Chapter 1062

Name:TranXending Vision Author:Li Xianyu
Leima group has been upgraded again. New material workshop and unmanned locomotive workshop have sprung up. The construction speed is very fast. Not only the part of the construction company has made rapid progress, but also the part of Leima group itself, that is, the part of equipment transformation and assembly and the part of construction production line has also made rapid progress. According to the current development momentum, we can't wait until June 1 promised by Xialei. Leima group will produce its own aviation materials and new unmanned aerial vehicles.

The reason why it is so fast is not only that the funds are in place, but also that Leima group works together, as well as that the state forces intervene. Driven by the national machinery, the rema group can't slow down.

On the other hand, the state has also increased the level of personal protection for Leima group and Xialei. A large number of elite special forces and two sets of anti-aircraft missiles are stationed around Leima group in peace and security. At this level of security, unless troops are sent to attack, there is no way to send killers, no matter how powerful they are.

Time goes on like this day by day.

Three months later.

Israel, a wasteland to the southeast of Jerusalem.

"Up, up, up" an Israeli engineer commands a crane to lift the statue of the faceless warrior buried in the rock.

In a clearing behind the crane are three black statues of faceless warriors, countless pieces of skulls, and the surviving skulls.

"It's been three months since we finally dug this place out." Kearns, a senior intelligence officer in Mossad, Israel, lamented.

"Mr. Kearns, what's the use of digging out these things? Charley stole the most important things from here, but he can't see them thrown away." "So I don't feel happy," Yan said

"Mr. Yan, are you satirizing us?" Kearns said with a sneer. "Should I also satirize your actions in Kyoto, China? I heard that CIA's intelligence station in Kyoto was killed by Bureau 101 of China. Your fa organization used the dead man and 500kg of explosives, but not even a Chinese ant was killed. Don't you think you are more funny and compassionate? "Yanfo shrugged." Mr. Kearns, I didn't come to Israel to mock you this time. Charley is the only person in the world who has gone beyond the whole human evolution. He is described by one of America's favorite characters, that is superman. In the face of a superhuman existence, do you think you can succeed at will? "

Kearns said:" what's the purpose of your coming to Israel this time? "

yanfo said:" I'm going to take these four faceless warrior statues back, as well as some skulls and other cultural relics. "

"Who do you think you asked me that?" Kearns's face sank.

"That's not what I mean. That's what Mr. Williams means. Of course, if you don't think Mr. Williams has enough weight, that's what President bajoma means. " "This is a national exchange between the United States and Israel. We are just the people running errands under the big people, Mr. Kearns. I think you can understand what I mean."

his meaning is very simple. I want to take away the statues and cultural relics. You can't stop him.

Kearns sneered. "It's really beautiful National style, since Mr. Williams and Mr. bajoma have both appeared, of course, I can't prevent you from transporting the statue to the United States. But I'd like to know what the Americans are doing to transport these stones to the United States. "

" Mr. Kearns, I can't answer this question. I said I was just a runner. But there is one person who can answer your question. I'll introduce you to you now. " Yan Buddha said. He waved to a group of people standing next to a statue and shouted, "Mr. Alec, please come here. Mr. Kearns wants to talk to you."

A bald white man came here. He was about 60 years old. His face was a little thin. His head and chin were shaved smooth, which made his head look like a shelled egg. His stature is tall and thin, which gives people a feeling of weakness, but his eyes are very special, profound and intelligent, which can leave a deep impression at the first sight.

Before the American old man called Alec came over, Kearns asked aloud, "what is he, CIA or cabinet member?"

yanfo said: "no, he is the head of AE Research Center, the best bioengineer in the United States."

"It was him." Kearns seemed to understand a lot of things in a flash. "At first, he took the medicine in the amber to the AE Research Center for research. Hum, he lost the medicine and made Xialei a superman. Now, Xialei threatens the interests of the United States, even the existing world pattern. Is it possible to lift a stone and smash his own foot?"

Yan Buddha just listened and said nothing. The Israelites complained about the AE incident, which he fully understood. If the amber is left in Israel and studied by Israeli scientists, there may not be the trouble of charay, then what has happened will not happen.

