Li Jing left his bedroom and walked towards his father's courtyard. But on the way, he was stopped by Li Hua who called him from behind.

"Young Master, wait! Are you going to see your father?" She asked.

"Yes, why?" He answered.

"He is not here. The clan leader and the clan patriarch have been summoned by the king."

"Do you know why?"

"I think the king is supposed to announce the coming of some people of the Heavenly Jewel Empire or something like that."

Li Jing nodded. According to the timeline, the four generals from the Heavenly Jewel Empire should be here in a day or two. He actually had a plan for them but if he decided to leave the kingdom after getting his pet, he could just ignore them.

"Do you know when they will come back?" He asked.

"Probably tonight." She answered, not sure of her.

Hearing this, Li Jing sighed, he had planned to leave immediately but because of this, he will lose half a day… If he left the clan without the consent of his father, his shadow guards would follow him and it was not what he wanted…

Since he had half a day free, Li Jing thought about how to take advantage of it.

He decided that he would train with his daggers and finally learn the Martial technique Power Slash. He got this technique in the Martial Art Pavilion of his clan but still hadn't trained it since then. With this Martial technique, he would be able to launch Qi slashes with his daggers. It was not a powerful technique but it was a ranged attack and Li Jing lacked this type of attack.

He also decided that he would not train in the training ground of his courtyard but instead, he would train in the training ground common to the whole clan. It was because according to the memories of the original owner of his body, there were special training dummies there that used Wood Qi to regenerate themselves after being destroyed. They made perfect targets for training his Martial technique and his aim.

Li Jing walked towards the training ground of his clan. It was located at the back of the clan compound and was as large as a football field on Earth. Many people could train there at the same time.

Once he arrived there after a few minutes of walking, he noticed that there were a lot of people around his age gathered in the middle of the field. At least twenty young people formed a circle and cheered and laughed loudly. Curious, he decided to go there to see what was going on.

"What's happening?" Asked Li Jing to the person closest to him.

"Someone offended Young Master Zhiwang so he decided to teach him a lesson in front of everyone." Answered the young.

Li Zhiwang was Li Jing's cousin, he actually only met him once since he transmigrated in this world, during the day of the Awakening Ceremony.

The original Li Jing almost never left his courtyard so very few people knew what he looked like. The only people who knew him were the ones who saw him during the Awakening Ceremony but there were only adults during that time except the young who participated in the ceremony.

Li Jing approached the center of the circle, pushing a few people in his path, and saw his cousin facing another young of his age. This young could barely stand on his legs and his face was covered in blood.

"Li Wei, will you admit it now?" Asked Li Zhiwang in an arrogant tone.

"I didn't do anything, there is nothing to admit." Stubbornly answered Li Wei.

"Good… It seems like I still have to beat you." Replied Li Zhiwang, furiously.

Li Jing didn't really understand what was going on between these two. He didn't know Li Wei but he knew that Li Zhiwang was an arrogant brat.

Li Zhiwang was about to punch Li Wei but he was interrupted by someone.

"Li Zhiwang that's enough!" Said a girl while walking towards them and helping Li Wei.

Li Jing immediately recognized her, it was Li Yuan Yuan!

"A trash like you has no right to tell me what to do." Said Li Zhiwang, smirking.

Although she was a 1-star Alchemist, because of her D-grade talent she was nothing in Li Zhiwang's eyes. After all, he had a B-grade talent and was one of the rare geniuses of the clan.

"A trash? I will show you who is the trash!" Exclaimed Li Yuan Yuan.

"Oh? Then why don't we make a bet? If you can beat me, I will give you one hundred Qi Gathering Pills but if you lose, you're mine for the whole night." He said with a lecherous smile and eying her perfect body.

"You… You're disgusting!" She said, angrily.

Some of the people here agreed with her but none of them dared to say anything. Li Zhiwang was the grandson of the patriarch of the clan and one word from him would be enough to destroy their future or worse. They were only here because Li Zhiwang's lackeys forced them to come…

"So, you're afraid now? As expected of a trash." He said to provoke her.

Seeing that Li Yuan Yuan took the bait and was about to accept the fight, Li Jing used his Divine Sense and found out that she actually successfully breakthrough the seventh level of the Qi Gathering realm. But although she was one level higher than Li Zhiwang, it didn't mean that she could beat him.

Li Zhiwang trained and fought since he was young while Li Yuan Yuan mostly studied alchemist and the rare time she fought, she only used her poison. However, in this fight, she won't be able to use her poison because it was a sparring between clan members so weapons and Martial techniques were forbidden.

Li Yuan Yuan knew that her chance to win was not high but she couldn't stand seeing this bully acting so arrogantly. She was about to accept the fight but…

"Cousin Zhiwang, I didn't expect you to bully the members of our clan!" Exclaimed someone.

This person was obviously Li Jing. He decided to help Li Yuan Yuan firstly because Li Zhiwang, this bastard, disgusted him and secondly because he didn't want Li Yuan Yuan to attract too much attention before he left the kingdom. If people found out that she found a Demonic Inheritance, it would be bad for him. Although he didn't think that she would say anything, it was better to be safe than sorry…

Everyone turned to the person who just spoke to see who had the courage to oppose Li Zhiwang, including Li Zhiwang himself.

When she saw that this person was Li Jing, Li Yuan Yuan smiled widely. She knew that with him here, everything would be fine. She actually wanted to see him sooner to tell him that she brokethrough the seventh level but Li Jing had told her that no one should know that they met in the Dark Forest and found an inheritance so they should act like strangers.

"Cousin Jing, it's rare to see you outside of your courtyard." Said Li Zhiwang with a fake smile.

He heard from his father that Li Jing received a special pill that allowed him to directly breakthrough the fifth level of the Qi Gathering realm and was very jealous of that. Why did Li Jing receive this pill and not him? He also had a B-grade talent!

"Is he really Young Master Jing? It's the first time I'm seeing him." Said someone.

Everyone started to talk about Li Jing which angered Li Zhiwang since he gathered all these people to show off in front of them in the first place.

"I was not bullying them, Cousin Jing. I just wanted to teach them an important lesson… By the way, I heard that you were already in the fifth level of the Qi Gathering realm. Why don't we exchange pointers to enlighten everyone?" Said Li Zhiwang with a cunning smile.