Aoshutu is the God of white magic. It seems that she is naturally weaker than xisuoen. In fact, her strength is unfathomable. With a drop of tears, she can give birth to the first generation of supreme mage agomoto. Dr. strange said that agomoto is the strongest of the three in one weishandi. How can this be true!? A mother is no better than a son born of a tear?

It seems that oshutu, tiger and her son form a trinity of magic entities to fight against xisuoen. Daisy doesn't think so. Oshutu is a bit clumsy.

She has a very hidden identity, many people are not sure, Daisy is not sure.

She only knew that oshutu created the Birdman race on earth. Yes, there were birdmen on the earth in ancient times. Some of them flew to the universe and established the HIA empire. The rest of them stayed on the earth and became legendary angels.

The second supreme mage was born in Birdman.

She created an angel, and she is in a state of seclusion. She is called Ms. liming, and she has extraordinary wisdom. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, many Christian theories are very similar to the trinity of vishanti. In Daisy's previous life, many people believed that oshutu was the God who had disappeared for a long time.

Or oshutu is God's vest, or vice versa, no one knows.

In a word, it's a big guy who hides a lot. Looking at the emblem of aoshutu, she frowned slightly. It seems that the trouble is a little big.

"Tell me, what do I call you?" O'shutu is definitely not here, or she will kill the God hiagu with one blow. She doesn't need to run away. What she is asking now is the self-consciousness of the birth of this house.

The next second Daisy was stunned. The house had a name that made her thunder. The house was called Eve.

Is this Adam's chance? This idea came to her mind for the first time. Maybe Adam should have had a way to solve this problem, but now he was forced to cut off his beard with his infinite gloves?

She can only think of this result. Otherwise, how could such a civilized, polite house full of magic props and artifact appear on the escape route of several people?

Eve first talked about several magical creatures she was suppressing. Daisy nodded as she listened. These magical creatures sounded like they were used to brush experience for Adam. It wasn't difficult for her, and they could be solved with a little effort.

Eve also talked about her own role. The house can be used as a carrier to travel in parallel time and space. She doesn't know whether she has any relationship with aoshutu. At that time, she didn't realize that the house had several owners. The latest owner had disappeared thousands of years ago. Now the house is in a state of no owner.

Daisy didn't fully believe this guy's words. Adam has a destiny to carry on. No matter what she does, she won't die until the destiny runs out.

Look back for Wanda. At present, it's better to stay in superfluid space.

There is also an attic on the second floor, which records a lot of ancient history, including Gaia, the Earth Mother God, who is the same as the four ancient gods, made mammals, and Seth, the snake god, made large dinosaurs. The two sides fought in order to survive. In the end, Gaia was superior, dinosaurs died out, and mammals became the masters of the earth.

There are also some people's marks here. Aoshutu is a regular triangle with a horizontal line at the upper third. Her symbol is a shining sword.

Sisoune's mark is a triangle without a horizontal line. The symbol is a mirror that looks like the book of the dark god.

Gaia's logo is an inverted triangle, with a horizontal line at the lower third. The symbol is a rose.

Seth's logo is inverted triangle, no horizontal line, the symbol is a crown.

Sword, mirror, rose and crown constitute the four poles of magic elements. All magic can not be separated from this framework.

"It's a pity that I can't understand it..." there was a huge book in the middle of the attic. She flipped through it. It was all white paper and didn't have a word.

It's impossible for others to make a whiteboard here. The crux of the problem lies in her. She can't see magic words.

This huge book should not be the book of weishandi. It's mostly the magic book of aoshutu himself. Let Wanda study it later.

After checking several places, she asked the last question.

"What is your mission? Recently, I have been staying in that place for thousands of years. Should it be to suppress some evil things? What exactly do you know? " She couldn't see the use of many things in the house, so she needed Wanda to identify them one by one. She just wanted to know what was the most dangerous thing in the house.

The answer made her frown. The ancient mages' painstaking efforts to suppress it were not evil spirits, evil spirits, or even magic. It was a key to the core technology of materialistic empire. What level did the key go to? At the end of science and technology, it is impossible to destroy it by magic or any known means. Ancient mages can only seal the secret key and its controller by physical means.

The so-called physical means is to hold a big house down on it! The hole left Daisy speechless.

"Materialist empire... I see. It's a bit of a problem." She scratched her head.

At present, marvel world is an era of science and technology, which can be reflected in all parallel spaces. In order to let intelligent life develop science and technology, some multiverse strong people are forced to be exiled to neutral space, just to prevent them from interfering with scientific development.The materialist empire can not be more appropriately described as an untimely age. If the current world is the eighth era, the materialist empire is the product of the fifth era, which is the heyday of magic.

Flying, teleportation, magic language and magic extraction were the mainstream of the world at that time.

The correct way of war is to fight against each other and fly a fireball. And what circuit board, what electromagnetic force is heresy, belongs to be found without approval, directly burned type.

The materialist empire was born in this environment. At first, there was one, then there were two or ten hundred. They had no magic talent, but they had smart minds. At last, a group of people who played science and technology got together and fought against the world theme tenaciously. There was no doubt that they failed.

It has to be said that in today's environment, the materialist empire is like a duck to water. The mage has become the past. There are only two or three big cats and kittens left. What about machines? As long as there are design drawings and energy sources, there will be as many as possible.

"Magic, technology, friends, tolerance..." Daisy murmurs to herself. She thinks she already knows the next question, which is not easy to do. She needs to make a lot of responses to ensure her advantages. But once she does it well, overtaking on the curve is not an incredible thing.

The materialist empire is bound to make a comeback. They hate mages and magic. The day when magic stops will happen. In order to deal with this, she needs to make some preparations. , the fastest update of the webnovel!