Redemption on the brink of blackening (42)

Just when Lu Qingwan thought he was going to vomit blood again, the surrounding scene changed again, and the monkey disappeared.

This time there was a forest, and two people were standing in the bushes.

Because he didn't know what was going on around him, Lu Qingwan didn't dare to move, so he helped Nie Huanying to sit on the ground.

At this time, the sky is getting dark, and Lu Qingwan is even more afraid to move. In addition, there is no one to protect the Dharma, so he can only operate the Dharma slowly and help Nie Huanying to recuperate.

Lu Qingwan sets up a small border around them, and Zhanlan floats around them, which gives Lu Qingwan a sense of security.

"It's a real burden." Lu Qingwan looks at Nie Huanying who is in a coma and says to system A1 with some disgust.

"But do you dare to make him grow up?" System A1 is starting to engage again.

Well, Lu Qingwan has to admit that she really doesn't dare, especially in this place.

Nie Huanying wakes up in the middle of the night when she is frozen. What she sees is the black sky and the trees, while she is in a bush, and Lu Qingwan meditates not far away.

Nie Huanying instantly forgot the cold and lay in his own position, motionless looking at Lu Qingwan.

He regretted taking a risk for that stone spring flower. The most important thing is that he took a risk himself. It doesn't matter. He also implicated others, and this person is Lu Qingwan.

"If only I could be stronger." Nie Huanying looked at Lu Qingwan, and then slowly turned his eyes to the sky. There were no stars in the sky, only a big moon, so that the surrounding environment could see clearly.

Nie Huanying has never been more eager for power than he is now. He is stronger than Lu Qingwan, Shen Ziqing and everyone. He is so powerful that he can control the way of heaven

At this time, system A1 can't help but remind Lu Qingwan that Nie Huanying is beginning to show signs of blackening. However, because of the previous two experiences, system A1 is afraid to speak, Even if you know what land is now

I didn't pay much attention in the evening.

Lu Qingwan has been sitting on a stick of incense for almost a long time. He opened his eyes to be on guard. After all, the time interval of every scene change is a stick of incense, but this time the surrounding environment has not changed.

Lu Qingwan thought he had miscalculated the time, so he waited for a while.

It took half an hour for the scene to change into an endless bush, and all the trees around disappeared.

"Is there something wrong with the time or the surroundings?" Lu Qingwan frowned.

"It's not time." System A1 indirectly tells Lu Qingwan the answer.

Lu Qingwan felt it carefully for a while, and didn't find any danger. He felt relieved and looked at Nie Huanying lying on the ground in the moonlight.

Seeing that Nie Huanying didn't open his eyes, Lu Qingwan sighed slightly. Although his voice was very low, he was still heard by Nie Huanying.

Nie Huanying's fingers moved, but Lu Qingwan didn't see it.

"Don't blacken yourself in the future, or you'll be sorry for what I'm paying now." Lu Qingwan said silently in his heart. Lu Qingwan meditated until dawn, and the surrounding environment once again became what he saw when he came here, with trees and bushes.

Nie Huanying was awakened by the dew on the leaves. The dew fell on his dry lips. Nie Huanying pursed his lips and swallowed the hard-earned drop of water.

When Lu Qingwan opened his eyes, Nie Huanying just opened them.

"Master..." Nie Huanying tried to sit up by himself.

"Why?" Lu Qingwan is still thinking about the change of the scene. Last night, the change of the scene was not a change of incense. From the beginning of incense to the later half an hour, then to another hour, then to two hours, three hours

Is there any connection? Or is it that the more you get to the night, the slower the change will be?

Lu Qingwan quietly waited for Nie Huanying to speak.

"Master..." Nie Huanying did not dare to look into Lu Qingwan's eyes. "I'm a bottle of oil. Go out by yourself. Don't worry about me."

Lu Qingwan frowned unhappily. He worked hard to get to the present. As a result, he wanted to give up. How could he

Make her angry?

Without hearing Lu Qingwan speak, Nie Huanying can't help but secretly look up at Lu Qingwan. She finds that Lu Qingwan's face is blue and angry. Nie Huanying doesn't dare to speak for a moment.But system A1 secretly laughs, dare not let Lu Qingwan know.

Now Lu Qingwan finally knows how she feels. She tried hard to let her finish her task, but she thought of retreating. This kind of retreating when she shouldn't, especially when others are still working hard, is really very irritating.

Lu Qingwan narrowed his eyes dangerously. "It seems that you haven't been taught anything since you were a teacher. Today I'll teach you the first lesson. It's cowardly to give up when you shouldn't give up. When others work hard for you, you retreat first, which is not benevolent. Since I came here for you, I naturally want to save you. Now that I'm only halfway there, you think of letting me abandon you. Do you think I'm afraid of death, or do you think my cultivation is suppressed and can't save you, or do you want me to abandon my apprentice for my own life? Well

The last word is full of pressure, Nie Huanying's head is even lower.

Lu Qingwan seems to have never said so much in front of others, and with such strong feelings, even in an angry tone.

"Sorry..." Nie Huanying apologized in a low voice.

Lu Qingwan stood up and went to Nie Huanying. He raised Nie Huanying's chin. "I don't want you to give up when you shouldn't give up, and I don't want to see you make these meaningless apologies in the future. If the apology is useful, what's the use of heaven's punishment?"

Nie Huanying was forced to look up at Lu Qingwan's eyes. Lu Qingwan was angry and squinted. However, Nie Huanying couldn't bear to keep her eyes open because of the concern under her majesty.

Lu Qingwan seems to realize that his current action is somewhat "overbearing president", so he pretended to be calm and released his hand, "I hope you will remember what I said in the future, whether it is in the big or small things."

Nie Huanying felt that the cool temperature on his chin disappeared, and he felt a little disappointed, but he felt that his mood was too abnormal, so he pinched his thigh hard.

"Yes, I know, master." Nie Huanying even sitting, also respectfully line a salute. After listening to Lu Qingwan, she raised her chin slightly with satisfaction. Nie Huanying also saw Lu Qingwan's Micro expression, which made her heart feel soft.