The antimatter universe, in the other direction of the multiverse, is the end of all matter.

This is the universe under the control of anti surveillance and the end of all positive matter. It is impossible to prove who created this universe. Its existence is longer than the oldest record.

There are intelligent beings here. They regard anti prison as the only God in their world, worship and worship day after day, and give all they have, just for he can leave a glimmer of vitality to the universe.

Today, in the eyes of countless pilgrims, with a huge roar, a strange visitor flew out of the orange channel. He cut through the space and entered the antimatter universe without shielding.

The visitor, sitting in Mobius' chair with wise and sympathetic eyes, is thea's old colleague, Mitron, the God of knowledge.

He flew to a huge golden tower full of scientific and technological appearance, with a grim expression. He looked at the anti supervision of the material world through the tower and fell silent, as if preparing words.

"Hello, Mobius," he said to the anti prison.

Anti prison now barely got rid of the state of frequent death. His tall body was covered with a layer of thick armor. The armor was made in the core area of the antimatter world, but the armor not only didn't provide him much protection, but exposed his weakness.

"I remember I warned you, mitteron, don't call me that and don't mention that name in front of me." the anti prison voice was very hoarse.

"Do you want me to call you an anti watcher?" mitteron asked fearlessly, sitting in his chair.

"I hope you don't disturb me!" the anti prison left hand lit up a fierce light, and an energy beam wrapped with the smell of Destruction Madness hit mitteron.

The violent energy hit the chair of Mobius, which was made to seek knowledge when the anti monitor was still called Mobius.

The energy was surging and manic, but mitteron saw a strong weakness from it. He waved away the smoke.

"You should know that as long as I'm still sitting in this chair, your antimatter won't hurt me."

The anti prison was wearing a mask and couldn't see his expression. He just said dully, "I know that I spent countless times longer in that chair than you."

"Yes, that's right. You abandoned the chair and wanted to destroy the universe. We won't discuss the chair today. I'm here to advise you."

"The reality is so fragile that it can't withstand your destruction. Stop temporarily and don't enter the real world." mitteron is carrying out a not clever persuasion work.

"Even if you sit in this chair, you are still ignorant. For hundreds of millions of years, you have not made any progress. You are not aware of the operation law of the universe."

Anyone who is pointed at his nose and scolded for being stupid will get angry. Mitteron is a little upset. He is kind-hearted. How dare you say that to me? His voice is twice higher. "Don't enter the real world. There is a trap for you by the goddess of death. Don't you see it?"

"If you stop here, we can cooperate. I'm willing to help investigate the conspiracy behind all this. I'll use all my strength to change your past and make everything return to the past and the original. Please believe me." at the end, mitteron was a little excited, but he really wanted to help.

"Poor bastard, your knowledge comes from this chair, and you don't have that power." the anti prison was unmoved.

He put on his cloak a little tired, like a soldier about to enter the battlefield.

"Stop!" mitteron stopped him. "If you enter reality, do you know who is waiting for you? Why are you so stubborn?"

"Dakside? Or the goddess of death, or the heavenly Father you serve? Hum." the anti prison words surprised mitteron. He felt a little worried about the conversation for the first time. He realized that the conversation was out of his control and thought the problem simple. I'm afraid there is a deeper game behind it.

"They all want me to enter. Can you stop these will? Get out of here."

"Boom! -" there was a loud noise, and there was no attack from the anti prison. There was an energy emerging from the Mobius chair. Mitteron left the chair for the first time in hundreds of millions of years. His flesh and blood fell to the ground, and his consciousness soon stagnated.

I only vaguely saw that the anti prison stopped a small step in front of him, and intermittently several words "fate, cycle" came into my ears. Then the anti prison stopped looking at him, a poor bastard, and led the army to the material world without stopping.


This is a desert planet in the three evil universes of the earth. Thea has no influence on the battle between ghosts and eclipses, but the battle sites of anti prison and dakside can be selected.

After the ghost enters the battle, she leaves a channel at the cosmic level. As long as she enters the universe, she will appear on this planet.

The battlefields on both sides have already been arranged, so we wait for the two players to enter.

Dakside coveted each other's anti life equation.

The purpose of anti prison is more pure. He wants to be reborn and get rid of his inherent destiny of constantly destroying the universe. Fate is very firm to him, and he needs to break the boundaries of reality.

To this end, we must kill a new God, a new God who can touch the origin of all things. Dakside with Omega effect is his only goal. The contradiction between the two sides is irreconcilable. Only the fall of one side can end all this.

Thea added fuel to the flames. With the tacit consent of the heavenly Father, many archangels and great demons had their own thoughts, which finally confirmed the war.

As the heroes who contributed to this war, the two multiverse giants who are about to fight a death battle also acquiesced in the battlefield she chose.

Desert planets are more convenient for killing each other. The army of tianqixing entered the universe from the only channel a minute ago. Dakside didn't show up until the anti prison entered the universe and entered the battlefield. His men didn't find any conspiracy in it. He opened his mother box and came to the universe.

The wild wolf led all the celestial army to fight against the elite troops of the antimatter universe. As soon as the two sides contacted, they were killed everywhere and blood flowed into a river.

Anti prison and dakside didn't fight. They were looking at each other and waiting for the goddess of death and ghost. They left the universe. The eldest lady didn't go. They didn't dare to fight recklessly.

"What is that? It's no less evil than the eclipse, and it seems to be two energies?" Diana has barely touched the top of the new God. She vaguely sensed that the will of the world was cheering, because two evil roots came to the universe.