Chapter 1117

Name:TranXending Vision Author:Li Xianyu
"Honey, I made your favorite pasta and pizza. Will you come back for lunch?" Alice's voice was sweet and pleasant.

"Baby, didn't I say I'll be back in the afternoon, I have some work to do." Thompson's voice.

"You always have work to do. I spent most of the day making pasta and pizza for you, but you don't even want to tell me what to do. In your heart, I'm not even as important as your work. " Alice's voice, with a hint of complaint.

"Baby, you know who I am. I can't say what I do. You don't have to doubt your position in my heart. You are the most important in my heart. I can swear to God. "

"You always say that. I don't know whether you are telling the truth or not."

Thompson's voice, "Alice, I've asked my friend to contact a Hollywood director. He promised you a prostitute girl role."

"Prostitute. Female role"

"yes, a prostitute. Female role. You'll get about five minutes to appear. You seduce the protagonist, poison him in the wine, and he'll kill him. "

Alice, ""

if Alice would have been ecstatic to get the role before Charley appeared, but Charley gave her the role of 007's new generation of Bond girl. She is still rare for a prostitute who can't live for five minutes.

"No, I'm too excited to say anything. Thank you, honey. I will cherish this opportunity." Said Alice.

"You like it, but I have a request. If the director has any hidden rules, you don't agree with him. I'm not doing this for myself, but for the sake of your future acting career. "

"Thank you, my dear. You are very kind to me." Alice's voice, "honey, I have good news for you, too."

"What's the good news"

"do you remember the man who won you more than 20000"

"of course, I remember what happened"

"I went to that casino again last night, I met him, and then I won $100000 from him."

Thompson's voice was full of surprise.

"100000 dollars. Don't doubt it. You didn't hear me wrong."

"My God, how could it be?" Thompson still couldn't believe it.

Alice said with a smile: "honey, he's not a serious gambler. He's the illegitimate son of a Sheikh in the United Arab Emirates. He's the kind of Prince who flies around the world in a plane and has fun. He has too much money to spend. All he lacks is fun. I just played a little trick and won $100000. "

"Hahaha!" Thompson couldn't help laughing.

"Honey, he asked me to gamble another time tonight. Would you like to go?" Alice's voice said.

"Of course, I want to see him lose now." Thompson said excitedly.

"People don't care about that money at all. Last night, he lost $100000 to me, but he gave the licensed Dutch official a tip of $5000."

"Baby, wait for me, I'll be right back"

the call is over.

The conversation between Alice and Thompson came out of the speaker of the hacker's computer. Not only Xia Lei, but also an Gu mihan and YUEYE apricot, as well as the thousands of troops and sayimu who came to join in this call.

Saimu gave Xialei a thumbs up. "Boss, I can despise Chloe when it comes to girls, but I admire you."

Xia Lei just smiled. He didn't want to, but he had no other choice.

"Saimu, one day when you have so much money from the boss and he is so handsome, you will be qualified to compete with the boss to find girls," said angumikhan

Sayimu compared a middle finger with Miyan of Angou.

It's an insulting gesture, but the Indians just smile and don't care, because it's almost the most common greeting gesture among the members of the Chinese Zodiac team.

"That Alice listens to you very much, boss, will you win that Thompson's underpants tonight?" the voice of Qianjun.

Xia Lei smiled and shook his head. "Tonight's gamble will be divided into two parts. I will lose 200000 dollars for the first time. The second time I will win, I will win as many as the other party has. "

Several members of the zodiac team looked at Xia Lei with strange eyes, but it was only a matter of seconds.

"You're trying to catch big fish with a long line" was the first response from the thousand army.

Charley nodded. "I gave Alice 100000 dollars, and I'll lose another 200000 dollars to Alice tonight. I gave all the money to Alice, not to Thompson. Thompson is a gambler, he will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to make a fortune, but if he wants to gamble with me, I will raise the standard to $3 million. And Thompson's hand is about 300000 dollars. If he wants to bet with me, he has to borrow money. "

"But can he borrow so much money in the casino?" said the apricot.

"In his capacity, the usurer will certainly lend it to him," he said. He borrowed money, and we bought his note from the usurer. "

"Can an IOU threaten his obedience?" said saimu, worried. "Thompson is a brigadier general. He won't give in easily."

