Daisy and Captain Marvel soon left the earth and landed on the surface of Mars.

Red sand and dust came, small gravel hit on the face, two people did not wipe, but carefully staring at each other.

"Be careful!" Daisy, who advocates attack, takes the lead. Her red cloak shakes in the wind, and her body quickly pulls into the distance between them like a streamer.

Even though the team leader's quick reaction and super speed have enhanced this trait ten times, she underestimated Daisy and didn't respond at all.

A palm hit on the belly, surprise captain was hit hundreds of meters, broke a less than 20 meters mound to stop the body.

"Fast speed." She stood up, tilted her head and spat out a mouthful of blood. She knew she was belittling the enemy.

She thinks that she is much older than Daisy, and she has been fighting alone for more than 20 years. She only praises the earth for reconnection, which is far from the level of recognition. She was a little detached before, and she looked down on the people on the earth.

Now that Daisy's hand had knocked out her pride, she began to take it seriously.

You have to know yourself and your enemy when you fight. Daisy has seen her fight with King Kong before and is familiar with her fighting style, but she doesn't know Daisy, so she suffers a lot. The surprise team leader reached out and grabbed a huge stone next to her. It was estimated that it was more than ten tons. He threw it at Daisy through several hundred meters of space with his arm.

Stone speed and strength, Daisy is not stupid hard, she is very light to jump to avoid.

Captain Marvel judged a lot of basic data from her actions.

The strength is very strong, and more content can't be observed. This time, team leader marvel is ready to fight a close combat. She blows a punch to Daisy's chest. Both the strength and speed of this punch only use half of the force, which is obviously still in the trial stage.

Daisy leaned slightly over her waist, rotated her body half a circle, and hit her right fist horizontally, aiming at her side face.

Captain Marvel leaned back to avoid, while flying up and kicking daisy in the calf.

Body out of balance, Daisy took advantage of a side somersault to open the distance.

In the second round, Captain Marvel won half of the game.

"You didn't do your best?" Asked the surprised captain.

"Of course, and you?"

Surprised captain avoid but don't answer, tie up the golden hair, wave to her, signal to let her attack.

"Then I'm welcome." Daisy is really not good at defense. She likes to attack. She tramples on the ground, leaving a clear mark on the ground with the soles of her feet. People are like lightning, and the air resistance seems to be nonexistent. In a moment, she comes to the surprise captain's back, and her palm is like a knife, cutting to her back neck.

"How fast!" This angle is very tricky. Captain Marvel can only turn around and erect her left arm to hold her hand knife. The impact of her arms makes her hands numb. Her changing speed is a little faster than Daisy's. her two hands hold Daisy's wrists and twist in the opposite direction.

Daisy spins 360 degrees from the front to the side, grabs her arm in turn, and her strength bursts out.

Captain Marvel had to absorb her kinetic energy and detonate in the opposite direction.

With a bang, Daisy was blown more than ten meters by her own strength, and she was in the air. Her right hand was raised. A golden column of energy was magnificent, carrying irresistible momentum to team leader marvel. The huge energy ploughed a deep ditch in the Martian ground.

There is a short gap between the energy absorption and the energy burst. At this time, the movement of the power cells is not so flexible. Daisy acutely found out this, and once again forced the surprise team leader into a dangerous situation.

"Are you really an earthman?" In the face of a blow that can destroy an ordinary small space warship, Captain Marvel chooses to fly for a while.

When she flew to 200 meters above the ground, she found that Daisy's trace was missing in her field of vision. She screamed in her heart that it was no good. She rushed forward quickly and then turned back to defend.

"I'm an earthman living on the earth. Can you absorb this move?" Daisy blinked behind her. Captain Marvel's reaction ability was really high, and her combat intuition and experience were rich enough. Her reaction ability and Daisy's blink were almost in no order.

Attack by force instead of by stealth.

Clench the left fist, transfer the ability to the extreme, and smash the opponent's space.

No weapons, no quantum wristbands, no power gems. Daisy has only her own strength in this fist. She is full of confidence after a few moves, and her attribute is all-round.

Her strong self-confidence makes her punch more like God's help. Her strength has never been better.

The air of several kilometers around was shattered. The previous vibration was like smashing glass. This time, the power was freely retracted and released, and even the air was shaken to powder by her.

The powerful impact was like detonating a nuclear bomb in place, and the huge air waves rolled up countless fine sands and rushed in all directions.

Surprised aunt almost bit her own tongue, this move covered too much, she couldn't hide, straight can hard.

The eyebrows of the two swords were slightly raised, and the arms were open, as if they were embracing something. Countless invisible energy was absorbed by her body, then she turned a corner and threw it out in the opposite direction.Daisy has long been in the defense of Ma Ma's ability to change the stars in Marvel's version, and she has to eat her own strong shock? Let's forget it.

She's not interested in aunt. She's spider girl's lover, and she's not ready to tease her.

We went around half a circle and continued to fight close combat.

Surprised aunt didn't discharge all the vibration energy at one time. There was a certain limit to absorb and release energy. She didn't exceed a certain high point in unit time. She released it three times in a row and finally discharged this strange ability completely.

Daisy is a wild girl, but after a few days of training with the old repeater, she seems to be quite skillful in fighting.

Captain Marvel doesn't have this treatment. The US Air Force hasn't taught her how to fight with hundreds of tons of force. Kerry's physical quality is similar to that of the earth people. High tech civilization itself doesn't pay attention to close combat. If the enemy can't be solved by one energy gun, there will be two. She hasn't learned much ability application after many years of service. Her combat experience basically depends on her own ability Fu summed up.

There must be some skills, but it's worse than the old repeater's skill of integrating all the earth's martial arts. After two minutes of fighting, she found that she was not good enough in skills except her basic attributes.

The young director of aegis was in a terrible accident.

The two played for ten minutes on Mars, and finally Daisy held off the shock of Captain Marvel's energy with heat rays and declared a tie.

They both know what the actual situation is, and Daisy wants to save face for the older leftover girl.

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