Dum made a breakthrough in the battle and realized the essence of the transformation of heaven and man and the growth of all things...

in order to verify his idea, he wanted to test it with his "good friend" Mr. reed.

Mr. magic reed can stretch and contract freely and insulate himself from electric power. He may also want to persuade his old rival to surrender, which makes him fight in the front of dum.

The sudden accident caught him unprepared. A black electric whip, like a long gun, penetrated his abdomen directly. The wound was scorched and smelly. Although he tried to use his powers to repair his body, he had little effect. In a short time, he was no longer able to fight.

Mr. magic's fighting power is not strong. He is a bit like the Batman next door. If he is ready, even God will kill you. But if he is not ready to meet the enemy in a hurry, please be lucky.

Susan hurriedly protects Reed's side. Thunderbolt fire and stone man also hope to attack hard and attract the enemy's attention.

With his new understanding of magic attack, dum also flew the thunderbolt fire, and mobilized energy to cooperate with the magic blast to knock the stone man to the ground.

His tone is a little bleak: "it's funny that the real power has always been around me, and I've never paid attention to it. Thank you for making me realize that, Susan."

Dum looked at the invisible woman. The metal mask blocked his face. Now he can only see two dark eyes.

Dum's eyes remained the same. There was appreciation and praise in his eyes. There was an indescribable meaning. He didn't know whether he was nostalgic for the past or looking forward to the future.

"I don't want to hurt you, Susan. Get out of here." Dum raised his right hand, magic mixed with electricity, aimed at Susan and her face full of pain behind reed Richards.

When the magic four are in danger, and daisy is ready to enter to save people, a black figure flies through the air, and the power thruster makes people come to the battlefield soon.

This is the war machine Colonel Roddy, who was originally going to attend the hammer military industry exhibition, but when he arrived at the scene, he heard that there was an accident here and came to help.

"Sir, please lay down your arms. I have the authorization of the Ministry of defense to order you to surrender on the spot!" The black Colonel knew that the other side would not surrender, but he went through the process according to the established procedure.

How could dum surrender! When he raised his hand, it was a dazzling light.

In order to demonstrate the performance of armor in front of the generals, Colonel Roddy practiced hard for a week. The control system in the armor calculated the attack range of electric light, and he quickly dodged according to the prompts.

After two successive warnings, dum's return was still fighting. Colonel Roddy could only control the armor to enter the fighting state, and many weapons emerged from the armor.

The first one to fire was the Gatling machine gun. Although Daisy has always complained about installing the machine gun on the power armor, the defense department leaders like it, and Colonel Roddy himself likes it.

He likes the roar of guns, which makes him adrenaline surge, more focused and more responsive.

The bullets formed a metal storm and poured down into dum.

Dum's skin and bones have been replaced by some unknown metals, but not all of them. He still has a lot of flesh and blood. Even now he understands some magic, he does not dare to use his body to hard connect bullets.

Fortunately, this is the city, surrounded by shelter, he in Roddy shot before a rollover, into a fast food restaurant, and then use the cover and Roddy around.

As a soldier, Roddy is not as scrupulous as a superhero. Destroying a shop or collapsing a building is no big deal.

With a whoosh, a missile from Hamel's ex-wife rushed into the fast food restaurant and exploded a second later.

It's no problem to blow up the blockhouse. The small fast food restaurant is like paper paste. With the fire, it turns into ruins in the sound of explosion.

"Come out!" Roddy's thermal imaging system did not find any signs of life in the ruins, but dum's body was covered with metal, and there was no sign of life in the thermal imaging. The black Colonel intuitively thought that the other party was not dead.

Dum, of course, was not dead. On the contrary, he was still very energetic. His metal body helped him block most of the impact. In addition, when he saw Susan's mental shield, he thought he could do it. At this time, he rushed out of the ruins with a shield made of electricity and magic, and the target was still Richard Richards.

"Stop!" When he was ignored, the black colonel was upset. The missile launcher on his shoulder popped up. Three left, three right, six missiles were in an arc, and Qi Qi flew to dum.

Unfortunately, both incendiary and armor piercing bombs were stopped by dum's shield.

For the first time the black Colonel saw such a supernatural thing, he couldn't help staying for two seconds.

Daisy knows she can't go to the theatre. Dum has upgraded from version 0.1 to version 1.0 in a short time! Now it looks like you've learned magic? She came out first, followed by twenty tall robots, which looked very attractive.

In order to prove her impartiality, she announced loudly: "Victor von dum, the National Security Agency announced you as a terrorist five minutes ago. If you continue to resist, hammer is authorized to kill you and surrender immediately. You have no chance of winning."Dum wanted to say that she didn't know what to say. A few robots wanted to catch him? Don't you know that he has just penetrated a great mystery of the universe?

Ironic words to the mouth, he took back, intuition told him, can't despise the enemy.

This guy didn't fall for it. Daisy tut tut tut. Her plan is to lead dum to attack and control the robot soldiers to fight with him, so that the Ministry of defense can see the fighting power of the robot soldiers. Later, she still uses the flash bomb to interfere with the bomb. Taking advantage of the chaos, she sends dum to hell to join her mother.

Now the other side is very cautious, not mindless rush, but wait and see, Daisy can only use the second move, attack!

"Prepare to fire." As her voice fell, the cannons of the robot soldiers aimed at dum.

"Colonel Roddy, it's no big deal. We attack together. The energy is conserved. Continue to increase the firepower. I see how long he can last!"

The robot soldiers marched forward in neat steps, which made the ground dull and the ammunition entered the filling stage. While Daisy and black widow stood far away, dum began to mobilize the magic and all the remaining power, and the battle between the two sides was imminent.

Just then Daisy felt a space shake and turned to her left.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss" three times in a row, three gold wires appeared out of thin air, like cutting metal with electric welding, sparks splashed, dazzling.

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