At the beginning, Bai Yiyi, a well-known network actress anchor in the live broadcasting circle, sent a thought-provoking microblog late at night.

[Bai Yiyi baby]: "I really can't stand it."

Bai Yiyi focuses on singing live broadcast, and takes the net red route of beautiful songs and sweet songs. It has been broadcast live for two years, and its popularity is quite good. There are a group of loyal male fans who always pay attention to the dynamics of their goddess.

Bai Yiyi made such a strange remark late at night, which was immediately noticed by her fans. A group of people asked eagerly under the microblog, and the microblog comments quickly reached thousands.

Things fermented all night.

The next morning, Bai Yiyi posted a microblog again, saying that he was harassed by [kid], the popular E-sports anchor, and sent a wechat screenshot.

[Bai Yiyi baby]: "Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. I just decided to stand up bravely and expose the most handsome scum @ kid. Since I entered the company, he has been harassing me. Last night, the anchor's annual meeting was harassed many times and invited me to open a room in the hotel. I can't stand it. Even if I can't be the anchor any more, I'll expose his ugly face."

[Photo]: nine wechat screenshots. Jpg


Once the microblog was issued, it immediately aroused thousands of waves with one stone.

Kid Lin Xiaozhou is an absolute top game anchor in China. At the age of 18, Lin Xiaozhou, a talented game player, first contacted the live game.

His appearance is lovely and handsome, his voice is hoarse and dumb. He plays games with a small mouth and quickly attracts a large number of female fans.

In addition, the game level is very high. Even professional players can't get sweet from him.

With good looks and high game level, Lin Xiaozhou soon became a mess. It is no exaggeration to say that half of the live broadcasting circle of E-sports is Lin Xiaozhou's.

Therefore, when Lin Xiaozhou's sexual harassment scandal came out, the microblog was suddenly full of gunsmoke.

"Blind me, kid looks so cute. Why is his mouth so dirty?"

"I'm going blind... Kid speaks so obscene..."

"Junk kid, get out of the e-sports circle!"

"Bai Yiyi has a cosmetic face. Will we kid like it?"

"Brain powder upstairs, I wish your future husband is a rogue dog like kid, #@ ¥ #%#@ ¥! (the system automatically blocks dirty words)"

"I've been in the boat for two years. I believe in his character!!! @ kid is the most handsome. Come and clarify!"

"I smiled. A few screenshots can be hammered? The picture can't be p?"

"Garbage fans upstairs, be careful to get a hammer."

"Give me a compliment, kid. Take a bite of shit."

"Junk kid, get out of the e-sports circle! @ kid is the most handsome"


The public opinion was quickly occupied by a large number of water forces and black powder, and the major marketing numbers of microblog went into battle and publicized it. All the comments were full of comments against kid.

The melon eaters who didn't know the truth almost thought kid had committed some heinous crime.

Once a fan tries to defend, he will be attacked by the group immediately, abused and criticized by private letters, and criticized on the commanding height of morality.

There is even a famous female blogger on the microblog who sent a long and meaningful article in the hope that all harassed women in real life will take up legal weapons and fight against evil forces.

Lin Xiaozhou was almost instantly disgraced.

Lin Xiaozhou's fans have to close their wheat and keep aitlin Xiaozhou himself, hoping that he can stand up and clarify the truth.

However, Lin Xiaozhou seems to have evaporated from the world and has not responded yet.