill fort Achilles Glen Odysseus and eve where present Ryjin had sent a messenger to Mougou that he shall send Aid to any area of the battle that needs it from his position Ryjin then had the 4 generals with him take to there respective units as Ryjin awaited the Start of this Momentous battle.
with this Mougou had started the battle off his vanguard unit Rushed forward as did Renpa's Ryjin was watching from his position with his cav ready to charge down the hill at a moments notice to aid Mougou and the Qin army as bothe Vanguards clashed The fighting became intense and Moshpit style with cav fighting all over the place Renpa was keeping a Close eye on Ryjin's fort and Ryjin himself Ryjin noticed Renpa was looking in his direction so for Laugh's Ryjin stood on Deathclaws Back and started waving to him while laughing This caught Renpa off guard compleatly as he started laughing and even waved back.
Renpa had kept around 50k Wei cavelry back at his army's left flank to guard against ryjin as his main frontal assault was on Ryjin's left and to ryjins front was Renpa's left where his cav was stationed Mougou was watching as the vanguard was fighting well as 1 could see wei was winning this engagement due to Renpa's Commander Rinko and his Elite Crack troops Qin's vanguard was taking a battering as Mougou sent the second wave in as the second contained Shin and his unit Ryjin focused on this clash he wanted to see this With his own eye's Ryjin had seen Rinko Kaishibou Kouen and Genbou -Don't know if i got the names right haha- Ryjin was amazingly impressed.
With the battle now on Ryjin was also watching Ousen and kanki so wait for movement the second wave hit the wei first and the wei where now on the back foot Ryjin Gave command for 50k of his cav to head out the south gate to head to Mougou's army and to head to the qin left flank essentially going to the wei right flank Renpa saw this and Let a Tsk escape his mouth as he had to now Send more Troops to his right flank to defend against that Cav if they did anything.