Who am I afraid of (8)

Seeing Xu Tianchen's stupefied appearance, Lu Qingwan burst out a burst of startled Laughter: "ha ha, how can you be so stupid? Your expression is so funny, just like eating excrement."

"Lu Qingwan!" Xu Tianchen's stride is coming.

"Hey, chicken, be careful, or you'll be in vain." Lu Qingwan was out of breath, but he felt the pain on his back when he moved.

Suddenly elated expression becomes bared teeth, see Lu Qingwan this way, Xu Tianchen this is not kind to laugh out.

Lu Qingwan stares at Xu Tianchen fiercely. Xu Tianchen doesn't care about Lu Qingwan. His smiling eyes are all narrowed together.

At the beginning, Lu Qingwan was still angry, but looking at Xu Tianchen laughing, he couldn't get angry again and looked at him stupidly. Lu Qingwan always felt that Xu Tianchen didn't laugh often before, otherwise he would not be so gloomy when he opened his eyes to see him.

Xu Tianchen laughs enough. Seeing Lu Qingwan staring at him, he immediately knows that he has lost his manners, so he becomes serious and roars fiercely: "what are you looking at?"

Lu Qingwan was frightened by Xu Tianchen's change. He lowered his head and continued to play with grass.

Xu Tianchen frowned. Was he too fierce?

Strange, why care about Lu Qingwan's mood? Xu Tianchen even wanted to comfort Lu Qingwan, but after thinking that Lu Qingwan was Lu Zang's daughter, he took a turn and went to the fire.

Nimble hands and feet to drive the pheasant to the fire, and then began to roast chicken.

Lu Qingwan weaves a ring, which looks like a ring. Lu Qingwan shows his hand with satisfaction. Then he looks at Xu Tianchen who is cooking and says, "when can it be baked?"

Xu Tianchen looked at Lu Qingwan, who was waiting to eat. Suddenly, his heart was out of balance again. He said fiercely: "what do you want to ask? Do it yourself. "

Lu Qingwan turned his lips and muttered, "if it wasn't for the injury, I would beat you. A man doesn't know how to let me."

Of course, Xu Tianchen heard Lu Qingwan's murmur and said with a sneer, "as expected, I lost my memory. It's also a big lady's temper." Tone with, also don't know is miss or dislike.

"Do you know me?" Lu Qingwan keenly recognized the familiarity in Xu Tianchen's tone.

Xu Tianchen closed his mouth, but Lu Qingwan couldn't help but ask: "what was I like before?"

Xu Tianchen didn't answer, but he couldn't help thinking of Lu Qingwan. What did Lu Qingwan look like? Although Lu Qingwan likes herself, she is selfish. Her liking is more like charity, which makes Xu Tianchen very uncomfortable.

Although in changfengmen days, Lu Qingwan was very good to him, and Xu Tianchen also felt it, maybe it was Xu Tianchen's own psychological reasons that made him very uncomfortable.

"Hey, hey, what do you think?" Lu Qingwan called several times, which made Xu Tianchen come back.

Xu Tianchen looks at Lu Qingwan. Lu Qingwan's eyes are full of trust, which makes Xu Tianchen unnatural.

"You haven't told me my story before." Lu Qingwan's tone is expected.

"Forget before, forget, think so much about what to do!" Xu Tianchen said vaguely. Lu Qingwan said with some dissatisfaction: "everyone has a past. Of course I want to know."

"Oh, you don't know, I envy you that you can forget it!" When Xu Tianchen said this, he didn't look at Lu Qingwan, but looked at the fire.

Lu Qingwan looks at Xu Tianchen from the side. She thinks Xu Tianchen is in a bad mood at this time, so she doesn't speak any more.

Until one side of the pheasant was about to be scorched, Lu Qingwan carefully reminded: "well, please pay attention to our lunch."

Xu Tianchen this just regained consciousness, then turned over a body to continue to roast for the pheasant.

Both of them didn't speak, and Xu Tianchen didn't care about the word "we" that Lu Qingwan said.

Lu Qingwan had already smelled the smell of roast chicken, and looked at the Yellow pheasant eagerly. Then he watched the roasted pheasant dripping onto the fire, making a "Yila" sound, and the fire was also hit askew.

Lu Qingwan first fell ill and then fell into a coma. Although Xu Tianchen would give Lu Qingwan something to drink, he did not dare to drink more. He was afraid that Lu Qingwan might have some physiological problems, so Lu Qingwan could only barely eat and drink enough for his body function.

Originally, Lu Qingwan just thought that he had no appetite, but when he smelled the delicious barbecue, his stomach began to make a sound.Xu Tianchen glances at Lu Qingwan. Lu Qingwan smiles, then swallows his saliva and continues to stare at the roast chicken without any image.

Xu Tianchen: "this is really not Lu Qingwan he knew.

Finally, after nearly half an hour's staring, Lu Qingwan finally saw Xu Tianchen take the roast chicken down from the fire.

Of course, Xu Tianchen knows that Lu Qingwan is worried, but he is slow, even in a good mood to slice the lotus leaf with a sword.

Lu Qingwan felt that his saliva was about to flow out. If he hadn't hurt himself, he was afraid that he would have jumped in the posture of a hungry wolf.

Xu Tianchen first fed him a piece in his mouth, and then nodded his head with satisfaction. In fact, it was not so delicious, because there was no salt taste, and he had been eating this for the past two days. However, seeing Lu Qingwan's crying expression, Xu Tianchen was just happy and almost didn't laugh.

"Come on, I want meat." Lu Qingwan finally swallowed his saliva.

Xu Tianchen slowly dragged the roast chicken over, squatted beside Lu Qingwan and said, "do you want to eat?"

Lu Qingwan looked straight at the roast chicken in Xu Tianchen's hand, and then very honest nodded: "want to eat."

Xu Tianchen doesn't know if it's her own illusion. She thinks Lu Qingwan is more pleasant now. Her eyes are bright, just like a child begging for candy from an adult. She is a little cute.

lovely? Xu Tianchen noticed that the word came out of his heart, and he was scared.

Suddenly also did not tease the mind, hands the lotus leaf to Lu Qingwan, oneself sits back to the original place to dial the fire.

Lu Qingwan didn't care about the hot hands, and he didn't wash his hands. He put a piece of roasted chicken in his mouth. After two mouthfuls, he laughed with satisfaction, just a little less flavor.

"Do you have salt?" Lu Qing asked while eating.

Xu Tianchen did not have good spirit to say: "do not want to return to me."

"Want to eat, want to eat." Lu Qingwan was very protective of food and brought the lotus leaf into his arms. If only he had something to eat, he would not starve to death. As for the lack of salt... Well, it would be the same if I mentioned it later. This meal, let Lu Qingwan eat satisfied, a roast chicken all into Lu Qingwan's stomach.