as they are talking Everyone becomes on guard as a red light shines and at the other end of the Large table, Ryjin appears and is sat down with 2 Dragon guard next to him as he looks at all in the room.
Ryjin- I am Ryjin De Dragon Lord King-Emperor of the Imperial dragon clan and of Draconis empire, I believe you wish to talk to me I am here to talk and to maybe even sort out alliance and more -turns to SG-1 and nods to them- Good to see you 4 again Glad to see you well Jack O'Neill.
as this is said another White shine appears as 3 Asgardians appear beside Jack O'Neill as everyone becomes surprised and on guard more as Ryjin looks to the Asgard and they, in turn, look to him.
Ryjin- a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you Asgardians and you also Earths Leaders may we sit and talk or do you wish to have weapons pointed at each other for a few more minutes ????.
Thor- I am Thor of the Asgard Race we are here to talk and also meet this new race that has appeared and to open talks between are race's we mean no harm -he see's Jack- and hello again Jack O'Neill.
Jack O'Neill- ohh Thor what's up bud you ok and yeah come and join the party everyone is invited haha.
US President Hayes- Everyone standdown and Relax They are guests and have shown no Ill motives a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you Thor of the Asgard and you also Ryjin of Draconis I am glad we could talk and maybe come to some open agreements.
Ryjin- my Empire is open to you Tau'ri and Asgardians you are welcome to come and go as you wish I shall have a gateway placed in your worlds for your people to come and go from are worlds as you wish all I say is there shall be many races's so please abide by the laws of the empire while there, of course, we shall abide by yours while at your worlds also to you Asgardians you are having trouble with an enemy and also a genetic thing are you not ???.
Thor- How do you know that are races have never meet But yes are race is at war with a race we call replicators and we are losing ground and yes we suffer from a genetic problem as are bodies won't survive for long so are race shall die out soon how do you know of this Emperor Ryjin.
Ryjin- well I will answer all questions first and foremost I will get to the point I am here and also on the agreements
first is you Tau'ri are looking for Atlantis are you not On this me and my empire will help you we shall also provide you with the necessary equipment and stuff needed to not only find Atlantis but also full activate it and operate it we shall also Build in the said city a ZPM builder and power supplier so you can make ZPM's and also repower dead ones we shall also build a Fully functional Drone creation factory in Atlantis so you can build and make drones for defence now we shall do this for you but you must get the resources for the things to be built we shall also help you defend Atlantis with a defence fleet of mine Until you are fully confident you are ready to go on on your own we shall not interfere in your ruling of Atlantis or such but we shall back you up in fights if needed all i ask in return is that in the future if we need your help we can count on you.
second, for the Asgard, I and my fleet's shall aid you in dealing with the replicators Not only that but I am 100% sure we can completely fix the genetic defect in your cloning and even clone your original bodies if you so wish all we need is some blood from an original we are also open to trade and such I have known of your race and know you are trustworthy and respectable and would be an honour to be allied and friends with you again all i ask is if we ever need your help that we can count on you.
Third, on the matter of the goa'uld i and my Empire are Enemies of them and will be till there exterminated the jaffa, of course, we can work on helping them overcome the symbiote and help them live without them we won't slaughter them all but what we just did on Saqqara was a full warning to all goa'uld system lords and Jaffa that is completely loyal to them of the fate that shall befall them I know many here may say it was extreme Yes it was but for enemies, I have no problem doing such.
Fourth you may come to my empire any time you wish to learn live or just visit for a holiday to relax there are many worlds in many dimensions that are under Draconis rule you can even learn and unlock powers by going to said worlds also many alien cultures and such So I offer trade and also a defence to both the human and Asgard What say you and your race's.
at this, the room was quiet until it burst in an uproar with the humans speaking to each other and talking about what they just learned BUT SG-1 went to talk to Ryjin as did Thor.
Thor- Ryjin I believe my people will welcome aid on the replicator matter but on the genetic subject I don't know.
Ryjin- I am fully aware thor you only just meet us and trust is earned not given Please talk to your people let them know of this then come to speak to me Here take this as a gift -Hands him an info crystal- that's an Info crystal it holds the information on the cloning that should help you let your people study and they should understand it and know I am not lying.
Thor takes the crystal as if its the most precious thing and thanks Ryjin then disappears in light and then Ryjin turns to SG-1 who have face's that say they have many questions and requests.