But time will not go back.

Alec came over, shook hands with Kearns, and then introduced himself, "my name is Alec, I'm engaged in biological research. Nice to meet you, Mr. Kearns. "

Kearns shook hands with Alec and said politely, "nice to meet you, too, Mr. Alec. I'm a very direct person, so I'll go straight. If you want to send these statues back to the United States, what do you want to do "

" Mr. Kearns, although your question is beyond your authority, I would like to tell you. The material of these statues is extraordinary, and they are worth studying. So we need to send them back to the United States for research. Of course, all the research results will be shared with Israel. Israel is an ally of the United States in the Middle East, and our interests are the same in this matter. " Alec's answer is very skillful and pleasant to listen to, but it doesn't solve the practical problem.

Kearns frowned. "Mr. Alec, you have come here from the United States to take away the statue. You must know something, and you have specific research directions. As an ally, are you not willing to share these information with us?"

"no, Mr. Kearns, just because your authority is not enough. Your boss and the top Israeli officials must know. If you really want to know, I suggest you go to another channel. " Alec said.

Kearns was in a bad mood. He wanted to know what research the Americans would send the statues back to the United States for, but the other side obviously didn't pay attention to him as an intelligence officer.

Just then, one of Alec's assistants suddenly fell to the ground. A group of experts and entourage from the United States were in a panic. Some people were calling for help. Some people took out their mobile phones to make emergency calls. Some people who knew about emergency rescue were in the process of rescue.

Yanfo, Alec and Kearns ran quickly. The three quickly figured it out, and an American archaeologist with a history of heart disease fell to the ground with a heart attack. He had a pacemaker in his heart, but I don't know why it suddenly failed.

"What's the matter?" a U.S. staff member with a mobile phone made a phone call looked surprised. "It was OK before, but suddenly there was no signal"

"my mobile phone also had no signal."

"What's wrong with my watch? The display time is 2:00 a.m."

the scene is chaotic.

In the chaos, the hapless archaeologist with a heart attack stopped breathing.

"What's the matter?" someone suddenly pointed to the eastern sky.

All eyes were focused on the sky, and a cloud was moving rapidly to this side, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

Israel is a dry and rainless place. It seldom rains one or two times a year. Such a storm has hardly happened. But now, under the thick rain cloud, the dry Israel seems to have moved to the Amazon Basin as a whole, and there is a torrential rain.


black clouds top, and a flash of lightning falls to the sky. Pea big raindrops fall from the sky, blinking to block the line of sight.

Suddenly, the steel hemp on the boom crane broke, and the faceless WARRIOR STATUE, which was transferred from the ground, fell down. Before the Israeli engineer who commanded the crane could respond, at least two tons of faceless warrior statues fell on him. He was immediately flattened, the thickness of his head is only one piece of pancake. Blood and brains splashed everywhere, but they were soon washed away by the rain.

"Assemble" an engineer commander with a communicator gives orders to assemble, but his voice can not be transmitted at all. The communicator is out of order.

"What is that?" someone shouted in English during the storm. It was an archaeologist from the United States.

Yan Buddha followed his fingers and froze at a glance. In the storm, lightning and thunder, there seems to be a woman coming here about 50 meters away. She was wearing very strange clothes, which were drenched by the rain and completely pasted on her, so it looked like she had no clothes on. He opened his eyes to see her face clearly, but he couldn't see it clearly. It was raining heavily.

"Is that a woman?" someone found out.

"Yes, it's a woman"

"how could she be here"

"Hey who are you" someone tried to talk to that woman.

"What does she want to do"


there are Israeli engineers shooting at the sky.

"Don't shoot asshole," Kearns roared.

No one shot again, but the woman in the storm suddenly disappeared.

The rainstorm lasted for half an hour and then ended. The sky was suddenly clear and sunny. What happened just now is like an illusion.

"There are words there," said an engineer, suddenly pointing to a statue.

Yanfo, Kearns and Alec ran along.

There is an English passage written in blood on the statue: under the Church of the holy sepulchre.

The fastest update, please read.