Xia Lei smiled and said, "you will know then. Go find me some extras with better acting skills. I don't need to talk about what props are needed to collect usury."

"I'll be responsible for this. My informant can handle it." Said saimu.

"That's the best way. Give me a call when your people are done." Said Xia Lei.

"Wait for me to call." Saimu left the study.

Qianjun hesitated for a moment or said, "boss, I'm sorry for my failure in killing the clothes. I heard about what happened in Kyoto army hospital. If I didn't fail, it would not have happened. "

Xia Lei got up and went to the army's side, clapped the thousand army on the shoulder. "It's not your fault. It's impossible to miss with your shooting technique. It's likely that she noticed something, and then deliberately let her double to die, creating a false impression that she had been shot. The clothes department is a very cunning woman. I even suspect that she killed her father's clothes department by your hand. So you don't have to be sorry about it. "

Qianjun nodded his head. Xia Lei's words let him put down a stone in his heart.

Xia Lei said, "you've been in the United States the longest. Have you received my father's information?"

Qianjun said: "no, saimu and I have been checking dad's whereabouts, but you know his style. If he doesn't want to be found, he will evaporate from the world. No one can find him."

Xia Lei's heart is lost. He got four children and his father Xia Changhe got four grandchildren, but he didn't show up even on such an important day. He couldn't help thinking about what was the most important thing in dad's life.

A good-looking mixed race youth is sitting alone in front of a slot machine to play the slot machine. His luck is very bad. He came over 7 o'clock and lost 100000 dollars in less than an hour.

He is the favorite buyer in the casino. Behind him are two bunnies, one with a wine plate and the other with cakes, waiting on him at any time.

This mixed race youth is Xia Lei.

After Xia Lei, there are many people staring at him, and many people are guessing how much money the loser will lose before he stops.

Thompson was among the group, as was his woman, Alice.

"See," Alice whispered, reaching up to Thompson's ear, "I'm right. He's the kind of person who takes money and has fun all over the world. It's an opportunity, an opportunity to get rich. I'm afraid we can only meet this kind of people once in a lifetime. "

"Is he willing to gamble with me?" Thompson looked worried.

"It's not a problem. He asked me out last night. Wait for me. I'll go talk to him first. " Alice left Thompson, and she went to Charley.

Thompson watched from a distance. He saw Alice say hello to Xia Lei, and they talked a little. Then Xia Lei got up from the slot machine and followed her away. There was a sneer on the corner of Thompson's mouth, and he said to himself, "I'm stupid and lustful."

Charley followed Alice to a VIP room.

"He's coming." Said Alice.

"Don't say anything irrelevant to me." Xia Lei reminds me.

"I'm sorry, I'll pay attention." Alice followed and turned to beckon Thompson.

Just as Alice was waiting for Thompson, Charley had opened the hall and entered the VIP Hall. Then Alice and Thompson entered the VIP Hall.

"Mr. James, do you remember me?" Thompson went to Xialei and reached out to shake hands with her.

Xia Lei turned to the other side of the table and sat down before saying, "I'm not here to make friends, Miss Alice. Your friends can stay, but don't affect us."

Thompson's face suddenly turned ugly, but he could not bear it. He really enjoys a high position in the army and is respected by people, but here is the casino, and the other side is a prince born in secret. People are not his soldiers, so he has no choice if they don't give him face.

Alice leaned up to Thompson's ear and whispered, "honey, leave him alone. Our aim is his money."

Thompson nodded. "You play with him. I'll give you some advice."

Alice sat across from Xialei and put the $100000 reward on the table.

Xia Lei frowned. "Do you want to play with me for such a little money? I think it's more fun to play slot machines."

Alice said: "you lost all this money to me. I'm confident that I can win you, so I don't have to take a lot of money at all. Why, don't you have confidence to win me? "

" well, the tone is not small, then I'll play two games with you. " Xia Lei beckoned to the Dutch official, "take my chips."

"Yes, sir." He was very polite, and then took the walkie talkie and said, "bring in Mr. James's chips."

Soon, several waiters came in with a big plate of chips, and put Xia Lei's chips on the gambling table. Visually, those chips are about five million dollars.

Thompson was immediately